Name a better psychedelic pop album. I'll wait

Name a better psychedelic pop album. I'll wait

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Strawberry Jam

Here it is


I don't get how people pretend that this album is psychedelic in any way

Painting With is even better than Currents

Why are you posting this here?
This is a cringe thread we don't want actual good albums here, just memes


>best psychedelic pop album
Not even the best Tame Impala album


Even this piece of shit is better than Currents.


Not hard


morgan delt
unknown mortal orchestra
quest for fire
weird owl
forever changes
sf sorrow
united states of america
fifty foot hose
pet sounds
parable of arable
anything by foxygen
anything by ty segall
anything by mikal cronin
anything (else) by tame impala
neon indian
..... artpop

this band, which according to last fm is my most listened band of all time, is not psychedelic pop. They are stoner rock.

i second this

Currents is really good, but there are much better Psych albums out there.

>420 scrobbles

witness me!

so the cover doesn't fit the title at all. Did he just close his eyes, open a dictionary and point to a random word to use as his album title?

That is neither psychedelic nor pop

what are you doing user

Woods are so underrated here, good to see another fan

Literally the entire AnCo discography.

That includes the trash like Danse Manatee, CentipedeHz and Painting With

Why are we pretending Currents isn't is Disco album?

By far the best post of the thread


hahahahaha, it's a solid album but no