Why don't you visit Iceland?

Why don't you visit Iceland?

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Boring expensive frozen rock+ posters on Sup Forums are incredibly gay

cold as fuck
would be nice to banter with the locals about football


beacuse its gay

>posters on Sup Forums are incredibly gay
How is that a bad thing?

No friends to go with and too autistic to talk with strangers.

I actively try to avoid gays

Is it nice there?
True is though I hate volcano's and flying by the airplane.

because they antisemit :-

>far away
>I can get my shit frozen up just by going outside
>only places worth visiting are volcano and few lakes

I will soon desu.

Too expensive. If I had money I would probably do it

Because I don't want to

We are very nice landscapes and very nice people

Why? Gays are humans too.

>implying its bad thing

I would imagine.
Might consider it some day.
>gays are humans too

So are victims of leprosy

>Gays are humans too.

But i just came back from iceland, the pizza i got was pretty shit desu senpai

let's wharu together iceland kun :3

cold and looks boring, also quite expensive to get there.
but if you give some gud reason i might change my mind you fat cunt

Already done m8 , the water smell like shit , otherwise was nice to be their

It seems like aniceland

>implying that unironical hatred of millions of people because of memes is a normal thing

>Why? Gays are human too

Weird how people from third world countries don't support homosex.

>Gays are humans too.

Please no rudepost in Iceland threds

why didn't jews assimilate?

>third world
>says 60%

>because of memes
Sure buddy :^)

shut the fuck up you faggot, i could one shot you IRL

I will but I rad bad reviews about vehicle rental

>third world

Iceland is cold and cold in a non-comfy way! hahahahahahahaha


r u gay?


I would if I could cuck you

the only one shot you could do is the one your dad did when he shot his unfortunate ball products inside the filthy cunt of your momma hoping you would be too stupid to reach an egg. the only part he got right is the stupidity level

>because of memes

traditional hatred turned "modern" (euros' fault), religious and cultural separatism (our fault);

and occasionally the disproportionate success in some of the Jewish sectors compared to the general populations of their hosting countries.

There might be some more reasons, but these are probably the main ones.

>t. Soviet satellite state

Feel bad for you, no wonder your so homophobic, Belarus schools must be nonexistent

t. faggot

I kick subumans like you every friday night

Blacks are people too.

this is such a nice place you can talk to people all over the world but instead you do bully things. please be nice to each other.

I will, only if you can promise me we can go see Haraldur Jón Hanneson.

you need a break after 6 full days of sucking cock for food, it's understandable

At least the working ones teach useful things, unlike gender studies or other homo-tolerance bullshit

>triggered faggot

getting some bad memories? as far as i know your kind is not very well liked in Italy

How are your gender studies going Mr. 60%?

kinda expensive mate

and that comes from a swiss
also I have to work

Will you be my abusive bf?

>maybe try and actually read something ;stop pretending you are eductaed and don't jsut live in an echo chamber because you are alienated but are too lazy to actually understand what's happening around you?

gonna go read some garl margz and get ready for white people genocide just like he said.

neither is yours, dimitri

>inb4 ah then you dont negate you are a fag, checkmate

Only if you are VERY convincing trap, then you can suck my dick

Curious, how much money do you make in a year? I bet I could live like a king in your cunts. Unfortunately you'll always be stuck in a cycle of poverty.

Indeed, gays need therapy not acceptance

how hard is it to get a job cleaning toilets or something in iceland?

>m-muh money
literally xD

Animals can be gay as well. It's found in giraffes, swans, penguins, etc. and these animals will only mate with others of their own sex.

too far, earthquakes, feminazis

So? Animals also eat shit and commit suicide

I want to visit Iceland, but I'm poor :(

I get paid 1300USD a month working as a convenience store part timer at midnight.
My parents are wealthy enough to send me and my brothers to study abroad and they actually suggested me to visit your country alone.

But I said no. It's a rip off since I'm a worthless vermin unlike my brothers studying overseas. One or two menus in a decent casual dining would cost the same as my daily wage. I live every night fearing about getting conscripted next year and about my future since I'm just a high school dropout shit.

If you would let me stay over at yours and shoot me in the head at the beautiful cliffside in Iceland. I'm going.

So that means suicide and eating shit should be completely acceptable? ;)

Obviously. If we set standard for our society being what fucking animals do

plane tickets cost like 10 times more than to rest of Europe.

dumb snowniggerposter

It's too far away, too cold, volcanos are overrated and they eat fermented sharks and the northern european cuisine is horrible.

I'd still like to see that benis museaum though.

Reminder that Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great, Michaelangelo, John Partridge, and Plato were gay.

>these Slavs itt making fun of america for being 60% white
Would rather be 60% than 0% LOL

I'll show up if I can stay at your place.

Gay thread

But you already are 0% ahmed

Yeah well in your position even 60% is improvement

It's true :'(

Elikkäs kelataanpa nyt vähän taakse päin tää islantilainen on poissa pari päivää ja homoilu vähentyy vitustin. Se palaa ja intti täynnä anime lankoja


Juuh elikkäs Islanti = anime = kakkaa = olennainen osa tervettä ruoansulatusta = tärkeää

Venaa, mitä me sit ollaan jos me ei olla kakkaa?

Jä na kämpraa päa

It was not a safe country till very recently.

I want to but I don't have the money.

Eipä ollu

kaikki on joko kusta tai paskaa
miten sen sitten tulkitsee

Vittu taisin just saavuttaa nirvanan

Hekcap tsivaneä ïfpw cv wigxqr kakfs tiollev ähfree

Visit England pls ;__;

>speaking in Rauma dialect
how rude
Purposely paid extra 50 to not stop in London, tbqhfam


i don't think they'd let me in? Heard they had something against deviants.

rude :(

Thank you :3

Not enough good nature, expensive as fuck, its biggest city is not that big of a deal

Ég talar ekki íslensku.

Can I get german citizenship if I prove that my grandfather was in luftwaffe? :^)

Probably yes, because you'd have German ancestry.
But why bother?
You are an EU citizen, you can live in Germany, whenever you want.
