
Halloween edition

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Her boobs and ass are way too big

That's fucking scary




They Dress like that justifying to shock people, not becaise they're racista, in fact, if they Don't feel uncomfortable doing that in front of black people, they get a Long very well that they even found racism funny

>that KKK guy

what a madman

it's our national tradition

kids love it

I are the niggest

Why red lips

Needs to be darker.

Tis gave me a boner

Chocolate dipped whities are bust

me on the top left

It's friday lads, what are you doing today


/night* ;_;

I'm headed to the mosque right now, I have to take some old dude, but I never go inside.

How's your day been so far

It's been cool. Hung out with some classmates and I will head to the gym soon. Otherwise I will chill for the rest of the day/night

Did you prat friday prayers you neet?

Well, well, well, what brings you to the dance, you lovely black thing?

I haven't prayed since 2009

Fapped cried fapped some more cried then fapped to stop crying rinse repeat

The endless cycle of pain and misery continues


Friday is always the worst day of the week. I hate going to the mosque

You can easily change all of that

there's a somali hijabi I know
I see her everyday
she seems really inaccesible
do you think she ever has lewd thoughts?

Everyone has lewd thoughts user. You should do something about her lewd thoughts and make it a reality

somali girls seem like the type who would marry and trap a white guy by making him convert to islam when he's drunk and dragging him to the mosque, terrified, every friday

>hate going mosque
Why tho? It's so chill

They love foreign men who feign Islam. It's as if every convert is promised a somali girl at conversion

Feels awkward and weird in there

>10k a year
wot ?
can you even survive with this
is there a job for people who are getting their degree in, let's say business economics or maybe law, or do you all live from tourism and manual work



There are jobs in the financial services, and a shit ton of hospitality gigs

yeah but I'll probably need a connection to get a job there, recommendation or a friend
at least that's how things work here

looks like the dipped in chocolate sundae


I hope thread doesn't die like the last one

I'm really considering putting an application for jobs on the virgin islands. I'd like to live there but after I get my gyno surgery

literally flawless
I'm putting this one in next op

>gyno surgery
how much will you need to pay ?

This body is simply 10/10

Can a taller girl get something like this in the gym?

Maybe around $5000. Going to do it when I cut next spring

How much in croatia

I don't know anyone who had a gyno, maybe they did but they kept it quite
I'm assuming it's free

perfect body



Hrvat this one was particularly haram, almost got into an accident

Bro you have the most extreme form of jungle fever I've ever seen. Why not come over and indulge yourself? They adore foreign lads, and you are a big guy tbqh. It would be like if I went to Europe and tell them I'm American. It would increase your attractiveness

Come home hrvat

whatcha listenin tonight lads?


Tears for fears tonight

>Why not come over
I'm going with work and travel agency this summer, it will be my first time visiting burgerland
>if I went to Europe and tell them I'm American. It would increase your attractiveness
depends where you go


Burgerland is quite a funny place m8, but I think the rampant obesity will shock you.

The grills at the large unis are class though.

Which parts of the cunt will you be coming to?

Hot a what baabhaabhiat
Who is this goddess, I want her naked

>whatchu lookin at, jive-ass honkey

Gookmoot ruined the site.

Had a mistakes into miracles moment tonight lads. Was gonna hit the gym but I missed the bus. I was already late af and could only work out for 1 hour, but after missing the bus I would only have like 35 min. Instead I went to this other gym in another city and my God, this is literally a 8/10 gym Danish standards + it closes at midnight. From now on I will only go there. Best part not that many people :)

>Sup Forums will die in your lifetime
>you will finally be free from this shithole

I gave up lifting for a while. I've been doing running and yoga which has improved my sex life immensely.

Do you have a membership to numerous gyms or something, or is it the same chain? Usually I hit the weightlifting gym , 11/10 equipment, but if I'm at campus I just go to the campus one. I used to go to a high class chain back in the day, but it was overran by somali cockroaches and I had to bounce

No m8, we will not be free. Liberated is a better term

How >:O Tell me your secrets

lol same. I used to go on yahoo answers, then 9gag, then reddit and now I'm here. The sites I visit becomes more and more degenerate. I wonder where I will waste my life 2 years from now when I grow tired of chan

issa chain

She has no boobs.

How much a month in €? My gym is fucking $120 a month but we even have eleiko plates and barbells so I can't even complain.


Where's aruba and Igbo today?

What the fuck $120?! And I thought Denmark was expensive. My gym is around $37 a month

the croatian jungle fever poster is actually considered an integral member of this general?
top kek

Stay around bro, you may also be a part of this little general


I've already been a regular poster on /m*na/ for 2 years now

You /refugee/ too? Or regular Belgian?


Cool. Thanks for creating porn

algerians invented that first

kek gonna troll Algerianfag with this one. Is he/she actually a girl or a dude? Also where the fuck is Mona?


he's a dude
Mona may or may not be getting raped daily in a fat brown hairy egyptian's basement

Which countries are the enemies of Aruba?

It's a really really nice place, worth the money. Whenever the world famous Arnold classic is held every year, the animals come to our gym to train. Next March hopefully I'll see the real lads. I know klokov came to our gym in 2006, even Arnold has come here before too.

Is this you Israeli?

Wakey Wakey

Ongoing beef with curaçao

indeed it is me

Don't listen to Somalien. We have no enemies. But you won't see me shed a tear when Venezuela goes full Stalin mode. :^)

Contemplating sleeping some more

He just looks mestizo

>tfw my only Jewish friend died of cystic fibrosis

Hope G*d is nice to him

Thankfully it's the weekend, and it's time to get the zzzzzzzzs. Its bizzare how a neet can't sleep enough


Why Venezuela? Their women are quite hot desu. Not as beautiful as Aruban girls tho ;);););););););)

I knew a Jewish dude too. He was quite cool and I only found out after 2 years of knowing him lol

NEED some fufu with groundnut soup lads.

Post more african cuties pls

Chatting to a nigress but thinking about arubanon, haraam life isn't for me but it keeps pulling me...

Not too late to Ween yourself off it now

I've never met a Jew I disliked. And their women have airbags for breasts. All that consanguinity

Nothing better than that chocolate skin.

muh dick


>And their women have airbags for breasts
Really? I have never seen a Jewish girl before

They killed Abraham ;_;

all croats have jungle fever confirmed

whats up my brothas

potato negro here

Very hit and miss facially, but they have huge tits 9/10 times

Google Jewish American princesses

All of you have it hrvoje

Eoin what's up

How does it sound when doves cry?

H-help me, Sup Forums!

>rampant obesity will shock you
I've heard stories from older friends who were there, some of them even got robbed
>Which parts of the cunt will you be coming to?
somewhere in florida

You shouldn't get robbed, it's just like anywhere else. Don't put your stuff in visible places

Jesus you couldn't have picked a better area for your jungle fever, maybe Atlanta is only better. If it's summertime be prepared for the juicy women frolicking about. I hope you're gonna be in Dade county because it probably has the hottest women per capita in the entire us

Stop shitposting then. Sleep comes first.

All the hot ones have fled already.

Because shit hit the fan and they're now rats scurrying everywhere. Here included.

>african general
>nearly every flag is western