Is there any cunt more angry and easily set off than Turkey?

Is there any cunt more angry and easily set off than Turkey?

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they get triggered with everyone around them showing signs of having a opinion different than their own

what's the Armenian equivalent to oy vey?

You useless diasporas are nothing more than a parasite and you should kill yourselves

Said the buttblasted Pole

Armenians are basically Caucasian Kikes. They are the only nationalities going over "muh genocide". Being a merchant doesn't make their deaths more valuable.

I hope your mother has her asshole torn to shreds by a Kurd and your father gets raped by a Serb

Said the Arab/Nigger/Turk diaspora in Netherlands.
Somehow Dutch posters are all hostile towards Poles outside of their general.

Almost seems like you're not Dutch at all.

Fake genocide list

Yes, you sound like a total nigger now
How much do you get paid to post the same thread every day?

And they all love Russia for some reason.

You made all that up? You really showed me. Go be butthurt about Russia somewhere else.

The only real genocide is white genocide

No, there's a reason historically literally everyone has hated them (except G*rmany)

you forgot native americans, we all know there werent really any people living in americas

Do you have some asshole or shit fetish?

>turk thinks its whiter than me
how cute

May I remind you the last thread about the same matter where you wrote you're in Netherlands because of money and you're faithful only to Turkey?

What? Are you fucking retarded? Or just Polish?

No. There was a thread with the same fucking image where, you - a turk, said you're faithful only to turkey and you're in NL ony for money.

Everyone that was here last time sure as hell remembers it because it had like 20 "You"s and shortly after that a German turk started do write the same shit.

Don't pretend ahmed, it's too late.

>~85% were wiped out beforehand by foreign disease
>the rest were rounded up because they wouldn't quit slaughtering schoolchildren
Ah yes, the Native American """""genocide"""""

Baltic countries.

Take your medicines

This 2bh

Meme all you want.

I wish I was home because I screencapped it. It was glorious.

For some reason muslims get extremely assblasted about fucking everything. Just imagine something that affects their "honor". They go full allahu ackbar in a matter of nano seconds.

Post it in the nederdraad when you get home familia.

>there is only one Dutchman with common sense

You're a Turk though.

Dutch have no reason to be as butthurt at us as you are.

Didn't Bale also do a Nan King movie that produced similar ass pain?

Brad Pitt did 7 Years in Tibet and the PRC still won't let him into the country

lol you're such a tsundere poland-chan. I feel like 75% of the time if a Polish flag posts they're talking about how much they definitely hate and do not love Russia. The other 25% of the time they upload 3D loli

No, russia is really a wasteland shithole that ruind everything they touched.

As for people, only some russians are okay, rest of them are finnic-tatar savages.

If you hate Russia so much why do you blush and giggle every time Russia replies to you hmmmmmmm? Tsun~


fuck, I might be too healthy to post on this board after all.

I'm just saying. You spend a lot of time talking about Russia. Russia must be on your mind a lot >:3

watch his mental state degrade with every post

Sorry my slanty eyed friend but only 2 posts out of 4 are mine.

>Crimea votes to become part of Russia
>Polish posters have meltdown and start flooding threads in Sup Forums and Sup Forums about how the Polish military will retake Ukraine and Crimea by force


>they found a white man in Brasil
There, a list of things that didn't happen.

I've always had the impression of arabs being inherently buttblasted, but that's just me.


People like turks react emotionally to everything. They're like women

>They're like women

>Philippines most powerful and macho country on Earth
This map checks out

Actually, in Russia there's a stereotype that Southern people in general have what we refer to as "hot blood".

Arabs, turks, certain types of asians, balkans, italians, spaniards all are supposedly easy to trigger.

No offense in that regard, it's just a stereotype probably.

I am only partly biased to arabs, I'd say.

shit countries are easily triggered because they have nothing to be proud of and deep down they fucking hate it

The entire arab world
and of course the Jews.
the butthurt belt gets pretty mad about Russians.
but we have to think about the hate trio and a half of Koreas/China/Japan. Those guys chimp out about each other all the time.

I don't know... there's certainly a lot, but I think the Turks are the ones who have a more difficult time dealing with their chimping out... they want to chimp out about basically all of their neighbous all the time (look how easy it is for a Turk to discredit any poster as a Kurd/Armenian/Greek/South Slav, etc), but chimping out too hard will just show how much they are hurt in reality so they end up being this passive-agressive bitch of a country and people. It's a special kind of chimping out. It's... a Cockroaching out.

