Fuck germany

fuck germany

I'll have a wank to this. Not to the fat whale but the destruction of Germany. Cheers lad

is it known in which State of Germany did this happen?


0 standards, stupid nigger

fuck germany

why does she not care about fucking in dailight in a street? is this some kind of avant garde leftist political activism?


allegory of the west

She is FAT

germany is for cucks

Welcome to planet earth ladies and gentlemen


Being black and having a small willy means you have lost lifes lottery.


That's a depressing webm.

This has not to be generalized. If some girls are stupid enough to go with machist men, it is because there is a contradiction in culture : in one hand we must all be feminist, but in the other hand feminine values/attitudes are still widely supported...

I saw this in latin america : some european girls were attracted by macho men, whereas the majority is repealed by their harsh manners. Finally sone have sex, but they rarely go in long-term relations with them since they figure out they are just poor shitskin trying to get a boarding pass for Europe.

welcome to western woman
they want "muh career",parties and getting fucked by chads in their 20s
as soon as they hit 30 they want to marry and leech on some rich white guy but no sane man wants an used whore in her 30s
so they just start blaming the "evil" men and the patriarchy

the most shocking thing on this is they actually fucking on street on a very cold way and filmed by a camera.
fucking a landwhale with probably mental issues is not particulary worthy.

That's in America tho

Can we have the context of this vid ? It goes beyond my fuckin mind.
Is she a refugee volunteer ? Is she actually raping him ?

fugging refujees stealing our whitr beauties >:((

Is this Köln?


She wants to show off her gorgeous body. Lots of women do this.