There's no one person who is useless in this world

There's no one person who is useless in this world.
everyone is precious and important than anything else.
you deserve to be loved, user. :)

There isn't one*

Anyone else get really angry by these type of posts? is that what they want?

(test post, owned)

I think "There's no one person" is correct as well

>Putting no one and person in the same part of the sentence

Are you even Anglo?

but how

Hey faggot, take this feel shit back to This is Sup Forums, we advocate hatred here

Don't lie to yourself, Singapore-san.
I know you actual advocate peace than anyone else in entire world.

>~7 bilion people are on earth
>everyone is precious
Yeah, no, not really

yeah we should just get rid of the polish

it just reminds me how useless every human being actually is

I hate this kind of threads but i love you too user
Everyone needs to be loved

The era of robots and AI coming. People who have low productivity should have rights to be euthanized.

mfw dictatorship


they should have already for at least 50 years now

I think that's a good reason to stay alive and just shit up the lives of normies and be a freeloader

Thanks Koreafriend! :^)

You are not a native speaker of the language. And that sentence is indeed correct.

I am worthless and I don't deserve anything. I failed to do anything in my lifetime and I am close to the 30s. I should just become compost for the nation.

Thanks Koreanon, you too

that's you perception , perhaps only.

>There's no one person who is useless in this world.
depends on point of view
>everyone is precious and important than anything else.
id argue im more precious and important than anything else, simply because i am me and i can not not be me
>you deserve
nobody is entitled to anything

because its muh feel good about myself bullshit that has little to nothing to do with reality

Remember everyone, we are not told we are loved enough, so I tell you all I love you.

Stop lying to me im uselss and worthless.
