Why does mu never talk about hank williams ?

why does mu never talk about hank williams ?

because we are a board that thinks animal collective, sufjan stevens, and fleex foxes are good bands/musicians

We have, you weren't here.

Why do you repeatedly make these shit threads that just meme a good guy?

your both talking nonsense
hank williams deserves a better spot on mu

because this board is nothing but underage faggots who think their music tastes make them interesting or unique

Because Hank is Stank


bum p
talk about hank !!!!!!!!!!!!

Then talk about him. Instead of just complaining that no one else is.

I like hank iii more than hank and there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise

but hank williams is the best out of all the hank williams....

times have changed. hank iii is fun even if he's got some real shitters.

>expecting the people here to have been alive during the 50s

maybe you're in the wrong place. anyway, if you like it, you should share your knowledge about it instead of asking why we don't talk about it

desu i dont even know about the third hank williams but i am sure the third one is not better then the first one

Hank 3 just makes edgy meme-music. It gets old once the novelty is gone.

Iiii'm sooo loonesome I caan crrryyyyy

i have never listened to him
i will look him up soon

I just like Gene Autry better.


I don't think any of those are good bands tho.

Your taste in music only gets good when a movie about a motherfucker gets released. You're pathetic, you Johnny Come Lately.

Who would win in a fight?
Metal bass player Hank III or Country singer Hank III?

does anyone have the picture that says "utter that to my face partner not online see what calamity comes about"

is there a hank williams movie ?

Loki plays Hank

oh is the movie good ?

Scarlet Witch plays his wife.

Movie was mediocre, not horrible just not great either. Not worth watching.
