
hanna edition

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Enjoy your sausage fest

3D women are NOT important.

cucked by literally one second, mr. kiddie fucker :)

I see you stopped posting with your MPV screenshots.


last year to be honest
in my group there are LITERALLY ZERO WOMEN KEK
but I chose this field not because of that so that is ok

>ywn enjoy premium georgian vino with your bf then give him a cheeky bj and go to bed together as it rains outside

I hate niggers

are you a girl?

i can be your bf and i can even buy you expensive french vino

Look at this loser lmao

transitioning mtf so yeah

So I was driving with one of my chi psi bro, and I accidentally grabbed his leg instead of the gearstick. We both laughed and I unzipped his pants. We parked the car and I started to fondle his balls. He started laughing because he knows it's all just a joke. I started sucking his dick in the empty parking lot, and I almost choke because I'm laughing so fucking hard. My friend is also laughing his ass off too, because this is the greatest prank ever. He starts making train noises while yelling, "BROJOB! BROJOB! CHOO CHOO!". When he cums, I swallow it like I'm some big faggot. I kissed him and call him a big faggot while laughing.

She cute but she kinda have asian eyes
She russian?




We need more trannies in this thread to be honest.


He'll be back

>one chance at life
>life ruined by ugly looks

We shall create a Baltic empire under the leadership of the Lithuanian nation. I salute the Lithuanian people, who are the greatest of all Soviet people.
- Joseph Stalin

half of these posters are probably polish, russian and stuff like that

Korea, travel to korea and fix it.

I'm unironically Russian and then there's the exhange Pole, so that makes us two I guess.

I miss Finns

you miss him?


Allahahahahahahah I'd rape her so hard she'd forget which end she poops from.

will i be praised by korean cuties?

>this guy again

Stop pretending to be me already.

von is cia, Rauli

No idea, but you can get looks fixed there.

>not drink whiskey
>not pass out in a puddle of your own vomit
IKI was having a sale again.

People keep referring to South Korea as "Korea", implying there's only one.
Just wanna let you know that the South Korean propaganda machine is making you use wording like this so you believe that they are the true Korean people, even though they aren't.

i was a victim of poisonivylul... thank god they took her twitter down... they got my picture on the encyclopedia dramatica page though... im so fucking depressed guys...

dumb cunt

>monkey shoulder

mano negre

Looks expensive as fuck, I can respect that. My father always drinks Scotch whisky he imported from somewhere, but I can't warm up to that shit, it's disgusting. Not sure what people see in whisky, but it is a stats symbol I suppose.

Tell us more

you say victim as if you were tricked and not just pathetic


well to me she seems to be an asian
>black hair
>black squinty eyes

Could you please stop downloading my pictures and imitating me?

she has europoid cheekbones and facial structure tho

What is it like?

Tbh monkey shoulder nupirko draugė, o Nikka pasiėmiau pats, nes kažkada jau buvau gėręs ir patiko neįprastas skonis.

It was only 22€ and Nikka was 26€. IKI has sales on different whiskey pretty much every week.

why that weeb poster always posts his shit but rarely replies
fucking hate that guy

farming (you)s

she still looks much more asian than white

>blended whiskey
>expensive as fuck

You get used to it. It's like when kids don't like the taste of coffee. You just need to try it more. Some people still mix their whiskey with sugary drinks but I think it's terrible. Unless it's Jack Daniels. That trash is disgusting straight up.

thread looks like an african forum

>Has a Human Name
>Is a Chink

Thank you Hiroshima

What's what like?

>all ur alcohol are belong to us

deutsche halbneger haben auch kartoffelnamen du hurensohn

i thought she fucking loved me i wrote hjer fucking name on nmy forehead in black permanent market didnt leave my room for 2 days... she started ignoring me... i had feelings for her despite how she treated me until all this shit fucking came out now i just want to shoot myself. thank god i dont have a gun.

