What do you have to do to get legal guns in your country?

what do you have to do to get legal guns in your country?

here for own a shotgun you need to pay money, you have to do a exam about the guns and a psychologist will do a test on you, if you are crazy or violent you cant get a gun

really makes you think, a lot of burocracy for a shitty shotgun

americans not allowed

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>if you are crazy or violent you cant get a gun
Yuropoors actually believe this

Why do yuropoors have so many guns?


We can't, except cop or safety military

Its stupidly difficult
>You need to have military service completed
>Proof of income
>No criminal record
>Present yourself at the army hq in México City
>it has to be you
>Choose the gun
>Apply with the above documents
>Wait a few months
>Pass the psychological test
If aproved
>Go to pick your permission
>Has to be you, you cant send someone else
>Recive te gun unloaded without ammo
>You have 24 hours to get it of the streets into your home

I have to go to Walmart and show literally any form of ID

I have to go to a store.
Well, wait, I could just buy one from a neighbor. Hmm.

You need a licence, a background check, sufficient land to justify owning one, and gibs money. Then you need a safe with an adequate lock, a separate place to keep your bullets and another separate place to keep the firing pin. Non pump action single barreled shotguns and bolt action rifles only.

If You want a handgun, all of the above plus you need to join a club and enter competitions

Join a shooting sport, get a hunting license, become a gun collector, become a gun trader.
If you have a legitimate reason to own a gun (self-defense is usually not a legitimate reason), and you have spend some time around guns (at a club), then you are allowed to own one.

Before you get a gun license they will do a background check. And the police is allowed to visit your house to inspect your gun vault. That's pretty much it.

Oh, and they do home checks every six months to check your safe is locked and that you're following the rules

>Own sufficient land to justify one
Why are Anglos so cucked by the upper class?

Literally the same.

Shotguns certificates are a must issue unless you are scum, Anything else you have to spread your legs for and take it.

only countries without draconian laws are america (minus a few libcuck states), canada, switzerland and the czech republic

should form a gun union tb h

also fuck the retarded bkbg and aussie expats in swissland that think their liberal laws are problematic even though switzerland is far safer than both of their shitholes.

We don't have exams or psychological tests. Although having a history of mental illnesses does disqualify you.


The firing pin thing is a myth.

>sufficient land to justify owning one

Haha oh wow

Unless you were retard enough to give away your gun back in 2003, you just need to show your permit and get one.

America would be pretty safe if it wasn't for niggers. When you have that many niggers you'll end up with a violent country regardless of gun laws.

You don't need to own land, that user is mistaken. You need to have ACCESS to land. Either a mate's land or in most states the government will sell you access to crown land for like $15. Of course it's easier if you own the land yourself.

Be very wealthy or a farmer

Only manual handguns or shotguns too.

aren't shotguns shall issue

Yes they are, unless you are a criminal or bonkers.

Some sport guns here are pretty fun. This retard with a mental illness got pic related and shot up a mall with it.

>Van der Vlis, wearing a bulletproof vest and armed with a semi-automatic Smith & Wesson M&P15-22, a stainless steel Colt M1911 .45-caliber pistol, and a Taurus Raging Bull .44 Magnum revolver

being a citizen and having a """valid reason""" for it

still need a valid purpose to gain any license. and if it isn't hunting or husbandry you're not gonna get shit.

>wanting to own a gun is grounds for being put on the mental health "bonkers" list

>crazy or violent you cant get a gun
top kek. that's the problem.

Brazil gets it!

>When I was in group therapy

Here is a tip, sane people do not attend fucking therapy.

Some Dutch universities have armed militias.

what about israel

Our universities are supposed to form a resistance if we get occupied.

If you join them you also get to do fun stuff like excursions with the defence department and attend to events related to the monarchy.


extremely wealthy country with a small population and efficient governing. total outlier of europe and can't be used reasonably as a pro-guns argument

you need to get a permit which costs some money and you need to take a few evening classes about the treatment of guns and then you can buy them in any sporting store

it's a bit of a hassle but not overly so and we have among the higher gun ownership rates in europe

So you're saying if your country was wealthy and efficient, it could handle legal firearms too..?

A lot of old Rembrandt paintings like the Nightwatch depict armed militias.

What do armed militias do? Well, they drink.

Really easy and not that expensive

You need a licence called a PAL. To get your PAL you need to pass a gun safety course.

In order to own a restricted weapon like a handgun or a spooky scary AR-15s you need to pass another different course.

