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baby just open your ice



I'm on mobile, wtf does this say

purepop is still shit
Red Velvet, Twice and Black Pink will save us from this shitty meme

please tell me this is fake



best shannon

I eat ass

sadly it is

it's real

don't you ever sleep or work?




based arin bro

if her armpits look like tht, u already know wat her vagina looks like


I love Sunny


all of them look like theyre in their late 20s early 30s

not cute

shin hyejeong

good lord


wtf I love migos now

koreans don't shave there


who is this?


desu? I don't like lewd RV posting

>17 posters
>17 votes


really makes you think


Has Blackpink debuted yet?

but who won the staring contest?


From pics alone, it's RV, but who knows, maybe BP will be more likable than RV, though it's a tough battle, Seulgi is cool and Irene can do the hosting, Joy has the thighs, Wendy had the vocal potential, wasted by that racist script they gave her.

post front/backs

who cares anymore.

omo! perfection.

they are still looking at each other
RV will probably disband because of this

i just heard this

we love racists tho


Stop posting this irrelevant group.
When was the last time they even released anything?

Old hasbeens.



me 2bh

what group bruh?

>Proud Germanic Man

yeah ok.

me as the nig

pretty much, although i don't think she's release anything


Calm down gaypopper. I know it's you.

what dahye is that?

her body is GOAT

imagine being this close

I'm starting to feel like a dirty old man, looking at pics of arin, somi or chewy so much

i want to eat her shit

bob girls

god she's so fucking ugly

what is this

fucking pedo
normal people like Woori, Kyungri or Jiyeon

is there a better duo in kpop right now?

but where is
>muh digital queens

tru normies like snsd

it's only dirty if they make you feel anything, which shouldn't be a problem with those three



slug looks like a filipino maid there

*licks pits*


what group is this slut in?

GDxYB and MoonPyo are the only other contenders

does your tongue ever get tired?

jesus christ, twice is literally going to break this record
since they're number 5 right now they could easily last until the end of the year

but she's still beautiful

remember when kpop was popular in korea?

he was built for cleaning

For the brotherhood

holy moly dude. thanks for sharing.

post your oc pop


i got 5 new photos and then i'll go as i got work

momo's pits have to be squeaky clean by now


rv sucks at likeability
the only thing they had going for them was music

Post Crayon Pop or SHUT UP

arin time is better

you got some issues, stan
I think you need some counseling

Kara - Super Girl: 746,681
SNSD - Girls' Generation: 872,401
T-ara - Jewelry Box: 104,478

Gfriend - Snowflake: 676
Lovelyz - Lovelyz8: 829
OMG - Pink Ocean: 909
Twice - The Story Begin: 12,141
remember when hallyu was doing good in japan?

I honestly wish we could go back to the Gee era
The groups were better, SNSD created the modern hallyu wave and everyone wasn't just a cookie cutter clone of yesteryear's concepts. Kpop was greater and more fun back then.

IOI, Twice, AOA, Gfriend, Lovelyz, ever nugu group under the sun is copying SNSD. I miss 2010 because kpop wasn't a dying fucking genre dominated by waifushit.

night and day


nationalism is stronger than ever, plus japan's tastes have changed - it's all rockshit and literal anime music now

we have to go back