He can't comprehend what you're saying. Swedish men are the most impotent and passive males in the world.

fuck when a turk posts his silly map not knowing what the author is talking about
shit shit shit


>china masculine
w o t

But i love you Poland even if you rude.

>Armenian Genocide
>No mention of Pontic Greek or Assyian Genocide

So historical truth and justice depend entirely on who has the largest diaspora and can lobby harder


There's only one option.

Isn't it like that with practically anything?

No one will hear you, if you don't have the power to bring your point across out loud.

It is like that even in interpersonal relationships between single humans.

now imagine having them living right next to you

Let's all look at why Turks are upset:
First of all, in the Muslim religion, you're not allowed to have what? Sex. Good, there's no sex until marriage in the Turkish world.
Now, this would be fine except that in the Muslim religion you also can't... Anybody? Jack off. Okay, jacking it is strictly forbidden in Turkey.
And what do we know about the places Turks live? They live in? Good, sand.
Now put yourself in the shoes of a Turk. It's Friday night, but you can't have sex, and you can't jack off. There's sand in your eyes and probably in the crack of your ass, and then some movie comes along from a country where people are getting laid, and mocks your genocide. Well you know what? I'd be pretty pissed off too!

im sure having mutilated dicks doesnt help either

>someone mentions the word genocide unintentionally

why do they always look like they are constipating?

He is an Armenian genocide denier


Lol, sameflag mad at Poland. Not saying MH17. Confirmed kanker medelander.

>Getting this mad over a movie based on a fictional story

>Turkey will never be European
Sup Forums's version of "at least I'm not Anthony Burch"

Feels fucking amazing

>Not uber feminine


t. mehmet

Greeks owe reparations to Turkey for genociding the Turks in Troy.


You've clearly never been to Turkey.

Turkish girls are sluts.

Prostitution is also legal in Turkey.

>Implying you didnt do the same thing to Turks when you invaded Western Anatolia.

Ottoman Greeks welcomed your army with opened arms. And when you left there was no one to protect them. Same with Armenians when Russians left Eastern Anatolia.

>muh genocide

You lost nigger.

I don't care if you believe me or not but just to shed some light on the issue from second hand info:

My great-grandfather served as an officer in the Ottoman army and after Gallipoli, he went all the way to Baku through Eastern Anatolia before the armistice. Apparently he told some stories about how he saw and ignored Armenian men getting shot near rivers. He genuinely believed that these were 'çeteci' Armenians, bandits and rebels preying on civilians and the army alike. If you can really find some unbiased(both for Turks and Armenians) you can see that Armenians did 'chimp out' and started killing people, calling for a response from the army and eventaully leading to their poorly decided deportation(which is the main cause of the deaths).

I talked over this and had arguments with one of my highschool friends who is an Armenian christian. She said she heard similar stories as well but believed they were mostly fabrications to get the army do what they were doing.

I am by no means an expert on the subject but I honestly believe blindly accusing people of killing thousands of civilians is the way only a delusional flaming faggot would act. You don't have to take my word for it ofc.

Bavaria balances out the men, and German women are rather masculine desu.

why don't we nuke both a*menia and t*rkey

armenians came here to slave around in the 1800's and turks came to create the shitholes known as anything that isn't transylvania and now everybody is brown and hairy

Perfidious Albion and the Surrendergypoo should never be forgiven for the Crimean war and which allowed the cockroach to retain Constantinopole.

They are in part to blame for the Christian Genocide that went on thereafter.

Never forgive, never forget.

It's an excerpt from south park, dumbo.

I don't watch south park, forgive me.



Have you been there?
Divorce wasn't allowed until 2002.


Literally the saltiest on Sup Forums

Fuckin' hell.

>why are you voting 1 to our shitty movie about made up genocide
>ur triggered lel xdxdexdeee

i wish i could vote solid 0

If it triggers the filthy turks so it's good!

Armenian genocide is true and I hope the world keep recognize it.

What metric are we working on here?

it is because the muslims are brainwashed by the quran and by their culture/society that teach them that they are victims. Any critics against them is unjust and wrong.

this map is about gender inequality, the more equal you are, the more feminine you are

What genocide?



Call Taiwan a country, or don't take their side in their countless territorial disputes, and watch how ass-pained they get.

And of course, pic related.

turks should be exterminated like they did to armenians every single man woman and child should be raped to death then made into dogfood and fertilizer

National hero

I don't get it.

google 'mack horton sun yang'

One offhand sentence triggered an entire country.

How I wish I could banter like you Australians.

>Butthurt Poland thinks it has an argument

I love it when Armenians do songs at Yurovision about muh genocide and roaches get butthurt


Why do we get the fucking father