3x3 tapmusic.net

Hey, let's try this thread again. I made the last one and I fell asleep before I could reply to it.

I still feel bad about being banned from that dischord server last night.

drama keeps happening?
2016 is a good time to be re-binging on Swans yeah, TGM was a lot better than I was expecting it to be

what discord server were you banned from?

an abdl dischord server. I was banned because I was complaining about loneliness and I said it makes me happy when there's mass shootings, just being a total dick and saying shit because I was pissed off about feeling lonely that night. The mods were such douche bags, the were like "we can't have people who like seeing other people die in our chat room rah rah rah rah rah rah" so they banned me, but not before I called them a nigger and told them fuck you and go die a few times.

I still havent' listened to Wreck and Reference, which is pretty weird considering I follow them on twitter and all
good tweet game

also, check out Minuit Dans Tes Bras by Michel Cloup Duo

oh i thought it was one of the Sup Forums-related discords
listen to the new Wreck & Reference
also listen to the new Wreck & Reference
then also listen to their earlier albums
their music is the only thing better than their Twitter game

Sup Forums discords can go south in less then 2h, we should know
and yeah I will listen to W&R tonight, it's the least I can do

>Sup Forums-related discords
those are utter fucking garbage.

the lastfm discord is still going strong with at least 15 regulars

gotta agree with that
if entry is open to more than a select few, it inevitably goes to shit in an hour
get your feels ready

so's the collage thread one, or at least it was last week
Comme Un Seul Narcisse is a collab between Atkinson and Jefre Cantu-Ledesma btw
check out Schwarze Riesenfalter by Lambkin and Pisaro if you liked it

I AM my feels



something off?

Pele - Enemies

>Comme Un Seul Narcisse is a collab between Atkinson and Jefre Cantu-Ledesma btw

yeah, it's under both artist's in my library, I think the tagging is off though, also will check out Reisenfalter, Lambkin and Pisaro are both cool

3/4 +American Football, SoKo, Slint
- Deafheaven

5/6 Gorillaz, Brand New, Snoop, M.I.A., At The Drive-In
- Husker Du

4/4 Eliiott Smith, Nirvana



1/2 + Electric Wizard
- Swans

>- Swans
fuck you scum of the earth

t. Swans fanboy

what is that t.? A middle finger? You fucking avenged sevenfold and the tony hawk video game soundtrack, you're a douche bag kid.

I'm just confident in my taste, unlike someone with no grasp of grammar who feels the need to insult someone who doesn't like the same thing as them (e.g. you)

>says they feel confident in their taste
>gets mad when someone tells them they have shit taste
yeah, you're not confident in your taste, you're a mad little bitch.

I like Swans but jesus fuck temper your autism dude

The autism is real

Are you a feminist,?
Muffs look cool
+ sauna


Didn't realize my week was such a wild ride.

No, why?


>anime soundtrack
