Chinks send to taikonauts to their space station last week

chinks send to taikonauts to their space station last week

why does this piss amerisharts so much? i don't see russians get emotionally shaken by this, and other china accomplishments

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nah it's great but it's not some technical frontier thing

they thing is they are banned from the iss though


I didn't know I was supposed to be mad.
Is the memo in my spam folder?

maybe china should spend more time fixing the fact that 80% of their country are still peasants instead of imitating American achievements from the 60s

also note how 90% of the red colored provinces have substantial percentages of ethnic minorities - chinese apartheid?

why can't you realized the hypocrisy

Your asshurt towards us is kinda getting pathetic now. It was funny a year ago, but now it's really just sad.

wow here we go

it is though

The Chinese are stupid assholes.
One of their great space accomplishments was blowing up a satellite in orbit and creating a huge field of debris everybody has to try and dodge when going into space now and for decades to come.

>they thing is they are banned from the iss though

How do you get banned from the ISS?

The Russians are up to their neck in sanctions and they are still allowed there, and the Russians themselves are pretty fed up with the west but they still let westerners ride the Soyuz up and down.

Who do you have to piss of to get banned?

>Who do you have to piss of to get banned?
I suspect it's because the Chinese have never encountered intellectual property that they didn't feel entitled to steal.

>maybe china should spend more time fixing the fact that 80% of their country are still peasants instead of imitating American achievements from the 60s

fucking lol

i didn't actually know what the fuck OP was talking about but wow

you really proved him right

>The Russians are up to their neck in sanctions and they are still allowed there,

Protip: Russians own most of the shit on the ISS.

Double Protip: Only Russian rockets can take people to the ISS.

>Russians own most of the shit on the ISS.
>Only Russian rockets can take people to the ISS.
Only because we've mothballed our shuttles and the new stuff isn't quite ready yet.

fatties always agressive stance toward chinks, its like the fat kid in school that bullies good grade kids

>Russians own most of the shit on the ISS
Oh, my, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Opinion discarded instantly.
Never make a post about the ISS again.
The Russians have done a lot in space, still, and way more than your backwater country has done even just for itself.

>How do you get banned from the ISS?

American congress unilaterally (without support from the presidency or anyone really) specifically banned NASA from co-operating with the China in 2011 or there about. It's because our congress is retarded. I have no idea what sparked them to do that.

All RIDF, CIDF, and commie defense force need to commit seppuku.

While they have contributed some the chinese are not responsible for the problem of debris lmao

We never had any space cooperation with China. Back in the 90s, there were vague talks of flying a Chinese astronaut on the Shuttle that didn't go anywhere.

>nah it's great but it's not some technical frontier thing

Many people are confused on this point but only the US and the USSR and now China have ever launched a successful manned space mission. People take it for granted how many international peeps get sent up on Russian and US craft and they think every country has shuttles. It's not the case. It's extremely difficult to send people to space.

In 2011 (I think) Congress specifically passed a law banning NASA from cooperating with them. It's the only such law afaik.

Oh, and the rocket that crashed into a village and killed over 100 people.

>also note how the light green colored provinces have substantial percentages of blacks - US apartheid?

>they think every country has shuttles
I can't imagine that anybody believes that.

>It's extremely difficult to send people to space.

And expensive which is why Russia be flying a 50 year old spacecraft on a 60 year old rocket.

>wtf I love Colorado now


I think many people believe that Japan, or the ESA have shuttles and whenever they see astronauts with foreign flags on their uniforms they think they have a way of getting them up to space that isn't exclusively riding with us.

What am I looking at?

I don't know. I can't think of any reason coastal provinces would have more wealth.

Space shuttle Colombia circa 2003 or 05, can't remember.

The event that cut our nuts off.

03 I believe

That didn't crash into a village and kill 100 people though (?)

>before columbia
astronauts say in private that they know their is a risk of death and they accept that for the sake of their mission

>after columbia

woah waoh waoh you can't say that it's too scary and might mean we actually have a purpose greater than ourselves.

>pulls the giant plug out of the wall socket labeled NASA

Challenger was a motherfucker, too.

This is the kind of positive stuff fascist countries with no respect for intellectual property can achieve. When are we going to give up and admit that modern Chinese development strategies are hugely superior to our own?

The debris fell over like 5 states but I don't think it killed anyone.
Just imagine the people who found human remains. Bet that was a good time.

