Who /PP2/ here?

Who /PP2/ here?

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Fuck off

I would be, if I could.

I gotchu senpai


its on soundcloud

deadboys we out here

seshradio is fucking hilarious

Was finally able to download it. Here we go, lads.

MagentaLavaLamp is missing on the soundcloud stream for some reason

Which is precisely why I wanted to wait to get the download.

found a mirror just now anyway

its 2013 again?

Do I hear a Bowie sample in MagantaLavaLamp?


listening to it right now
really dig it

It's so fucking boring

wheres the dl

where to start with bones?


Paidprog 1, Deadboy, Garbage, ...

PP1 had so many so many good tracks all together, this one has only a few tracks I instantly loved, what a shame

start by not starting
you are an embarrassment if you listen to this

hey, anyone got a download? i know he posted it in the soundcloud description but that link is dead.

not good. pp1 is still superior

alright just kidding, it works now

It's boring, where are the bangers


it's not even angriest bones album


get your own thread fag



this shit sucks

Fuck off, Elmo.

Seems like he took a step back to his lighter style from before Garbage or Useless

I guess it makes sense since it's a sequel to PaidProgramming which was sort of lighter as well

I'm a fan of his harder stuff personally so there's not too much on here that I'm super into

It's like bones was stripped down and removed of all the lo fi sounds that made him interesting and all that's left is mediocre bars and dull production.


best one

this sesh radio was really good

indeed it was.
RIP Chip Kipperly

also, who /raremerch/ here? one of a kind, will post back side


ive got a long sleeve white sesh tshirt with the wulf on the front

Rocks is pretty damn good too

All his producers make the same shitty generic soundcloud trap beats on this mixtape, the production is so boring. I'm disappointed, BONES usually does something new every time.

Garbage, Skinny, Useless, Powder, Scumbag, then you can pretty much go anywhere

TeenWitch is bad though, stay away from that one

I liked TeenWitch though.

Start with Cracker, Creep, PaidProgramming, DeadBoy, then go to Garbage, Skinny, Rotten, SoThereWeStood, and more recent releases.

Oh yeah and if you're looking for a more 'trap' sound, listen to BONES, Teenager, LivingLegend, 1MillionBlunts.

PP2 is pretty good. I don't really hear how it's a direct sequel to the first one, it's more like a callback to his 2013 style in general with the tighter production his current stuff is known for. Lots of solid tracks regardless. SeshRadio: Volume3 is a trip.

It's not his best work.

Personally, I love SoThereWeStood and Rotten the most.

Caves ep is essential. Morning dew is one of his best

I love Biodegradable and Maggots

How can he and his fans be so fucking cringy? That's Korn tier song titles omg so edgy guys please kill yallselves

Holy fucking shit dude
I bet you get laughed at in public a lot, if I saw you I'd be in tears lol kill yourself

there's a bunch of black metal fans and metalheads who enjoy rap and like bones because he's a white rapper and makes dark/nihilistic rap, and then there's the angsty teenage hipsters who listen to him too

>painted nails
Why the fuck would I listen to some wanna be tranny cuck please fuck off

Useless was so much better than this

If the dude would sit down for once and make a cohesive album he would be fucking god tier

It took me awhile to get into Useless but now I have to agree.
So far this album isn't as good as I was hoping it would be.

>that soulless Night Lovell sounding shit
>a few good songs
it's meh, i'm already forgetting about it, it annoys me more that $uicideboy$ is now on iTunes

>god tier
Fucking Kek, pic is every bones fan

>fucking feminists
I'm a Bones fan and this is all I agree with.

The only great one on this one, it's okay overall, not Rotten or Frayed-tier and definitely not as great as TeenWitch or Banshee or Powder but it's on par with Useless and Hermitofeastgrandriver at least

kill yourself

Honestly think Powder and Rotten are his best tapes

Same, but Teenwitch is definitely up there too

BombsInTheLunchroom is the shit

Rotten is underrated. Amethyst is one of his best tracks

it would be a good one if not for that autotune part at the beginning and the end, it kind of kills it

>on iTunes
>i have to pay money for it
>it's not even that good
$uicideboy$ aren't even that good, and that's one of their worst mixtapes, desu

Greygods III when

I like that autotune part
Bones actually uses autotune better than most rappers

I love his autotuned parts, they sound really spaced out and ethereal without a better word to describe it

i agree, but not in this particular song, in Calcium for example it's used perfectly, but this is some Bladee-tier shit

damn $uicideboy$ have fallen. I regret giving them money on bandcamp now.

Thats on deadboy right? Deadboy is a great album virus is killer

i did the same around the time "I No Longer Fear the Razor Guarding My Heel (ii)" came out, i really wanted them to grow but now they sound just as generic as everybody else
yet this was so promising too youtube.com/watch?v=HcZ7ciwWmpI

maybe their next one will be better

Yeah they sold out big time

Deadboy was kinda his most popular album in the 2014-2015 until the asap rocky fans came over after Canal St. which used part of Bones's Dirt track from the Scumbag mixtape and asked for more generic bangerz songs, and that's how we got here basically. It's really weird knowing of TeamSESH from 2013, everyone around me seems to have gotten into it much later.

I think i'm done following them for now. I hate the whole "maybe they'll get better" mentality. Usually they don't.

On the other hand they never really stated they don't want to sell music like teamsesh for example, if i remember correctly from one vid they kinda said that they didn't want to work and wanted to make music and if it didn't work they'd commit sudoku. But it's just that as soon as money's involved you have to make shit that the core audience will like for it to sell well and then expand, means loss of creativity.

eh I give it a 6.5/10

i never expected $crim to sound like a hillbilly

and look like a school shooter too
he sounds a bit better now youtube.com/watch?v=Zvj_U1JOOzA

>commit sudoku

>tfw 24 tracks

that pic of a girl isn't me dude, chill out

>the fact it's their first itunes release (i think so i got every album for free so far)
>fans crying they are sell outs

..my proudest achievement in this month SESH

it's just that they sound generic now, and will continue to do so cuz it's what sells