The UK probably could, but why? All possesing a gun with malicious intent here will do is add 15 years to your sentence, it works as a deterrent right up to organised criminals. What sane person prefers muh freedoms to a society where nobody gets shot.

>so loaded with bait I don't know which one to bite

Last year a shop keeper here shot three Moroccan robbers with an illegal gun. And it was deemed proper self-defence. But he got 100 hours of community service for illegal possession of a gun.

was meant for And i just looked it up and he killed 2 Moroccans not 3.

he was probably a morrocan himself, that makes 3

His name was Willy (really). So I doubt it.

>hurr it doesnt apply

After the UK banned handguns in 97, firearm homicides rose to levels greater than 96 for the decade after

>the decline in 2007 was caused by the ban ten years earlier

No because all legally owned handguns from the 50,000 licensed owners were handed in by the end of 98 (read the colin greenwood papers)

The decline in 2007 was simply the result of increased police presence and the fact that overall violent crime and non-gun homicides also declined to record lows that year. It was just following the same trend.

tl;dr the handgun ban was useless shit and farage was right to call for its repeal

freedom > being locked in a padded room

The UK and Ausfailia are massive nanny states.

Freedom has always come with risks and costs. The freedom to get shitfaced at a pub with your local mus causes tens of thousands of britons to die annually and many alcohol-related crimes

your society accepts that cost though for the freedom


>Why are Anglos so cucked

Pretty much the same but you need reason for approval such as judiciary or frontier farmers where you have risk of assasination or dangerous animals.
License cost as much as the gun and includes your allowed amount of ammo. Once empty you need to return all casing to the police station to be issued letter allowing you to buy ammo.
If I'm not mistaken illegal casing even without a gun carries same penalty as having airsoft which is 5 years jail.

Why is airsoft illegal?

is a fucking hassle, but I can get why.
Though I really want to retire in a huge farm and shoot my guns like crazy one day. So that's why I'm making my military service.

>airsoft which is 5 years jail
makes sense, kek.

It looks like a gun so you can rob people with it.
The country have extreme gun phobia as a result of decades of gommie insurgency.

pay bribes

>tfw Americans are two smart too get robbed by anything but the real thing
Makes sense

>your society accepts that cost though for the freedom

But freedom of firearms is something we don't want, it's not even discussed in parliment as arguing for would be a surefire way to lose your seat. Our system is fine, the people who hold a license are happy and the streets are clean. If police aren't armed in the nation's worst crime-ridden shitholes then it's clearly working.

>do obligatory milutary service for a year and have your military service card free
>pass a shitload of psychology exams
>pass the criminal background investigation, it extends to your family and friends
>get trough mexican bureaucracy, basically hell in paper
>pass a shitload of exams on guns and safety
>buy the gun from the military industries, they only sell hunting riflea

Its funny because every year the federal goverment buys handguns from citizens in exchange for flat screen and money and you can buy any gun you want the Sonora Market in Mexico City

I just love how ironic my country is

>i have a tiny penis so i need a big gun please notice me

The only reason to do that shit

How is it unreasonable that psychopaths can't get guns

Psychology is a bullshit marxist institution that tires to stretch the definition of crazy to include as many as possible

There is no reason to take away guns unless you want to increase crime. This is what they did in the Soviet Union. There is no other reason, it has no other effects.

I need to like.... get a hunting license, or join a pistol club for like 1-2 months.
I can't remember if Gun Cabinets are mandatory or not.


Lol faggots in the countryside everyone has guns, and aint not a single one registered, this arent even criminal type people, red tape is so ridicoulous that no one bothers and they hope to never have to use it on another human being

Thats the spirit!

go to the store

But you can make them at home, alone with shurikens and katana.

That would include bombs, drones and tanks and shit

>America would be pretty safe if it wasn't for americans.


The sames

>freedom > being locked in a padded room

having a foreskin and kinder eggs > having a gun

You need to do the hunting exam at bare minimum, shooting test if you're gonna hunt big game. After that, you have a valid reason to own a gun and can thus apply for one.

I'd really like to learn to hunt, but I live in town and don't own a car.

Maybe there isn't enough psychotic shootings to teach you a lesson.

I have to make a call.
3000 CZK for single ak47 or 1000 CZK if I order more than 20. Ammo is not regulated here.

Do shit test, wait a few weeks for buerocracy to click, pay up a lot of money.

