Sup Forums bf

I want an Sup Forums bf.
I'd lay my head on his chest.
I'd caress his tummy and play with his nipples.
I'd let him spoon me.
I'd ride him very hard.
I'd love him.
Please give me Sup Forums bf


>gays on my board

i'm so lonely

I'm available
Just don't expect any peepee in poopoo or peepee in mouth action

Sup Forums isnt gonna help you faggot, you live in fucking brazil how hard is it to find partner? just stop being autistic and start working out

i want autistic bf

be your bf then

Are you that fat cunt?


you still need to go out..

>faggot thread
>brazilian op

every time

Lose some fucking weight

What happened to the Aussie? Did he finally kill himself?

Yeah fuck you I'm taking my offer back, fuck you for ignoring me like that

Brazilians only reply to first worlders because Brazilian are first world asslickers. Excuse the behavior of Brazilian posters, Morocco.

More like MoreCock-o amirite

The biggest faggots are usually americans, brits or aussies, but brazil seems to come to after them.

Its ok, and thank you for being such a nice person

How original

i just want a cock to suck

I worked in a hostel last year, and a Brazilian tourist who weighted over 200 kilograms, perhaps over 250, came with a Brazilian rented fuckboy (I imagine it was rented, because It is impossible for someone to want to sleep with such a hippopotamus)

Once I had to go to their room because the morbidly obese man phoned me since he had eaten everything in the minibar, and wanted to pay me for it, and to get the minibar full of food again.

Both were naked in their king sized bed, but the fat guy was enormous, leaving only a small part of the bed for the fucboy, and he made the matress sink completely on his side, so the fucboy couldnt sleep on the other side of the bed since it was inclined towards the fat guy, so he was also forced by physics to snuggle with the fat man.

it was very disturbing, he must have been very poor to endure that.

>I worked in a hostel last year, and a Brazilian tourist who weighted over 200 kilograms, perhaps over 250, came with a Brazilian rented fuckboy (I imagine it was rented, because It is impossible for someone to want to sleep with such a hippopotamus)

Did the guy look like a model? Brazilian models usually have to fuck old men from the fashion industry.

if you want a bf that badly, honestly do something about yourself. Nobody wants someone whose looks screams lazy, useless and weak

He was much better looking than the fatman, as in, it was impossible for that to be a willing relationship, and the fatman was paying for everything, but I dont really know or remember if he was model tier good looking (I think not).

I won't be your boyfriend but I can give you tips on how to attract people of all genders
Just add me on Skype ngajf666

If that's what you look like then I'm afraid I have some bad news...
You're not cool, you're ugly as fuck

You're messing with the wrong guy.

You fat fuck are disgusting, stop pushing your mental illness outside of the designated boards. Seriously i would kill you if i could get away with it. You're the ugly as sin south brazilian right? Kill yourself piece of shit.