It's been over 300 years since he was born

>It's been over 300 years since he was born
>Not a single artist in art, traditional, or popular music has come even close to Bach

How is this possible? Is he truly the greatest artist humanity will ever produce?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is he truly the greatest artist humanity will ever produce?

person: wow J.S. Back is truly the greatest artist humanity will ever produce
james ferraro: bitch please, guess again!

>not panda bear


unironically this

FSV is better than any of Beethoven's work

Well what have we here

>who is Young Thug


depends on what you want out of music, or your musical worldview so to speak, obviously
but sure in some ways yeah

>greatest artist
I'm sorry, but no

Your lives must be so boring ;)



We don't know the future, but he might be.

Pretty much. Mass In B Minor and Art Of Fugue will never be beat as masterworks of the aural medium.



I would say TWC and the Matthäuspassion.

Literally this

Crediting anyone with the fibonacci sequence they intuitively use to time their music is like believing we actually "invent" new technology out of thin air, rather than observing and copying what we see. Silly.

I'd also mention the Musical Offering.

Cantata nº 4, Cantata nº 140, some of the Motets, Goldberg Variations, some of the Brandenburg Concerts (specially the 5th one), 1st Flute Sonata (BWV 1030) and Passacaglia/Fugue 582 (c minor) are masterpieces as well. I might be forgetting a few others.
Then you have a lot of random movements from cantatas, fugues, choral preludes, his work is really incredible.

really comes down to whether you're an autist or not

There are a lot of things Bach didn't invent. What he did, though, was taking things that existed, mesh them together and bring them to a point of expressiveness and perfection that no one else did.

why don't people make classical like this naymore

>listening to some cunt called sebastian

might as well come out of the closet now desu

Anton Reicha was pretty good. Took Bach's ideas on fugues to the next level.

People still write in ye olde styles. people still write fugues etc.
Look at this guy, not even well known and yet shits out bach-like fugues

Lots of composers still work in the tonal system, and write chorales or organ works. IT just takes time to recognize the masters, perhaps in 50 years a collection of scores will emerge to showcase another great tonal composer.

Bach is great, but he's just a composer. Composers still exist and still write very interesting music. Bach certainly is one of the great masters, but great masters can and will still exist.

Is there a list of essential new classical (like Beethoven, Mozart, Bach etc.)?

I know modern classical, checked the RYM charts but it's just electronic doodely doo and noise


Stop posting your shitty fugues poly.

Classical is unstructured bullshit

A retart

This is objectively modern classical:

I would check out Arvo Part, Rautavaara, John Adams, Steve Reich and John Tavener for starters. Karl Jenkins is also pretty good for tonal music:

but user, classical is the most carefully structured of all musics.


Part's De Profundis is one of the greatest things I've listened to in my whole life.

I've heard John Tavener:

love this.

Thanks for recs.

Tired of RYM's modern classical electronic doodely doo


He made good music, and so did/do a lot of other people

Me, i'm better. #bach