>EU wants to ban ALL weapons. Including the ones in museums and stuff.
Eu is afraid of germans becoming nazis yet again, baking kebab in shower again!

Cz75b omega is my favorite gun I own. Thanks Czech republic

>my gun was folded over 1000 times

Wrong on basically every account


>pay 78e for application
>do a ridiculous psych eval on PC that nobody ever fails (only once per 3 years)
>bring proof of passed conscription if male (only once)
>bring proof of regular practice (2y minimum for handguns, no minimum for rifles or shotguns)
>bring proof of passed hunting class
>if first gun, go have a nice little chat with a copper to ensure you're not a total idiot
>collect permit, buy gun

Pic related, my three lovely girls.

>What sane person prefers muh freedoms to a society where nobody gets shot.
I do. Liberties are much more important than security, and besides, heavy-handed gun bans have never worked as intended.

If you want to live in a completely secure environment, try the prison. You'll have everything except liberty, but that's a small and reasonable concession, right?

...That's a .22LR, it's legal even in fucking bongland.

>But freedom of firearms is something we don't want, it's not even discussed in parliment as arguing for would be a surefire way to lose your seat.
So you're happy that your government is literally practicing thought policing?
>Our system is fine
It's really not.
>the people who hold a license are happy
They really aren't.
>and the streets are clean
If you don't count for all the crime, sure.
>If police aren't armed in the nation's worst crime-ridden shitholes then it's clearly working.
It clearly isn't, and you're in denial.

Get a hunting license and wait for them to accept your application

Have fun with your kinder eggs

you forgot that you have to buy a 350e safe and install it in your house

>Rk 95 never

>hold theor license are happy

Not really m8 I've been to British gun forums and its endless bitching about how the laws keeo getting stricter every year and almost all types of firearms being banned.

If there was a commonwealth country thay you should emulate in terms of guns it's New Zealand or Canada. Both of whoch have relatively liberal laws in ocmparison to most countries and focus more on vetting owners than banning types of guns.

Look at UK homicode rates pre-hungerford and after the ban in 1988.


There was a spike of homicide just after 1989. England ha dlower homicode rates pre-hungerford than the spike thay happened in 89 and early and mid 90s.

Licensed owners seldom commotted crimrs. All their gins were locked up in bolted safes. The vast majority of crime guns in England were smuggled from mainland europe.

Take a look at Northern Ireland then which has arme dcops and allowes handguns.

what reaply caused the massive spike in homicide after the 97 ban was because blair let a shitton of refugees and immigrants in.
Anyways NI homicide rates are lower than scotland which has the strictest laws in all of the UK.

guns* extremely tired and on phone

Getting a license is a pain here, I wanted to have a shotgun to shot clay targets but It was so expensive and there are so many tests that I just cant.
Gotta keep shooting with my pellet guns :(

Why would you want legal guns anyway?
What do you need them for? Hunting? Self defense? Possible civil war? SHTF?

The best advice i can give you is dont have legal guns, because in any situation you might need them, the state will come after you because you are in their files as an armed person. They dont even need a warrant, they just put a hole in your head if you try something and make it look like youre a terrorists.
Do as all 3 nations in bosnia do, bury the guns in a 'war crate' and dig them out and arm your street and your house.
I dont mean hunting rifles and shotguns, i mean full auto shit, grenades, RPG's, mortars...
People here got burnt the last time, so on christmas of 96 everyone gave to the SFOR their decoys and had a fucking arsenal under their feet, still do.
An invading force strolls into the village or town, they get ambushed and all their weapons taken from them. Weapons become cheaper than a gallon of rakia and a carton of cigarettes and they are everywhere.
Muslims here are more open about it for some reason and eventually get in trouble for it, but still.
If you get legal guns, you are automatically on the watch list, they come after you before the real shitshow starts. Im not saying being bare handed is good, people had to raid police stations and barracks's at the start of the war, its fucked up, your own police officers and soldiers get killed in the process along with the people trying to get their hands on guns.

You cant have fun shooting bottles, fuck it, life is a bitch, get a bb gun or a slingshot.
And always have gold jewlery at home, never EVER sell it if you dont need to.

State enforcing a tyranny suddenly becomes a lot riskier if everyone is armed. Besides, even if you have illegal guns, it's hard to find ammo for them, and a gun without ammo is useless.

Best bet in case the state tries something stupid is either to bag as many of the smurfs as you can, or hide your guns and say they were stolen. No system could withstand killing/incarcerating all suspected gun owners if there's enough of them.

Sport shooting?