Pitched-percussion is a disgrace

Xylophone, timpani and glockenspiel faggots cannot disprove this.

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This song just wouldn't sound right without the glockenspiel

i played marimba, timoani and xylophone for 6 years and quit last year

i agree 100%

when used effectively they're great though

Watch this and tell me that the marimba isnt the greatest instrument in the world

The marimba isn't the greatest instrument in the world.

timpani is the shit you faggot, get fucked. and marimba is the single best instrument for solo work


ewwwwww drumline music

That sound can be played on the piano and sound better. And, yes, I know that the piano is technically pitched percussion, because mallets hit strings, but because of the combination of both mallets and strings, it is within a different category, keyboards.

i don't like marimba in marching and drum corps stuff, but other than that both those things are p solid

are you fucking retarded OP?

better? they're completely different sounds. you say that like a marimba is just a shitty attempt at a piano, which i'm sure you'd probably argue it is, but to me they're apples and oranges.

They are different sounds, but one of them is better. You have it mixed up. One of them can be better because they are different. If they were the same, then neither could be better.

You can say that about mallets but don't talk shit about timpani (the best percussion instrument)

If you don't like the way a vibraphone sounds you have no soul

"Better" in what way?

first you must prove why they are "a disgrace"

i'm waiting

The sound of the piano is better.

Okay, in what way is it better?

Both of you guys are wrong. Electric pianos are the superior version of both. All the control of a piano with the clean tone of a marimba + it can easily be altered with electronics.


They disgrace the name of percussion by being totally outclassed by the piano.

i find the marimba more earthy and piano more clinical. anyway, "better" is subjective. i love them both, but i romanticize the marimba more.

The sound is better because it has greater range and is nicer to ears.

"nicer to ears" is completely subjective, so I'll ignore that.
What do you mean by "greater range"?

What about metal banging sampled and pitched? youtu.be/Rl4RP0Cf6wQ

BH is just a shitposter man. Ignore him

Pianos have a greater range than any pitched-percussion instrument.

Vibraphones are always awesome in jazzy/post-rock/minimalist bands like the Eric Dolphy stuff, the Peter Kerlin Octet, Tortoise, Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians, Tigue, the list goes on...

He's not a very creative shitposter.

How does it feel to be wrong?



That be a marimba


Lies. All lies.

Is a piano not technically a pitched percussion instrument? It has little mallets inside that hit the strings to make them reverberate.

I'm not the person you were arguing with, just making an observation.

Already talked about that.


Literally the 3rd best solo instrument. No contest

Also youtube.com/watch?v=RaYvMwQd3cs

Ah, sorry about that. Didn't see that part.

This, everything has its place except for kazoos and recorders.

>except kazoos


that thing sounds fantastic. do they just play samples or what is the deal with those?

You ignorant piece of shit

I want to start playing xylophone, where should i get one

What. You're still banging out rhythms on the keys it's a percussion instrument retard.

BH is a fucking retard who doesn't even play an instrument so he can finger fuck himself in his corner somewhere.

Mallet percussion is great and there is almost a centuries worth of fantastic repertoire for vibes, marimba, xylo, by people like Musser, Reich, Xebakis, Ivan Trevino, Alejandro ViƱao, rags done by Nexus with Bob Becker on Xylo etc etc.
there's a whole world out there a lot of you faggots aren't aware of the complexities and the nuances in these instruments so to be like "yeah x is totally better than y even tho I know jack shit about anything" is dumb and you need to fuck off and do some heavy listening.

A hammer strikes tines that are amplified via pickups like an electric guitar. You can hear the sound of the tines without an amp but it's really quiet.

Recorder has its place, though it is an objectively inferior woodwind.