Autism thread

How do I listen to this album without completely fucking up my No I didn't just listen to the same Green Typewriters track 9 times in a row. Do you just name them after their #'s? That feels wrong

honestly fuck green typewriters. Especially the 9 minute one

Mine are numbered I through X. Honestly, I didn't know that they didn't have numbers.


Yeah it's kinda annoying, the vinyl has it as 1 track while all CD releases just have 9 songs called the exact same thing.

how am i meant to scrobble this? what should i call the tracks?

This is literally the reason I haven't downloaded this album yet. Kill me.

i've just ended up calling them the track times like most people on do. you should definitely download it though or at least listen to it


Green Typewriters is one of the greatest pieces of psychedelic rock on the planet.

i just called them all ''Untitled''

Dont know the album, do all the tracks have the same title, that sholdnt be an issue if your sorting method is based on folders, my sorting method is artist(folder) year- album title (folder) track number- title (audio files)

>fuck up my

omg stop trying to look cool to nobody and listen to what you want.

baby only listened to Olivia Tremor Control and Of Montreal?

Honestly that's a gay opinion

No, I listen to loads of neo-psych. What songs would you put above GT?

on the version i downloaded all the titles for the tracks were blank.

check EM

this thread is stupid as hell
>fucking up my
lol, oh fucking no

The consensus on discogs seems to be calling all those tracks green typewriters

i think we're talking about a different album. in the posts and i was talking about the body lovers album.

but yeah for the otc album you're right

Just name all tracks untitled, like 01- untitled 02- untitled and so on

Green Typewriters I - X is how to do... gay boy....

rip bill doss


Anyone who disagrees is a pen