
pakis experiencing british banter edition

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heyy x

Sorry to interrupt but can someone tell me how to make an account here? I have seen others posting with accounts and I would rather not be Anonymous, it gets my posts confused with everyone else's.

Most white Americans are dirty progressives. Hence, where they can be found, they should be killed. There are a handful which claim not to be progressives, but they are so few in number as to be statistically irrelevant.

Just kill any American white you can catch as a precaution. They are all filthy multiculturalists, progressives, race mixers, supporters of homosexuality and trans rights, and Islamic apologists.

Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:


USA > uk

will be adding to my Sup Forums collection tomorrow

I want and need to suck a big cock right now.



Dave is more British than half of you pale looking aboriginal cunts


>i save posts for the new thread

sad cunt

>i am such a massive runt that i do not like both cats and dogs

ah yes very impressive

girl just asked for my forgiveness lads

she seems actually upset and I'm finding it hard to say no

what do x

>Conor mcgregor and his father used to get in fistfights because Conor refused to do plumbing
>A senile irishman can handle dat left but some of the 'best fighters in the world' can't



fair enough

retched at this post

the UK is superiour to the us

close your eyes and say no

I'm watching the Hearthstone world championships on Twitch

Also found my Sertaline and Propraponal while cleaning out my drawer

Who wants a dry pussy

Squirt and creamer is the best combo

bit gay

He looks like a bit of a manlet 2bh

>connor '13 seconds' mecgreggor
ah yes...the infamous irish chin...back to the potatoes paddy and leave the fighting for real men

i drink a glass of olive oil every day

>Sorry to interrupt but can someone tell me how to make an account here? I have seen others posting with accounts and I would rather not be Anonymous, it gets my posts confused with everyone else's.

I put the dare in santan and the santan is santander


>its a flatmate listens to the same 10 songs over and over episode
Really dont like this one

a c"a"t as they say

that's a pic of me

haha hes well fluffy

*spooks you*

did you move from singapore

>Sorry to interrupt but can someone tell me how to make an account here? I have seen others posting with accounts and I would rather not be Anonymous, it gets my posts confused with everyone else's

>there's a literal ikea video at the bottom of the page


never switch up on my gang no

Shut the fuck up you bent cunt you realise how autistic your gay rhetoric sounds?

Majority of the best British boxers are Irish, black, scouse or Welsh, English men cannot fight one on one nor can they fight at all, I'd cave your fucking head in you runt

Also how is him knocking Aldo out in 13 seconds with a single punch a bad thing? Thick cunt

more like sri wanker

>Sorry to interrupt but can someone tell me how to make an account here? I have seen others posting with accounts and I would rather not be Anonymous, it gets my posts confused with everyone elses.

what kind of mong doesn't have ads blocked?

Ah yes, Christmas draws near and people are already playing those shitty Christmas songs about snow and shit


>go on wiki page about cats
>see this

ah yes

work work work work work

phone posting x

that feel when no boyfriend


dogs kill children

Lunks BTFO

what kind of mong phone posts?

>So much grams
>Unzip da bag
>Dip in my hand
>Then I palm trees

190kg master runt in cat form on the right

>Englishmen cannot fight at all

Forgot that England actually didn't conquer 1/3 of the world ha ha

bit bent

he used to make a massive weight cut to beat up people much smaller than him, hence why his striking hurt them so much. Now he doesn't make the weight cut and fights people his own size, likewise he hasn't finished anyone in a fight since

His fashion sense always triggers me.

Why most sportsman dress so badly?

Imagine being in Venice with the gf and seeing a load of South London roadmen filming a music video


/Clover master race/ here

one who enjoys looking at ads x

>chances of winning changes day by day

Yeah, I predicted Leicester City would win the league because I changed it before the final match when they were guaranteed to win anyway.

Super predator sounds like a sick name

Wouldn't mind if people called me super predator

imagine if americans hibernated every winter

i havent wanked off all day

>Coca-Cola already selling the Santa Claus cokes
Not that I drink it myself but it's fucking October

Testing out the new reddit flags for phones extension


more like super redditor

*flicks you off my shirt like the snivelling beetle you are*

That's a lot of calories la

like 2000-4500 depending on the glass.

What kind of mong phone posts and doesn't use clover?
Good lad

4 replies

2 years today since I first took acid. My acidversary ha.

Did you read the post? I said they can't fight one on one for a reason, they are great at adhering to strict militaristic codes and having great battle discipline but it's no secret they can't fight with their hands

How is Sri Lanka treating you my friend?

>Changing your opinion based on data is dumb

wew haha

Trump will win

Super (child) Predator

Need a poo pretty bad desu

embarrassing lmao

its hand made Venetian glass

what kind of mong doesn't use proxies?

the military machine of the BE was powered by the martial prowess of the irish

Wew fucking BTFO

>fighting with your hands in 2016

Alri Great great grandad

that's what windows are for

It's not a prediction if you can change your mind every day

good pots

Imagine being in London with the gf and seeing a load of Alabama hicks filming a music video


I had a wank earlier and bust a huge nut. I guess you could say it was like a tsunami from my willy

giving her another chance lads

waheyy this will definitely work out

You have no clue who you're talking to, I'm the super predator lad

You may perceive me as a snivelling beetle, but little do you know you are my prey

got to call the 'rents

hope they're in a good mood


i'll shit you out like yesterdays sausage you bog-trotting prick

>Ask for new hoodie for birthday present
>get punching bag instead

Another shit birthday desu

the gf


could she not resist the BBC?

Just read The English Patient by Sri Lankan Michael Ondaatje.
10/10 author tbqhfamalam