Post the most Canadian pic you got

Post the most Canadian pic you got.

That pic is adorable 3bh


I wanna grab the goose.
It looks so round.



I was on a service call to Edmonton a few years back in January. Flew in, rented a car, and drove downtown. Parked the car at hotel, plugged it in, then saw a red ZR-1 Corvette with studded tires zipping through the 7 cm snush.



Moose waiting at Tim Horton's.

nothing adorable about the world's most dangerous beast

Canada Goose likes fellow leafs. its only the burgers that they attack.







>chugs eight beers
>goes to Detroit

You'd have to be intoxicated to want to go to Detroit. I say he's served out his punishment already.

Wow what a shithole haha


I just found out that I don't have any Canadian pic other than this one.


>Someone did this

these people are on strike btw

This is probably the best I have.



This pic always makes me chuckle


What is the BEST place to live in Canada?


its an american visiting canada that just bought a soda and a hat

why are canadians so fucking ugly

Canada is similar enough to Europe.