Who else here can't stand "avant-garde" and ""experimental"" music?

Who else here can't stand "avant-garde" and ""experimental"" music?

I just want my music to sound good. Experimental just seems to be shorthand for 'this is not enjoyable at all, but it makes you look interesting if you listen to it'

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Quality b8

Thanks for the dose doc


No one gives a shit about what you think

t. pleb

It ain't even bait. I am dead serious.

At least I try to start a discussion.

t. young male desperately trying to be unique and interesting

thanks doc

then just don't listen it it
it's that simple
you'll never be exposed to it if you don't actively seek it out

t. young male signalling how "unpretentious" and "sincere" he supposedly is
you're no different than those you think are in ir for image, it's the same coin

I love experimental music in general cause i love dissonance, it's strictly personal if u can stand it or not

nah nigga that shit won't fly, I need y'all to confirm my feelings by agreeing with me


speaking of sincerity, I have discovered that I get the greatest recommendations from people with a sincere taste. Because they actually look for music that they enjoy, not music that gives them hipster cred.

Shut up Ian

pleb city. what a shit opinion you have

I like deaf grapes.

It's actually possible to enjoy avant garde. To get it.

Hipster music isn't even Avant Garde, it's more like Grimes and Kanye

listen to more music

god what a dumb post

>I just want my music to sound good


>I just want my music to sound good.
"Sounding good" is mostly a constructed idea involving one's personal expectations. It doesn't mean a whole lot by itself. Hence why some people really enjoy certain genres of music, while other people hate them.
Some people have different ideas of what "sounds good" to them, and want music to do a broader set of things to them.

>Experimental just seems to be shorthand for 'this is not enjoyable at all, but it makes you look interesting if you listen to it'
Assigning fictional motives to people because you can't understand why they like something is never a good idea. It would be better to actually talk to them and try to understand. This applies in nearly all avenues of life.

Good post. You actually kinda made me change my mind.

I can stand it, I just can't stand the fan base of it that acts like they have accomplished something if they fucking love Coil or 70s Industrial and shit.

It's pretencious as fuck.

fuck off montie

I don't think there is anything to get. I think 99% of 'avantgarde' is made by talentless hacks. Randomness in music just has the uncanny ability of making a listener believe that there is something to "get" about it all.

me too m8, gobbernaught plaids was a really tight album

You don't have to like it and you don't have to call it 'bad sound' you're making yourself sound like a dumb normie

obvious bait but there is indeed stupid jocks that believe "avant garde is pretentious noise made by pretentious hacks that cant play music and if you like it you are just pretending" i laugh upon the bloody of the normies

do you know what random means because i don't think you do

>randomness in music

its not uncommon to hear people dont enjoy dubstep (or brostep, whatever). mainly because its a genre entirely defined by a single compositional aspect: the drop. if you dont enjoy drops, if sudden dynamic shifts in timbre and movement dont excite or resonate with you, youre not going to enjoy dubstep. i dont think thats too far-fetched a claim.

but! what if you dont enjoy a different compositional element: patterns? i get bored pretty easy and find repetitive steady rhythms and song structures incredibly monotonous and dull. i just personally prefer what other people would describe as "formless" music entirely because it doesnt bore me (classical avant-garde, free improvisation, field recordings, etc.)

different people enjoy different music for different reasons. some people love action flicks and some people prefer period dramas. why do you assume any sort of insincerity is involved?

randomness is what people describe when they can't perceive a pattern

usually when it comes to music randomness is subjective, and it's more of a description of the perceptual weakness of the claimant than anything

I agree with wanting my music to be enjoyable. But plenty of avant garde music fits that criteria

>I just want my music to sound good.
Admittedly I'll sometimes listen to something even though it doesn't sound good, but only if I'm really interested in the process or subject matter. Even in those cases, I find my interest starts to become reflected in the music and it sounds good.
You know how when someone's got a great personality you genuinely start to find them more attractive? It's like that.

It's not like I'm constantly listening to experimental stuff though. Entirely depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes 4/4, tonal, melodic music just won't hold my attention, other times it's great.
Just keep listening to stuff you enjoy, and maybe at some point you'll dip into something experimental and really enjoy it. Maybe not. Either one is fine :^)

then go eat some spinning records shit it sounds good because everything sounds good and its never gonna be anything greater than just plain good.

you´re a disgusting pleb

What kind of avant garde have you listened to? Some of it is try hard, but a lot of it is great

You're the kid in remedial class. nothing wrong with that but not everybody can get avant garde music.

Stop listening to it.

my dad makes music and he says its avant garde and i dont know what it means but i think its really scary do i just not get it ??

usually the average listener thinks avant garde music is trying to be "angry" or "scary" even if the music isn't really supposed to have any strong emotional element, just because they aren't used to the musical vocabulary, and they are really only exposed to atonality in horror movie soundtracks

Dude I looked at your rym a while back and you have a lot of shit on there that is arguably experimental in nature

you need to set your hatred of poseurs aside and understand that avant garde/experimental doesn't just mean Trout Mask Replica