I curse your cattle, you odorous horse.

>african forum

I think that best describes your wife's bedroom :^)

Her face doesn't look Russian at all
>tfw there were more asian immigrants lately
>twf saw two (2!) niggers, a lot of asians and a few muslim girls wearing hijab

It's always like that in the evening

Whiskey in general. Never had any. A post above says Jack Daniels is disgusting. True?

JD is overpriced, in the sense that you can get better stuff for the money, but it's in no sense awful. People give it too much shit. I like to wash down whiskey with a bit of ginger drink, but if it's good stuff I like it raw as well.

Stop your manplaining (man complaining), men cannot be victims. They're too privileged.

Wait but I thought Russia would save the white race
Ivan don't fail us

leave and never comeback


brb looking you up so i can assess the kind of retard you are


No. It's pretty average. I think the worst I ever tried was Grants. Now that thing is truly disgusting.

> Wait but I thought Russia would save the white race
Well, both our capitals are infested with non-whites now and everything is up to you now

I just dislike JD. I hated Jameson previously, but I kinda like it now. Maybe I'll like JD someday. At the time I started liking these kind of drinks no one drank it around me. I guess I kinda skipped on the JD meme and later realized 20 year olds love it because jack and coke wohoo I'm finally into my 20s.

Would fug desu

What brands would you suggest?

fuck youj both thats not even me i dont even look like that but stop fucking trying to fuck me i had to delete my fucking facebook and everything im going to be a laughing fuckign stock let me tell you right fucking now she is NOT a troll she is a sadistic cunt i did NOT send her nudes she said she fucking loved me she engaged me in a romatnic way i was bitter with women cos i never had anything to do with any of them until hanna came along and its all 100x worse i fucking regret ever giving myself the hope

Me in the pic.
You will never be as white as me, shitskins


I'm getting Vietnam flashbacks. Ballantine's is also kind of icky. To the guy who asked about whiskey. Try stuff like Jack Daniels or Jim Beam with coke / apple juice first. After you get used to it maybe try it straight but first times are going to be terrible, since you don't do shots, you sip it.

That's quite long ears


Thread theme song

you're a fucking idiot


(You) should smile more

How did you know?

I don't know, if you just want to ease into it and mix drinks it's probably stuff like Four Roses, Wild Turkey or Wild Grouse. It's about as inoffensive as bourbon can get. Or JD. Despite all of the hate it's actually alright for mixing stuff. And technically it's whisky, not bourbon.

hmu with a link to the ed page

I know how you feel, friend.

its the 2nd result on google u fag

look you cant even see my fuckign faace in it so ill just say the only one of me on the encyclopedia dramatica is me in the underwear... im fucking ashamed but this is an anonymous website it doesn't fucking matter. i still dont know whether i should delete my runescape account though.

i just hope she doesnt leak any of the other fucking photos she made me take...

Thanks, I'll try this.


this looks like a public bathroom

its a work bathroom... she always got upset when i went to work because i couldn't be talking to her constantly, doing the things she wanted... thats when she first started ignoring me. she made me fucking do it to prove i still loved her...

you know despite how stupid the whole situation is, it's kind of creepy that an 18 year old girl is literally out there trying to bait people into killing themselves. that's kind of fucked up

Again, would fug. Have you considered opening you anus to the passage of penises?

women are fucked up my friend

only fucking replying because you got quads and no fuck off ive gone through enough sexual humiliation im not about to fucking bend over and put more shit into my fucking ass

Oh, I remember how I felt when I read this when I was 14 or something.
Literally the best fap of my life

for what it's worth nobody in this thread would never have seen the picture or known anything about it if you didn't bring it up, so naturally if you keep trying to take the stuff down and don't mention it you can put it behind you

yeah my facebook is gone and the twitter is gone i'm hoping thats all that was on me on the clearnet. please no archives please please please

>put more shit into my fucking ass
go on