Japanese albums

itt great japanese albums

Other urls found in this thread:



pick one

Oh and before anyone posts something like Les Rallizes Denudes or some Keiji Haino garbage, no none of their stuff is great.


You know what it is boi

Shut the fuck up, I know you only listened to it for the titties








Nujabes and the Long Seasons


Ryuichi Sakamoto - Thousand Knives of Ryuichi Sakamoto
Jun Togowa - Tamahime-sama
Tujiko Noriko - From Tokyo to Naiagara
Tama - Sonoroku
Kazuki Tomokawa - Muzan no Bi
Ichiko Aoba - 0
After Dinner - Paradise of Replica / Glass Tube
Haco - Ash in the Rainbow
Motoro Faam - ...And Water Cycles
Akio Suzuki - Odds and Ends
Aoki Takamasa & Tujiko Norikio - 28
V/A - The Koto Music of Japan
Akina Nakamori - Fushigi
Yasuaki Shimizu - Kakashi
Masakatsu Takagi - Coieda

this whole album is english

i enjoy it



Thanks for this list bro, your typing and thought are appreciated x


They are from japan.



This counts, right?



It looks like some kind of retarded bird at that angle with it's ears being the beak

this album is so overrated

The autism is out of control with this one


o i see it now

This. A thousand times this.


this is really good. basically just japanese mbv though.

>tfw playing this while driving through the city before the sun rises to drop off a girl you will never see again at the airport


this is really nice.

You've just described 95% of Japanese shoegaze. Still great stuff though.

yeah but that album in particular sounds about as close to mbv as you can get. like they just overdubbed their music with nip vocals. like i said its still great.

It really has the perfect atmosphere for those feels. Feel better, user.


Fuck off pleb

Anyone wanna recommend me some Japanese jazz albums? I don't really know any japenese artists. I just opened this thread cuz I saw titties

The OP album is "Midori - Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. We are Midori" and is noise-rock/punk with Jazz elements.



>LRD and Haino
>not the most plebeian garbage anyone would post in a topic like this

Very nice.

What album is this? The reverse image searches bore no fruits.

Flood by Boris

it's pretty great

Boris - Flood


It is Flood by Boris. You probably couldn't reverse-search it because it's actually in the wrong orientation.

Many thanks, lads

warm drones about the guy's dead cats, really recommended.

Cornelius - Fantasma

It was recently reissued and I was recommended it a few weeks ago and am loving it! I still haven't bought my tickets to see him perform it live.


Is it really? I honestly don't know lol. Google images shows the cover in all 4 orientations but I'd like to have it the right way for perfection's sake.


Oh fuck I guess it's all over the place after all. I knew it from this orientation.

I keep forgetting to post one of my favorite Japanese composers.

Takagi Masakatsu - COIEDA

One of my favorite albums of all time; some nice experimental music with some classical thrown in there. He would eventually work on soundtracks for the last two Mamoru Hosoda films.

I actually own it on CD with the obi strip. I never chcked but I just did and the way it's oriented is with the whitest part of the water on the left, so I just rotated it that way. RYM shows it with the whitest part on the bottom, so I still don't know for sure what's going on.

o shit waddup

Came for the titties, stayed for the screaming


Yo, I just listened to a random track off of this to test the waters. Listened to "Typewrite Lesson" and it rocked my socks, going to give the full album a listen


where the fuck can I find a torrent of this? or anything in this thread.


Seiko Matsuda - Citron

Seiko Matsuda and Haruomi Hosono


Post the name of the album and artist, FFS.


Flower Travellin' Band - Satori

good shit
good shit
good shit


hello /jap/, long time no see.

also listen to my city pop mixes ^__^
ps if anyone needs an invite to jpopsuki lemme know

what album is this?

Midori - Aratamemashite Hajimemashite Midori Desu

I think that's how you spell it, also the album might scare you off if you can't handle loud vocals.

meant for

thank you

I once accidentally listened to this and Friction - s/t at the same time; it was pretty good.




great fuckin album



Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet

Does Jim O'Rourke count?

And image.



heh, titties.

personally any albums he's made since the move to japan should count imo - before shouldnt

Pic related, and does anyone know if his latest album has leaked yet? Not even a single officially out yet - only 3 days left till release but i need it dammit

I'd love one, but how hard is it to keep a proper ratio? dont want to take an invite if I can't pull my weight



These albums are honestly timeless. I love number girl.


Pretty much anything from Akiko Yano. Anything.