

poo in loo edition

>be indian
>have major killed by monkey swarm

Other urls found in this thread:






Fucks sake lads forgot to include this

Fine. None of you want to reply to my thread? I'll post here.

>the shadow education secretary dropped out of school at 15 because she got pregnant

HOWLING, the absolute STATE of the labour party

fucking gookmoot with these ads

I'll dig up a pic of my arms now give me a min

Should I get a trip so the other Icelander doesn't get mistaken for me?


trump isn't a republican

long time no post lads.
The missus took redundancy today so we've been out celebrating. What was advertised as "drinks and takeaway are on me" turned out to be me buying drinks and her wanting to come home before even getting to the takeaway place.
How was your Thursday?
(reposting from end of old thread as I see myself as important enough to warrant nobody missing my shitposting)

>The deputy mayor of the Indian capital Delhi has died a day after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys

this is what gandhi fought for

used to think this
then I tried it and was blown away

Windows = Barret New Build in the suburbs
Mac = minimalist overpriced loft with annoying neighbors and IKEA furniture included.
Linux = cozy cabin in the woods with a warm fire and a glassy calm lake.

i was expecting that post hahaha

killyourself you useless cunt

if you can't handle the banter fuck off

trips are for queers

*frantically starts combing through google images*

>Be Indian
>Get killed my monkeys
The absolute state of them

what kind of loser would take spice lmao

I'm glad I don't have your life

The truth would beg to disagree


I use chrome OS


No this is it

truly they are beneath white people

>if you can't handle the banter fuck off
I said nothing which would imply this
I have taken my fair share of banter

>be Indian
>monkeys kill your family even after praying at the rat temple

he's formally a republican but he isn't part of the GOP establishment, and his policies align with populism/nationalism

hunger personified

now he is posting pictures of other guy

skinny wrists lol I'd snap them like a twig

I would fucking knock ur lights out accept it

>tfw a baritone in a music industry dominated by tenors

Get reddit flags, icelad :)


fuck off reddit flagging cunt

wow too many irish scumbags here :s

Trump is the new republican standard. He is what the people want. A traditional GOP approved candidate will never EVER be president again. Younger republicans don't give a shit about things like gays getting married or people smoking weed. NEVERTRUMP republicans need to realize they have to adapted or die

thats not an 84 inch reach if youre 6'2, your wrist would be out of picture

>but he isn't part of the GOP establishment

then why do the vast majority of republican politicians endorse him

Don't think that would be a good idea.
People don't like it and trips are obnoxious in themselves as well, or else i would already have gotten one

Republicanism isn't a thing. The republican party is, but it's views and ideas are constantly changing. The GOP establishment now isn't the same as 50 years ago. He is a republican, he appeals to republican voters and he is also a change, a needed change. Republicanism isn't just some axiomatic unchanging defined political opinion in America, like say nationalism or anarchism. It just means you are a part of the republican party and Trump clearly, very clearly, has majority support from that party.

did you forget the whole primary thing where they all hated him?

they only backed him when he started to win


Ah yes, baritones, the radical centrists of the music world

very tired and I have well over 24 hours of being awake to go

the american posting here 24/7 should really kill himself

Your flag is a trip

Can't grow long hair at all
Not sure why this is

Now, why is that?

Bernie is a top lad, have the yanks ever had a looney commie like him as president before?

need Mr frog to meet me in Lyon in 4 weeks


because of politics lad

youre quite naive

I think it's funny I always see polls like this, but I've literally never even seen a Hillary for president sign in peoples yards. Also Sanders is only popular because no one wanted to criticize him, since they have nothing to gain from it, but a lot to lose.

probably because you are black

these fucking ebay adverts about how being fat is fine and good are DOING MY HEAD IN


The other guy is constantly being mistaken for me
Which I bet is also inconvenient for him as well

I don't care enough to suffer through the cringe of an ASMR girl but she said it was a single event in the description. What happened to her did she get raped?

post scat

i outweigh you by about 30kg, just squatted 180kg 5x5 earlier today
i would obliterate anyone in this thread

>using an image I made as a response to ASMR shit

Not like you see many people's yards from your moms basement m8

>have a sister that is 7 years older than me

>there are subhumans lurking these threads just to come across your shitposts
really makes u ponder

her brother died in an accident

Should have prayed at the monkey temple today
Rama is not pleased

For the sad little wankers jealous of my superior reach, height and weight here's another for you

Just know I'd knock ur lights out


My mum's a virgin lads
My dad cummed on a toilet seat at a house party and my mum went in after and sat on it

Probably Wilson is closest at least in terms of temperament
FDR is obviously the most left wing in terms of policy but as is the way in America that was more an accident of timing than anything else

her brother died

trump is leading in early voting in every swing state. he's winning this election. people within his camp are expecting a 5-6% victory, and that's with the margin of error and voter fraud considered.

dumb phoneposter

so you weigh 120 kg? and you think thats an impressive squat at that weight? kek fat tub of shite

bit edgy

ah yes the literal meme of the jewish communist who wants open borders

>ASMR girls

Don't care how much weight u lift don't care I'd still give u a go and I would bust you open regardless

You have no fight experience

sleep is for the week


hahaha which one of you lads is this?

lololol i can never tell if american delusion is sincere

its his gimmick, he's been posting trump bait for ages

Dad said I looked like a right knacker when I was wearing an adidas tracksuit and a Virgin Mary pendant haha

You broke your mum's hymen
Just like Jesus

umm 103 hunny

post scat.

Oh man
I want him to win so badly just to see the ABSOLUTE explosion of butthurt everywhere.
Don't care what happens to America, but this will be bigger than brexit, the moaning will be heard across the galaxy


you've got a woman's arse

i really don't enjoy the presence of mexishits and amerishits

and what the fuck do you know? i spend all day learning about this election. i've been saying he's going to win for months and it's looking like i've been right all along

stop flexing your triceps like a mong

Jealous of my massive bum too

Mate gonna say it once more don't care how much weight u lift I'll give u a go

I'd be too fast for ya

they have /cum/ yet they insist on posting in other generals

hes like corbyn
well intentioned pseudo socialist who wouldnt actually achieve anything he promised

Are you going to vote for him granddad?