Problematic faves

Post your problematic faves

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as great of a musician he is, there is no denying he is a terrible person.


How is she problematic?

she beats andy

c'mon lad you have to do better than that


Joanna "Wrecking Ball to the Wailing Wall" Newsom

I met Gira nothing problematic about him he was a really nice dude
I didn't even get raped.

Hey look it's a JBL hat

>I didn't even get raped.

Not him, but Michael was a bit of a bastard for a while in the 80s/90s. Now, assuming the rape thing was bullshit, he seems fine though, like a kind uncle.

axl rose desu

Gira detected.

Also when will swans come back

Sup Forums used a big word today.

I'm impressed.

He's fat


You mean a tumblr buzzword

there's that buzzword again

>"and don't give me that uppity look because you're not black!"

Is buzzword a meme, or ...


buzzword is a buzzword


Joanna "Make You Gruesome" Newsom

He definitely crossed the line when he publicly endorsed the KKK.

So you don't think the "blacks deserve to be shot" speech didn't cross the line before that?

how is xiu xiu problematic

Please stop using the word problematic on this board its annoying and I'm not even from pol


i've seen him a few times and he seems like a really nice dude but i also have a hard time believing that all of the sexism on his earlier albums was just a "character"


thats problematic my best friend killed themselves and the mention of suicide makes me physically upset like i literally have a stomach ache rn

Don't you support the troops?

not problematic at all

someone's art and their person should be separate entities. Miles Davis is one of my musical inspirations, the guy beat his wife and was fucking insane. McCartney was allegedly a wife beater as well, that doesn't mean he didn't make popular music the was important and had a big impact on the direction of the genre. the recent "RIP taylor swift" thing is annoying to me too, regardless of whether or not you like her music, her personal celebrity spat shit should not have any influence on her musical career whatsoever.

if you like someone's music, that's all you need. hate them as people as much as you want, you're still allowed to like their art.

first rational post in this thread. back to tumblr all of you

love him, but he's a fucking piece of shit :/

Is M.E.S. problematic ?

grow some testes, my brother hung himself in our garage and i tell people to kys all the time



>she publicly apologized for doing so

spineless, D R O P P E D

Joanna "The Ten Ton Terror of Tel Aviv" Newsom

Joanna "i'll make you black and blue, son" Newsom

>That interview with Channel 4 where he went on about how Syrian migrants should go home and fight
>Got arrested for beating his missus up at least one time.
Yeah, he'd be considered problematic for certain

Paul Gadd approves.


And what if I were to tell you that I [spoiler]don't care[/spoiler]

Shut up Byron