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It's dead, and this is a good news

havent you heard the news?
CETA passed

That's not true though
also Magnette got what he wanted(according to him)

Fuck Canada lmao

Magnette man of the year 2016

is that the thing where the person walked out of or something

I saw it on tv but idk what it is lmao

What did you manage to salvage?

Yes that man was called Mr. Wallonia, he's a hero.

I have none

Bought some Chimay and Trappist Rochefort to support Wallonia

I stop eating Muslim chicken now i eat Canada chicks

well are we getting tim hortons and some poutine fast food?
if so I'm all in

Literally who care, Canada has less ppl than poland and is in deep shit
n-nothing bad will come from it will it?

Canada to replace UK in 2020


Never trust the eternal Canuck

Canada is a whore that sucks European and American cock?

It's hidden TTIP.
Burgers think they can pass their shitty vassalization under Cancuck proxy.

Fuck off scum, we don't need your shit quality food and products that will break apart after a month of using.

They're all made in China anyway

Smells like a scam to me...


Canada is a nice country as long as you don't have to deal with it, apparently.

lol who would actually give a single shit about A FUCKING LEAF

Fuck Canada

Fuck the EU fuck free trade fuck the fuck

Wow, Trudeau is a cunt.

Why is he supporting a pro-corporate deal in the first place?

What the hell is going on?

Cancuck-Usacuck-Chinacuck its same in Europe

Here's a good arcticle that completely ignores why he rejected CETA in the first place and what has changed now

Wallonia has a special place in my heart now.

I will not stand idle in the face of any thread or post chatting shit of Belgium from now on.

Apparently this has the Yuropoors pretty upset. I hope this passes.

This is probably the only good thing Wallonia has ever done
Globalist shill tears like here are pretty based

98% tariff elimination might be good or bad. we mostly have raw goods + services that we export rather than manufactured stuff.

europe is pretty much secluding themselves from global trade, they really need this if they want to ever wield any form of economic power in the bigger world.

ah yes Canada sure is relevant
I guess maple syrup prices will go way down now.

Well fugg, it didn't even last 48hrs.

It's a test for the TTIP, and that's the issue. In itself, a trade treaty with Canada is as relevant as one with Benin.

Not true.

It only was approved to go to a vote in each nation's parliament.

It was passed in Germany.

If a single EU country doesn't pass it, then the whole thing won't go through iirc.

How Long untill Canada is filled with rapefugees and looks like paris?

fuck canada


This a thousand times. Fuck TTIP, CETA, the USA and consumerism.

Thank God for based Valloons.

when Mexico stop Drug cartel