How did a 25 year old make this

how did a 25 year old make this

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a lot of people start playing music at a young age and are decent song writers by the time they are 20

fl studio

>be 25 years of age
>make album

how did 25-27 year old guys make sgt pepper?

How did a 23 year old make this?



Dylan is a notorious plagiarist.


it's shit

well next year im gonna try it
you better not be lying

even if you don't like it you have to admit its impressive and innovative for a band who sang she loves you

How did a 25 year old make this?

if anything creativity starts to lag after the 20s

how did a 19 year old make this

Bowie was around 25 I think.


how did a 25 year old make this?

Forget that talentless hack, Pete Townshend wrote this all HIMSELF when he was 25.

How did a 23 yaer old make this?

Daily reminder that Bowie was a shit songwriter and musician but was a musical magician and his fame and ability came more from his understanding of how music worked than the worries of lyrics


the hard one is naming great albums made by people over 30

Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks

with the help of the people who actually played the instruments and produced it

I took too many drugs

brian wilson produced the album, retard

how did a 19 year old make this

show me one piece of plagarism on Blonde on Blonde

This isn't hard at all if you listen to stuff besides Sup Forumscore.

>inb4 Spirits They've Gone

jewish people have factually higher iqs on average than any other race

good pick

If you only focus on pop, rock and rap of course most classics will be done by young people, most of these albums are not very complex. It's not the same for Jazz musicians or Classical composers.


How did a 12 year old make this?

Miles Davis was 34 when Kind of Blue came out and 45 when Bitches Brew came out. He was producing vital, interesting work in his 50s-60s as well.

Most pop musicians have no compositional skill and rely strictly on youthful visceralness.

This poor sod hasn't learned a single new trick since 1981.

I can think of lots of jazz guys like Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Sonny Rollins, who were still playing great music when they were 70+. The typical pop musician is done by 45.

Bird's entire career took place before he was 34, Coltrane before his 40s, the list goes on. Similar things could be said I believe for composers like Mozart, Chopin and Rachimanov

How did a 9 year old make this?

This is why I don't take Metalheads seriously. This is their definition of complex.

they're still playing at that age, but their development stopped long before that. And especially guys like Rollins and Wayne Shorter they get to an age where they physically able to peform well.

how a 20 year old this?

Those guys all died young though. Wagner was middle aged when he wrote the Ring saga (which took something like 20 years to complete) and in his 60s when he wrote Parsifal, his last work.

Rollins is like 85 or something. Why would you think he'd still play as good as he did at 40?

>Van Halen
Even Eddie said himself he didn't understand why people lumped them with metal.

This is God tier

>they're still playing at that age, but their development stopped long before that
Which guys in particular stopped developing as musicians?

Yeh but I can think of genres like blues that don't depend so much on teenager angst, but guys like BB King didn't progress much as players either. He never really learned any new licks after about 1965.

Blues is a popular music genre though, BB King had no more formal musical training or compositional skill than Dave Mustaine which is why he spammed the same licks for 45 years.

He still wrote some great material on Endless Wire even, too bad because he was old by that time, people didn't care about that much.

By your 30s, you've just about said everything you have to say as an artist. Most people have a limited well of creative ideas to mine.

That's a depressing thought.

>listened to ziggy stardust
>thinks he undertsnad bowie
fuck urself bitch
suck a shotgun and fuck off

every album by the SLEAFORD MODS

suck these nuts instead
*unzips pants*


plenty of wrecking crew members were young stupid


>im a fag

how did a 69 year old make this

he only made the vocal parts though

MF DOOM didn't really hit his stride until he was over 30

underrated post

with the help of a 22 year old

You do know that 25 is like peak for humans right? If you haven't done anything by 25, you won't achieve anything in life.

what have you done?

You know, you can't even run for president until you're 36.

bloomfield for the win

I've written many stories and come up with promising game concepts.

>implying any president ever has ever done anything fucking good or been awesome at all
my sides

i was talking bout Kooper
Bloomfield's not on it

Wasn't Lemmy in his 30s when Motorhead were mainly relevant?

so nothing. ok.

"You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18."

fnaf creepypastas
>promising game concepts
soon to be featured on iDubbbzTv

>stick it to the man, MAAAAN!!!

According to the Talmud, men peak in their 30s as they have matured out of youthful foolishness, but the deterioration of old age has not yet affected them.

hahaha your right

oy vey, the goy knows...

>being butthurt but unable to provide counterexamples
what i said was obvious hyperbole, but the idea of "running for president" as being the pinnacle of human capability, is utterly foolish

Only one who's assblasted is you friendo. Ideas are dime a dozen, that's worthless without a clear plan. No need to go to extremes with presidency n shit.

the arts is one industry where age doesn't really matter

great to see the world through eyes of different ages

>being one of the most powerful human beings on the planet
>not a big deal

yeah man. have you seen these?

how did a 18 year old make this

>implying anyone cares about what people over 45 are feeling
>implying anyone values anything in music but youth and sexuality

>youth and sexuality
>in music
oh hi, kpop

About 80% of popular music anyway.

>>implying anyone values anything in music but youth and sexuality

Which is kind of sad actually, or maybe I haven't dug enough music. I want music with more adult themes without getting cloy like Adult Contemporary.

i didnt bring up presidency, they did.... so uhhh wtf are you talking about?????

the president is a fucking dancing puppet, im not saying its not a big deal, im just saying that its kindof irrelevant when the discussion is so obviously about creative and intellectuall talent as opposed to political bullshitting skills and positioning
>they live
are you me sophmore year in high school???? could you have picked more meme ready conspiracy/political films??? is there a copy of "behold a pale horse" on your desk now????? fuckin lol

You're talking about mass market popular music. Of course that particular shit is based on youth and sex. Goes without saying.

Thank you for finally admitting you are a HS sophomore. I could have guessed that much with those spelling/grammar skills.

I bet you if you go to the hospital for surgery, the surgeon's probably a guy in his 40s-50s. You think they let 25 year olds do heart bypasses? Hell no, you're still an intern in med school at that age.

then don't reply to me with the presidency shit
i had no idea if your head was straight

you replied to the wrong person faggot

>are you me sophmore year in high school?
pretending to be this autistic
wew lad

>not actually providing a counterarguement
>being a grammar nazi

Popular music's no different from pro sports, really. Professional athletes are all in their 20s and 30s and then get replaced by fresh young meat.