Link me your mixtape and I'll make free album art for it

link me your mixtape and I'll make free album art for it
i'm bored

Other urls found in this thread:!BQ9DkT5T!yqSqR4X7A3IDzJz67DcJPqfgtr_fa5N_uvu8LtLGUyo

I dont have a mixtape but you could you try making an alt cover for Boc Maxima by Boards of Canada?

Why are alt covers a thing?

I don't know. I think it's like fan fiction, but for music.

Sometime the main cover sucks.

It's still the official album cover, bad or not!BQ9DkT5T!yqSqR4X7A3IDzJz67DcJPqfgtr_fa5N_uvu8LtLGUyo
I am equally bored

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I cant change it digitally. I just prefer to see the alternate art sometimes. Plus, some musicians do have official alternate covers sometimes.

What is this

Literally just a zip of said mixtape. Only mp3's in it

>Listen to Xanax by Shyloh #np on #SoundCloud

I'm bored too. It's just one song because the whole thing isn't out yet. If it's good I'll make it the album art and credit you and shit

was kind of looking for original music

rough idea for the text
thoughts? What kind of background do you want to see?

Something weird and vaguely sexual

Then don't say link me your mixtape, because that implies it's /not/ original.

Mixtape in this case is original music.

Not a mixtape, like you would make for a girlfriend

I'll see what I can do

Generally you would call a large collection of songs created by yourself an album, or whatever music term that fits depending on the length, but not a mixtape. Stop calling every themeless rap album a mixtape. Mixtape has had the connotation of being a collection of songs by different artists since you could record songs on the radio with a cassette.

Did you see where I said "in this case"?

Guess what, you never specified it in the beginning, so it can be assumed you were referring to the common connotation.
That's all I had an issue with really, I don't know why I'm still replying.
I don't know what I'm doing with my life
I think I hate myself.

I'm not even OP. I was just sayin'.


Your mixtape had some jams on it

The common connotation is a themeless collection of original music. This isn't the 90's


I'm a millennial and still have the old connotation in my head. Just always thought of a "mix" as being mixed songs that you threw together. Guess thats a playlist now.


I'm waiting on someone to send a picture

I've had this tab open for like an hour just waiting.

Sorry, the person I'm waiting on is a little unreliable, but they're a good artist. I didn't give up on you.