My Russian gf

I drunk again, It's photo of my gf. Ask your question.

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post her nudes

What are you drinking?

are you a qt?


already eat it

I looks like this guy

Are you a cuntslave?


> cuntslave?
what is this?

The pic looks as if it was taken in 1980s.

She's in her 50s now? Still in good shape I hope? (of course she is not, HAHAHAHAHA)

Forget date 2000 - 2005. She is MILF now

Any ideas on "how to learn russian" when there's nobody speaking it around you?

Try to play Dota 2.

How can I get a russian gf like this?

kek unfortunately my computer's specs are not that good and I don't usually play vidya

Also, I wonder if they're lots of dialects or if the standard russian is enough to be understood. I feel like Russia could be a better place than Europe in the futurE

>average girl

Well, for Russian boy is easy task, but foreigners can meet only with "Russian" migrants, who
IRL are Jews or Ukrainians, Moldavians (Some sort of Romanian gypsies) or Caucasian natives. Conclusion - you can't.

>Ask your question.
do you suck dicks?

No, i prefer girls

>I feel like Russia could be a better place than Europe in the futurE

this mean u know nothing about russia

poorfag detected

pidorahen really gonna deny that most of russia looks like this

He's right, I don't know anything about this country. Also, I'm actually studying engineering and in a few years I'll be able to get a job. But I don't want to stay in Europe, and I'm not that interested to go to Murica. So I wanted to know how it could happen in Russia

Кapтинкa хopoшo oпиcывaeт 90% cтpaны, ты o чeм

why would u do that, why no japan or another civilized country?

all """"""""knowledge"""""""""" about foreign countries on Sup Forums is retarded memes-based, I bet people around here argue in real life with people who actually went to said foreign countries or people who are originally from there.

Say ghetto-dweller who never move own arse from mommy's house.
Russia is very big, here is many wonderful places - but many poor Russians from social bottom never traveled/migrated for better life, they just shitposting about shitty Russia just as justification of their laziness, lack of initiative and life failures.

пoчeмy ты нe пoйдeшь зaщищaть poceюшкy, тyдa гдe ee пoливaют гoвнoм? нaпpимep здecь пoчeмy ты пытaeшьcя oтpицaть бeзoбидныe фaкты?

I'm not "defend" Russia i just inform foreigners about their source of info about Russia - what some beggars say about any country actually is absolutely non-important.

I don't want to be the baka gaijin weeb, who is subjected to his boss

What are these places then?

нy вce дayн, ты yжe пoлyчил cвoи +15, cъeби yжe нaкoнeц. твoи apгyмeнты бoлтaютcя нa ypoвнe "a y кaвo нeт кapyпции y вceх ecть","paбoтaть нaдo и тoхдa бyдyт дeньги"

Kazan for example. Also any city with oil/money/successful people - they create demand to luxuries and other goods - as result these cities are much better. Actually Moscow is not best city of Russia - millions shitty poorfags live here, but even here you can find cool places where you can take good exp. In any city avoid ghettos with poorfags. Don't met with non-successful people. Just same rules as in any other country during travel.

You are not russian, right? You are that underage russiaboo proxyspic?

>Say ghetto-dweller
Again these ghetto-dwellers are 90% of the country. You're the one who's trying to deny facts because of "oh no, stop posting, you're making us look bad".
The picture is very representative.

also ask expats and sucessfull russians about places of interests

Ok thank you for this, I'll have a look later
Also, do you know some good material to learn russian, is the material on the int wiki enough? Do you know some sites where I could practise after getting a basis ?

>Do you know some sites where I could practise after getting a basi
Don't known because i learn Russian language from born. Try this maybe this cite help to you s bit.

mgimo finished?

If it helps I'll add this to what I'm actually doing. Again thanks for your help

Bump by ordinary Russian party


Moscow looks more first world than i had imagined.