Top 10 AnCo songs

Top 10 AnCo songs

1. Winters Love
2. Alvin Row
3. Banshee Beat
4. Graze
5. Street Flash
6. We Tigers
7. Fireworks
8. Honeycomb
9. Golden Gal
10. Summertime Clothes

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What a pleb list. Try forming your own opinions on things. Also
>Golden Gal

Just pretend I posted the track listing for STGSTV

man I love that one that goes "i just want some walls and slats and some girls!"

What you got then
>implying Golden Gal isn't one of the great poppy songs by AnCo

>My Girls
>Banshee Beat
>Winters Love
>Chocolate Girl
>In The Flowers
>Alvin Row
>The Purple Bottle
>Penny Dreadfuls
>Daily Routine

1. The Purple Bottle
2. Daily Routine
3. Brother Sport
4. Applesauce
5. Mouth Wooed Her
6. Derek
7. Who Could Win a Rabbit
8. For Reverend Green
9. Slippi
10. Turn Into Something

Golden gal is great

1. Doggy
2. Bat You'll You'll Fly
3. Meet the Light Child
4. I'm on a Plain
5. Hey Light
6. Mr. Fingers
7. Slippi
8. De Soto De Sun
8. In the Singing Box
9. Bluish
10. Cuckoo Cuckoo

Those are my favorites anyways

>Golden Gal


>when you've never had a white and blackish sheltie

soery man

Not that guy but Golden Gal is by far the most overrated track on Painting With. It would be the worst if it weren't for Natural Selection.


I think the sparsity of the instrumental strips away any sense of psychedelia that the other tracks demonstrate, resulting in a product that's way too clean sounding. It's sugary sweet, feels like something you could hear in the top 40, and the vocals don't add anything interesting to the mix either. Instead of playing with the vocals hocketing back and forth, a new sound for the group, they just fall back on those classic beach boys harmonies that we've already heard them do time and time again. All in all, the track is pretty unremarkable. It's pretty, and the second half picks up a bit, but it's the longest track on the album and has no right to be. There's not enough interesting sound play, and as such, it kind of drags.
Nice argument though. Also, learn to meme arrow.

>hey paul

The sparse, staccato-ish instrumentation of Golden Gal is the most audible in their efforts to make a piece of "sonic cubism". That was my take on it anyways.

And the album is filled with hocketing, anyways.

1. Safer
2. Safer
3. Safer
4. Safer
5. Safer
6. Safer
7. Safer
8. Safer
9. Safer
10. Safer

Everyone NEEDS to listen to Daily Routine off of their live album from the Ritz

If there's one thing you do today it's listening to that song with the volume as high up as you're comfortable with

1. Loch Raven
2. Loch Raven
3. Loch Raven
4. Banshee Beat
5. Banshee Beat
6. Banshee Beat
7. Loch Raven
8. Banshee Beat
9. Bees
10. Daffy Duck

Shame the rest of the songs on Feels are 5/10 at best, those 4 songs are mindblowingly good

>no Rosie Oh

I could never make a definitive 10 best AC songs, but here's what I got off the top of my head, in no real order
1.) I Think I Can
2.) Graze
3.) Street Flash
4.) Loch Raven
5.) Banshee Beat
6.) Hey Light
7.) Amanita
8.) Bluish
9.) Alvin Row
10.) Fireworks
literally too many good songs to just list 10

1. Summertime clothes
2. Daily Routine
3. My girls
4. No more runnin
5. Brother Sport
6.leaf house
8. What would I Want? Sky
10.The Burglars

>stop and look at ther traffic sigNAAAAAAAAALLLLLL

>Loch Raven
>Banshee Beat
>so fucking good
Are you me?

Based AnCo listener checking in:

Alvin Row
Chocolate Girl
Hey Light
Winters Love
Kids On Holiday
Visiting Friends
Banshee Beat
For Reverend Green->Fireworks
Daily Routine
Wide Eyed

A lot of these lists are awful including (especially ) the OP