What does Sup Forums think about this retard?

what does Sup Forums think about this retard?


is that david gold?

Muh white pride. I've only ever had sex with a non-white so I guess my actions speak louder than my words. His early black metal stuff is still pretty good imo

You answered your own question.

OP fuck off

If you call Varg a retard one more time, I dont think I can guarantee your safety...

Varg is a retard and so are you

>I've only ever had sex with a non-white so I guess my actions speak louder than my words.

hahaha, why did you mention this in your post? Why bring this up?

team reddit is on a fieldtrip

He says it like it is, proper lad

because I am pro-cuck and Varg is not

he made good music twenty years ago.
then he got mindfucked in prison.
now he's a cringeworthy reactionary youtuber and it's funny as hell.

i do like his environmental policy though. honestly i agree with many things he says except all the racism and misogyny.

When was he racist or sexist? I don't know anything about this guy really

He's not a sexist, but he believes in white supremacism.

he certainly is racist and sexist, just watch his videos. i don't mean this in a negative way, he himself and his his proponents will agree that he is racist and sexist.

>he believes in white supremacy
>he's racist and sexist!

He believes that people should stay within their own racial and cultural groups and advocates that they all promote the health and safety of their own groups/race.

That's hardly racist.

He himself has described himself as a racialist

Isn't he that faggot who in some black metal satanist group, until he murdered his band mate? He's a nazi now right?

Yes, and that doesn't mean racist at all.

He was literally never a satanist. He was never in a band. He's a one-man musician, and he murdered Euronymous, a member of a black metal band.

He was into National Socialism for a time but he's a tribalist now.

>He was never in a band
He was the bassist in Mayhem at the time with Euronymous, and he was also in Old Funeral before that.

criminally underrated

He his actually very interesting.
I like the way he live his life now.


he is le edgy racist/sexist/homophobic man, so the edgy 16 year olds here love him

>Yes, and that doesn't mean racist at all.
Yes it does.

>He was into National Socialism
kek, "not a racist"

Have you ever been cucked?

No he hasn't. Alt-rightists have never talked to women, they just fantasise about being cucked and then blaming it on the jews.

He makes cool music, but he is criminally insane by all means. Cool guy to look into but not a guy to look up to. Kinda like charlie manson.

I liked Hvis and then listened to his newest album and it sounded like runescape music so im not sure

racist in the sense of dividing people into races with different qualities. he is racist. not saying that is a bad thing.

and sexist as in saying that men and women should perform different pre-determined tasks based on their gender. again, you do not need to defend him as I am not accusing him of anything, just stating fact.

Except Charlie Manson is certainly someone to look up to. He's the king, man!

>racist and sexist if you use the commonly accepted definitions of racist and sexist, sure, but if I reword it in slightly more palatable language, I'm - I mean he's totally not a racist or a sexist!

Psychopath it's scary that he has children

All of his music sounds like runescape music too

I am sure he uses Sup Forums
Filosofem is GOAT. I'm not even into black metal and I am saying this.

when did I say he's not racist or sexist?
i'm the guy that originally said he is racist and sexist. I'm this guy:

Daily reminder that tribalism or racial separatism can and sometimes is completely devoid of racism.

Wanting a homogenous group to live in can be motivated by the belief that some races are superior to another (racism), but it can also be motivated by a desire for decreased crime or a goal of easy companionship with others in your group-- both of which are hardly racist at all.

Oh, it's hard to tell because now you think racism is a good thing. You're just as bad as the apologist. Kill yourself.

>calls himself philosophy check
>shares bunk sociology/biology

i never said it's a good thing. in fact if you reread my posts you would catch me saying that i don't agree with his racism and misogyny and calling his reactionary ideology cringeworthy and funny as hell.

Not an argument

He has two excellent or at least pretty enjoyable albums. And then some good songs distributed in the rest of albums.

To be honest, I don't care about him killing a guy, having retarded political ideas or being making an awful roleplaying game. Most people in general is a bit retarded, specially artists, at least Vikernes is comical sometimes.

>not saying that is a bad thing.
here's one:

>but it can also be motivated by a desire for decreased crime
[citation needed linking race to crime]


>implying all crime reduction is due to certain race and not the fact that people feel more at ease with members or their own race.

I think you're the one with racist thoughts.

not his daughter

btw nice get

once again


lol you must have a very loose definition of hardly.

"I'm not sexist, I just think men need to regard their own gender's health instead of conceding to or having regard for the well being of women!"

I have a theory: the only reason anyone cares about the early 90s Norwegian black metal scene is because it was the most violent, ridiculous music scene ever. Lots of people doing stupid, ridiculous stuff. The church burners got all the attention in that scene. Of the church burner bands, the most controversial one was Mayhem because of antics like dead animals on stage, a picture of post-suicide Dead on an EP cover, etc. And of Mayhem's members, Varg was the most ridiculous and sensationalistic because of the racist writings, and the murder and trial. So people only care about that scene because of sensationalism, and he's the most sensationalistic member. Let's face it, Burzum is a completely mediocre cheap bedroom noise synth project, and while he did play on Mayhem's best album, he was really the least important member of the band.