I can't stop eating, pls help

I can't stop eating, pls help

Other urls found in this thread:


Deje de comer malparido

I can't quit smoking, pls help

are fat Finns real?


implaying you can do other thing in october funland

i've got the same problem, black girls would be jealous of my thicc ass

Wrong board, but ill help.

Get self-control. If you cant do it on your own see a healthcare professional, you are a eurofag so it should be free. They will help you far more than user.

Deje de fumar...
O plomo


It's not so much about the quantity than about the quality.
Is it true it's hard to find vegetables in Finland and that they're very expensive ?

Move to the gran sabana in Venezuela... The food there is terrible.

>wanting to eat vegetables
Do I look like a vegan to you?

did you shit your mud cake already?

Eat veggies and fruit

Start eating healthy then

Yep, hurts like shit

Why is eating so good?

i eat like 3 castrated brazilians and still super skinny


so what if you like to eat. I eat all the time, an d a lot, I'm still a healthy 64kg/140lbs 1.83m/6ft guy.

If your fat just because you eat, your body is literally retarded

temos campeão na thread

Why is this brought up every day?


Add proteins. And fats. A lot of them. Then reduce the sugars. And eventually reduce the portion sizes.

You want proteins and fats to out-complete sugars. Then you want to reduce portion sizes over time.

Then add vegetables.

för mycket mämmi

>tfw quit smoking a week ago

Still kinda get cravings. They're not bad though.

or you could just not eat like a fat fuck lmao

I can't eat, pls help


I made a thread for you last night, where were you? ;_;

anyway, make this

But most obesity cravings are about satiating sugar cravings, followed by gut distention associations.

Ultimately the best way to break obesity food cravings is fat / protein satiation. But it doesn't immediately solve the sugar cravings, and so leads to overeating and bloating. They still need the immediate sugar high. So we ween them down.

Ultimately it's about getting them hooked on protein and vegetables.

I can't eat without feeling disgusted my weight is dropping like a rock pls help

>I can't eat without feeling disgusted my weight
then kill yourself, those feelings will go away

drink smoothies

drink broth

drink your coffee/tea with some butter or a good oil like coconut oil in it, or with milk or cream for calories

eat a spoonful of honey for some calories

eat a spoonful of nut butter (disgusting imo but maybe you'll like it)

its paleo memes but if you're not eating it will at least give you some calories to start stimulating your natural urge to eat (natural urge to eat goes away if you have let your body be in starvation mode for a long time, it happened to me, not sure if thats your problem)

get an easy calorie dense food like a banana and force yourself to eat 1 banana every day

>open thread
>it's not an amerikaner

nut butter? like cum? wtf dude? dont tell him to do that...

are you a neet

>fap a lot daily
>even took those lecithin, pygeum and zinc pills to increase loads [spoiler]they worked[/spoiler]
>buddy recommends I nofap for a week
>didn't even make it two days
>came for the sixth time today
>can go without stopping between cums
>most I've done is 20-something orgasms in a day before I stopped counting
>only way I can go without fapping is if I'm at someone else's house or completely focused on job

Somebody help

They wouldn't be distressed by not being able to stop eating

like pea""nut"" butter or almond butter

you said your liver was dying from bingeing on sugary foods. expand on that


me in the middle lads

macao. expand on that.

Mee vittuun lehti

Thanks for the tips

desu cum doesn't taste as bad as people make it to be


why is it so hard to lose weight?

why there are so many complex concepts like calories, proteins, fats, low carbs, high carbs, BMI, TDEE, BMR, HIIT, vitamins?


fats need to be in a camp

Just stop eating shitty foods and eat way more vegetables and protein. You don't even have to count calories if you will just stop eating tons of sugar and flour.

good idea. thank you. i am not him btw

what's shitty foods? Industrialized foods? Chads say things like rice and bread are shitty too

What even contains proteins

Just eat more...

more raw plants.
Eat so many they cause a sponge effect or make your belly bloat. Additionally eat what you normally would (but be careful with the oil you put in food).

Do sports. Drink coffee, eat raw plants.
While running you can't smoke, so... and afterwards it's still an obstacle.

wtf is macao. is it aomin?

i think they mean processed food. the fascist definition of which is not just boxed food but anything that has been altered from its original form, i.e. pretty all good stuff is bad for you. eat chickin breasts, green leaf salads and cottage cheese etc.