Are all Japanese people as retarded and incompetent as this guy?

Are all Japanese people as retarded and incompetent as this guy?

Yes, fuck this gook. I remember when the weeboos became happy that this fuck became the owner.

Yes. Japs aren't good at business. They only read books and create stuff, the stuff they create is good, so people buy it.

I remember when people who knew him warned us about him, but no one listened to them.

you way of questioning is wrong to begin with

this scumbag isnt relevant here anymore but only on Sup Forums at most. in other words most of us forget it or dont even know.

hes not even like an "incompetent " loser, more like just another obscure day trader or something as you can see anywhere.

Hello friend, I had a question for you

I was trying to ask 2nd chan about Hiro and what their experience with him was. But it wouldn't let me post there because I don't have a Japanese IP. Do you think you or some other Japanese person here could post for me?

Fuck you. White potatoe nigger

I like him

i can but he isnt such a big legend or anything else. sure, he made money a lot but hes noting like moot or some american IT billionaire. he wasnt a likeable person any time, more like an irresponsible troll.

He's literally killing this site, didn't you see the /qa/ thread?

Sure ok. I just wanted to ask what they thought of him, and if they had any stories about him that might be relevant.

People have been saying that Hiro is scamming us, and that he did the exact same thing to 2nd chan. I wanted to find out if that was actually true or not

No, I didn't. Do you have a link?

The thread:
The bombshell:

>all those butthurt Americans talking about nukes


literally "anoymous" brats like script kiddies loved him. the japanese "anonymous" were pretty much the same as "we are legion" western old school juvenile anonymous, who are almost dead or a dead concept now.

and thats true. but when he put the annoying ads on 2ch, 2ch itself was already out of fashion, due to the emergence of SNSes/web 2.0, and wasnt popular anymore. the board was getting old and going into a decline. i mean, only hardocre oldfags were willingly using the site and cared about the enforcement.

I thought 2ch was still huge? Has it rebounded?

Fucking same, the day this site goes under I will literally kill myself. Hiro will steal my only social interaction!!!!

technically, over 30yo oldfags and some nerds still use it, but it isnt like it used to be. and its hard to say its "huge". its some complex of chat rooms where only nerds and oldfags get together.

2ch was the centerpiece of japanese memes before, but it cant make any meme anymore, because those memers moved to twitter or just quit that shit, and the current userbases are different kind of folks from them.

>malicious ads are already a thing on Sup Forums
he's named Hiroshima Nagasaki for a reason, it seems

How much did he pay for Sup Forums?

I'm happy there is no stupid Sup Forums users

holy kek

fucking japs

He's just pretending to be retarded to get our money

Is that Hiroshima Nagasaki?


>wah wah there's some clickbait in the header

it's not a popup, it's not everywhere, moot tracked cookies or sth like that on Sup Forums for a long while and most probably on the other boards

Altough yes I hate hiroshima too, he had the perfect oportunity to close this shithole, fucking hell

did you try browsing on your phone ? it's a fucking nightmare now
not only there's ads for dating sites everywhere but now there IS popups that makes the phone vibrate and close the page and of it deletes everything and shit it's awful worse than porn sites

dumb phone poster
just use clover

Theres always this one

the layout is garbage and that site is basically for goobergators.



┃ヽ(・、 .)GAY┃


nothing new here for me.

You can barely use Sup Forums on your phone now. Fuck you Mook, what am I supposed to do while I take a shit now?

his shit english isnt fake. hes just a lazy asshole.

You deserve it for being phoneposting scum 2bh.


It's time for this website to die anyway.

still am.

Yes. Every person I meet that worked in Japan confirm me this. They're inefficient and incompetent as fuck.