ITT: bands in which the main creative force/leader is the bass player or drummer

ITT: bands in which the main creative force/leader is the bass player or drummer
I'll start with an obvious one


Lightning Bolt

The Beatles, The Beach Boys

Soft Machine with Robert Wyatt


i´d like to know who´s the creative genius in team taylor swift because it sure as hell isnt her

fall out boy


Snarky Puppy


Viet Cong

That name change is gonna hurt the band I think...

I miss creative Di'anno-era Steve. He was better than modern triplets only Steve.


Early Korn

Pink Floyd



This and Riverside



thin lizzy

But still, Iron Maiden is better with Bruce on vocals.

Royal blood.

Alex writes a lot of the material tho

the police

His basslines make up the chord progressions in most Joy Division songs and the guitar just sort of dances around them and in New Order he was basically the equivalent of a lead guitarist.

Death from Above 79

No one mentioned Om yet ?
So Om



Don't get me wrong I love Dunn but there's no way in hell that he's the creative force of Mr. Bungle, no joke. Now him alongside Patton and Spruance, hell yes but alone? I don't think so.

really? out of all of them i'd assume Tommy would be the main creative force behind the band, but then i always figured they all contributed equally given the nature of the band


Well I mean, you're not wrong




I really don't care as long as their next album lives up to the last.





Both drummer and the bassist are main writers

I don't know if he's the leader but I swear to fuck he comes up with the best bass lines and that tone is something else, Jesus Lizard would suck without him

Billy Cobham

Overall better but less diverse imo. Too many songs follow the same formula.

Death From Above 1979

The Police

Ye but I'm pretty sure Peart is the main lyricist

Is that Howard Moon?

les claypool, but nice try user

Greatest band of all time.

Do you know what I'm referencing?