Would you marry her?

Would you marry her?

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Probably desu. I lived with an African Muslim gf in the past.

I'd fuck her, but I wouldn't commit miscegenation.

Eww a muzzie

Marry counts on personality and love, sex counts on looks
I wouldn't have sex with her and I dunno if I'd marry her, there's no information to judge.

>not cucking mohammad with sweet muslim pussy

>buying the cow when you can get the milk for free
It all depends on whether or not she finds my crippling autisn endearing

would you?

No, i would not.


Would impregnate

shes too thin but yes, OMG yes
why wouldnt anyone?

too skinny

Is liking the sheboons the new meme fetish for ugly virgins? What happened to yellow fever?

Sadly WMBW makes a black child, so I couldn't in good conscience marry her, since we would just have to divorce at a later time.
I would totally fuck her, though.

>tfw no muslim gf to commit zina with

yellow fever is for beta weebs
jungle fever is the thinking man's fever

No, I would marry her

>thinking man's fever

I'd not marry anybody but she is welcome in my bed

That's just the USA

>white, non-hispanic
>black, non-hispanic
what kind of meme are hispanics?

my brain says no but my conqueror penis says yes


No, i wouldn't marry a pic for ants

Chlamydia is still better than AIDS


I see this all the time on Sup Forums, is it Sup Forums cancer leaking again or something?

what's the name of this Nubian queen?


Ugly beta virgins noticed that sheboons have very low standards and will fuck anyone even nerdy autistic fat White neckbeards.

proof that white women are awful

tbqf that's probably because WMBF relationships are super unusual, so it's more likely that they're highly compatible if they can get around the race barrier.


Daily reminder that you have the colonial cock, you're rightful duty to your ancestors is to conquer foreign pussy wherever it be (safety though)

Best we have is BBC cuckoldry

have you seen middle aged white women? they are the average obese people from america

You do know it's a very rare coupling?

Mexico is the fattest country in the world.

>implying obesity wouldn't stop them and us from jumping the wall and hiding in truck beds

Sudanbro, what is your story? Are you Sudanese?

Yessir, Aussiebro

Sudanese born and bred, educated according to British curricula, plagued by autism and depression, hoping to find increasingly limited hospital jobs in the budget-tightening Middle East

This time, what is YOUR story, are you the coolbro who's going to land a job in AISO?

Just put on condom, senpai.

It is a pleasure to see that our Empire still produces specimens such as yourself. Never should have let it die.

Yes, I am probably the coolbro. Fun fact, I spent three weeks travelling around South Sudan on river boats back in 2012. Got malaria in Malakal and shit. Never did make it up to Sudan though.

Nice Quads of brotherly affirmation

>Got malaria in Malakal
No Sudanese visit is complete without a bout of malaria

Its actually nice to see outgoing people such as yourself adventure even to our side of the world, keep being cool, bro.

Yes, they are fat. But I swear our women is beautiful at young age. Don't blame them for their poor diet.

It was a pleasure to be there, in all honesty I've never met people as hospitable as the ones in South Sudan. This is probably because they never see travellers, but it was a great experience. This photo is of the journey from Malakal to Nasir, where I ended up staying as a guest of the local governor.

We don't have much to offer besides humble hospitality, and I am very glad you had a wonderful experience

Best I could offer with the pic, saved too I'll admit

Ayy thank you brother, saved.

It's bed time for me, have a good one and probably see you around.

same here bro, looking forward to seeing you again


To enjoy being married to someone you have to really like being around them. She's hot as fuck granted, but without spending an afternoon watching chinese cartoons and showing her my stamp collection how can I know we're in anyway compatible outside a purely physical sense? I mean obviously my dangly bits are going to fit in her wobbly bits and if I actually fucked her I would fully enjoy filling her lady parts with my cum. She's got a nice body and a pretty face you'd have to be gay or lying to say you aren't even on a primal level.

However, I'd personally rather spend a weekend alone with a DTF 6/10 I can talk to than a DTF 9/10 I can't. Now for a marriage draw that out 40-50 years, after the first six months to a year of hard fucking you'd spending afternoon after afternoon with someone you can't talk to. Eventually that physical attraction is going to die, she's going to lose her figure, you're going to go bald/grey you'll both wrinkle up like prunes and then you're stuck and miserable.

Not thicc enough

Only if I were to polygamy. Cant afford my only seed to be blacks


nothing wrong with a mixed child. They inherit best traits from both. High IQ, Social skills, good looks, high test, high energy not cucked, etc.

Genetic variety is good.

>They inherit best traits from both


There is no such thing as mixed, the kid either becomes light skin or dark skin. Something like 75% of mixed children identify as black.

lol, yes. Literally science bro. They are taller, stornker, and smarter.


I can already see Sup Forums getting triggerd.

And the kid looks asian, I want my kids to be white.

Yes there is. Race itself is a made up concept to lump broad genetics in narrow categories.

Depends on country. In Brasil for instance mixed people do not 75% identify as black. In some European countries and America this may have been the case, but this is because traditionally white people woulddnt accept that whereas black people didnt care. In the US for instance there was the "one drop of blood law" used to justify slavery where if you had a black great grandfather you would be considered black, even if you were pale skinned with blonde haired and more aryan looking than 99% of the people. It is just arbitrary nonsense.

The truth is genetic variety is good. You ever see what happens to pure bred dogs, they become retarded and get all types of genetic defects.

Intelligence, social skills, and physical abilities are actually improved.

That is just outside appearance. The inbred child you want to have, but never will because you are autistic fag, would be short, beta, low-test, and retarded. They would inherit your autism too. My mixed children will enslave them.

a friend of mine was a professional footballer (i wont say who he is, but he played in Portugal and Bulgaria) and married a black woman. she's cute and they seem happy so good for them

You seem angry that people don't want to have black kids. I'm not saying genetic variety is bad, just that I want my kids to look like me, or that mixed race people are somehow subhumans (which is why I think you're so angry), just that if I had a child with a black woman they would never be accepted as anything but black, and I don't want that.
Nice dubs by the way.

First off

>daily mail


Secondly, correlation does not equal causation, basic rule of logic. I see no indication that this study has even taken that into account. It's far more likely that the people who racemix are, on average, more intelligent and taller than the average person in society as a whole; two traits which are already known to be linked, by the way.

Only a sheep would racemix just because intelligent people are doing it. The reason they're doing it in the first place is that it's become the hip and "progressive" thing to do, not because of any kind of intrinsic benefit.

You seem angry that the number of mixed kids are increasing. Literally they are.

Daily mail didnt do the study, they just reported it along with every other media outlet. Your opinion on the science is noted I will put it in the file with climate denial, creationism, and flat earth theories.

White Male x Black female is such a rare pairing that you could say that when it happens it is in fact true love. That or the ghost of Thomas Jefferson is slowly invading his descendants

I'm not mad, like I said, I don't hold anything against half x half y people, I just want white kids.

Yet I bet all you did was read the Daily Mail's report, while I looked at the actual study. It doesn't adjust for socioeconomic background at all. Amateur rubbish that can be disregarded completely.

Probably yes.
I don't care about skin colour.
My family would totally like it as well.

You can make whatever excuse you want to deny the science, nobody cares about your opinion user.

Science > you

No, she's too skinny.

marriage material

Hell yeah.

Why is it so rare?

It is becoming pretty common. In past it wasnt acceptable but now people just want to be happy.