There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who do not know a thing about music theory...

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who do not know a thing about music theory, but still listen to music and assign it ratings on how much they "enjoy" it

Your shitty music degree doesn't make you any different.

"patricians" we call them

there are people on Sup Forums right now who only want to say fuck you instead of discussing music or any entertainment. you need to close the PC and think why you´re still a virgin.

You literally can't appreciate music if you know nothing about music theory

That's LITERALLY and OBJECTIVELY retarded, kys

you have no girlfriend and no friends stay mad i hope you fucking explode loser =)

your parents think you´re a failior. please jump under a train.

Yeah, alright

Bach's and Palestrina's points of departure are antipodal. Palestrina starts out from lines and arrives at chords; Bach's music grows out of an ideally harmonic background, against which the voices develop with a bold independence that is often breath-taking.

I believe Death Grips and Kendrick Lamar are good because they sound good XD

See the difference?

Keep projecting lmao honestly you're useless


This post is a failor

I'm a fucking garbage cook, but I know what good food is.


Holy fuck lol

If this isn't b8ing you need to die

I actually cringe when I read this

your a really funny dude

this is satire right?

retarded comparison, cooks make food, people trained in music theory don't necessarily make music

ofcourse its bait, are you retarded?

So you "trained in music theory" to fucking sit at home and feel smart listening to beet oven?
>inb4 beet oven is shit

I taught myself music theory over a period of three months and will reap the rewards for decades - sharpened and rationally ecstatic appreciation of what I now recognise as the peak of humanity's musical endeavours: the Baroque period, traditional folk from Asia, Africa and South America, and contemporary classical à la the Spectralist works of Horațiu Rădulescu.

>OP and others like him struggle socially
>one of his biggest accomplishments was going to post secondary
>he wasn't good at very many things, so he studied music
>he became an entitled elitist asshole during his time at school
>this was enhanced by the rejection he felt from his peers
>4 years after getting his degree, here he is, unemployed, ranting on Sup Forums like an imbecile

Nice thread OP

>three months
Bait confirmed

off yourself

Why do all classical listeners have to be such pretentious assholes who shit on anything other than Bach to try to feel superior?

Always nice to see pleb faggots getting triggered since they can't understand music.


However, I do enjoy it when music reviewers incorporate music theory knowledge in their criticism.

pretty much sums it up.

most have awful taste like dave matthews band or phish - just go check out any music major's music collection, it's pure pleb

>liking Bach

do you even know the meaning of the word "theory"?

Yes because these are the only artists that exist you can't like anything else

if it's only a theory then why do I need to know it to have an opinion on music?


>caring about theory in rock music
OP explain how music theory past level 1 is pertinent to music that isn't Western Art or jazz.

thanks for the cringe thread material

People like to say "Oh Montie you don't know anything about music"

But I took 8 years of theory.

Also, this post is the mark of a metal fag who like "uncommon time sigs"

You still don't know shit about music, you're more proof OP is wrong

if you like music theory so much, why don't you listen to some Schönberg you fuck. tell me how understanding everything makes music better. I hate being beast moder in music theory. i can't enjoy anything related to music anymore

>often breathtaking
so if i listen to that same song most times itll be breathtaking but sometimes it wont be?
i don't get it. it is or it isn't

I guess that's a cool opinion, if you enjoy being WRONG!

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who immediately after listening to a piece of music "don't know" if they liked it or not because they need to "think about it"

google the definition of a theory you failior

This scared me because I'm trying to into music theory, please explain the pitfalls


holy god new meme

classical fags are the worst, prove me wrong

Tbh this makes OP's point look worse

>i hope you fucking explode loser =)
honestly, why is everyone stuck on the failior thing when someone just told someone else on the internet to fucking explode

8 years of theory and you have an Oasis album ranked higher than the Trout Mask Replica, Ege Bamyasi, The VU&N, Madvillainy, Amnesiac, Abbey Road, Raw Power, Donuts, and Loveless

Seriously consider suicide

People here always seem to think music theory is a magical tool which allows anyone to have good music taste.
Knowing how music is composed doesn't suddenly change how you experience music.

Trout Mask Replica sucks ass lmao

i hope u combust fucking failor =)

Even if that's the case, it doesn't suck worse than Oasis

if you're a pleb, of course it does!

regardless as someone with a degree in music i can say with confidence that you just used a bunch of big words to sound smart. music is the expression of feelings, knowledge in music theory helps you learn the language so that you can speak it, but we all understand, user. don't be such a faggot

>3 months
lmao so you just listened to some classical music and looked up their time period and genre so you could use them and other big words to sound smart and superior, while you know literally nothing of actual theory, harmonics, tendencies, etc. kys

epic fail

*epic failior

fucking explode, failior.

ITT: People who are triggered because OP is completely right
OP is probably a shitposter himself though because of the three months thing

So all those pop dance songs they play in clubs... people don't enjoy them at all? Since most kids who go clubbing don't know a lot of music theory (yet)

You know, saying that music theory can change your tastes is fine and all, but saying that it is impossible to enjoy music without music theory is just dumb. A ton of everyday situations contradict that claim.

I hope you combust u fucking failior =)

shut up failior