Whatever he's talking about probably happened well before columbia in the early stages of the chinese space program

>This is the kind of positive stuff fascist countries with no respect for intellectual property can achieve.
Yeah, so long as they have someone else who got there first to copy off of.

>there are people people who weren't born yet when the ISS was launched posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

beautiful chink rocket, only russia and china can send human to space right now

>While they have contributed some the chinese are not responsible for the problem of debris lmao

That one event was the single largest contribution to space debris and it's mostly golf-ball sized shit that's difficult to track unlike all the tumbling rocket stages flying around up there.

>This is the kind of positive stuff fascist countries with no respect for intellectual property can achieve. When are we going to give up and admit that modern Chinese development strategies are hugely superior to our own?

Yeah, totalitarian government is so wonderful and efficient. It was so fantastic that Poland's 1990 GDP was about $100 higher than the 1939 figure while countries like Sweden, West Germany, and Italy were several thousand USD higher.

It crashes down to earth, it isn't still orbiting the earth as a mess everybody has to try and avoid hitting, and the shuttle was an accident.

China's system actually works. I'm sorry that you guys never found the right combo but that doesn't mean it never works.

>it isn't still orbiting the earth as a mess everybody has to try and avoid hitting

I don't know where you are getting this info but the problem with orbiting debris has been accumulating for decades and is not something the Chinese caused. Also are you implying that the accident you mentioned was... not an accident?

How much longer before you get the trade secrets you're after and fuck off back to Beijing?

kill yourself

kill yourself

kill yourself

I'm white bud :)

China is the way of the future though. They have made a few mistakes along the way, but far far less than the US. As long as they don't get ruined by the same things that ruined us, they are going to be the most developed country in the world within a few decades.

>thread is instantly full of angry Americans

>I'm white bud

Sure you are, Zhong Wu.

>As long as they don't get ruined by the same things that ruined us

Their new five year plan is a bunch of technology/information economy bullshit and theyre trying to move the entire country over to a third sector economy so

why would they steal defective technology? spacex rocket only go boom

Do you know there's no way in Russian to say "We are sorry for the mass execution of Polish army officers in Katyn Forest and taking Poland's entire intellectual class and everyone with an education or wealth away to work in Siberian death camps."

wtf I love Poland now.

You know they don't even test their poor. People like bragging about test scores from their when it is from a select bit of their population.

>China is the way of the future though

Chinks actually believe this, kek.

The Northeast has more blacks than the midwest but its still more successful.

Wait, isn't the US the only country to successfully land a probe on Mars?

Stop taking bait you fucktard.

I notice interestingly enough that he appeared as soon as the Montenegrin RIDF guy disappeared.

Americucks too afraid of the Middle Kingdom. You just wait and see. China will grow larger as you continue with useless foreign wars and sucking the corporate cock. Philippines has already seen the future. It's only a matter of time until more follow.

>Be chaina
>In 1950s get their first reactive jet from SU
>made their own in 2015
is there's more cucked country?

>more follow
>Every chink wants to leave China

Are you still pretending to be white at this point or what?


Soviet Mars 2 & 3 probes got there first.

One probe crashed, the other died just after landing and returned no useful data.

>his country can't draw dicks on Mars

Still got there first

>the lander crashed at 45°S 30°W, delivering the Soviet Union coat of arms to the surface

Mars is rightful Russian clay.

Now I'm curious what they consider to be the Martian prime meridian.

Technically they sent a probe to Venus first, but since it died along the way, that doesn't count for much either.
>literally a hole in the ground

The Soviet space program had so many failures like that because they had no orderly planning or testing, it was just "Beat the US at all costs" which led to unready probes being launched.

Russia is seriously shit. They get a few space firsts like Gagarin by dumb luck and totally disregarding safety.

"First dog murdered in space" was quite an accomplishment.

It wasn't until the 70s that the Soviet space program matured and figured out how to do things in a proper, organized manner instead of just slapping shit together on a budget to score quick space firsts. The space stations and the later planetary probes were a vast improvement over the pre-1972 period.

>also note how 90% of the red colored provinces have substantial percentages of ethnic minorities - chinese apartheid?

>Anhui - homeland of the Han

China's emigration rate is plummeting as it develops.

Don't expect click-bait articles to point that out though.

>PRC defense force on Sup Forums

You sure about that? Your graph doesn't really display a "plummet."

well well what we see here

>implying the solar system matters
The voyager probes will reach interstellar space soon faggots