If your favorite album from the 00s isn't on here, then you're a pleb

If your favorite album from the 00s isn't on here, then you're a pleb.

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Shit list. Here's your (You)

oh hey it actually is

>No Juturna
Shit list tbqhwyf

>implying I have a favorite album from the 00s
You're a pleb.

It is

He only gave it a 7.5/10 though

Please kys if you like ironically or not the following:
>Mars Volta
>Arcade Fire
>Comets on Fire
>Fiery Furnaces
>LCD Soundsystem
>Pan Sonic
>Wolves in the Throne Room
>Xiu Xiu


i agree but clouddead is comfy as fuck

Because I don't like them


Sure but why does that mean I should kill myself?

>Demdike Stare


Because of your bad taste
plus I asked nicely

you realize it's the japanese Ghost, right?

if you're talking about the japanese Ghost then you can fuck off

How is that bad taste, and why does having bad taste mean I should kill myself?

Not including
You Are The Quarry
By The Way
Kid A


Japanese Ghost is worse than the American one.
The only difference between Jap Ghost and every other half baked psych band is Japanese singing and you have Flower Travellin Band for that anyway.
I'm not a fan of Acid Mothers Temple either but even I can see they don't compromise the psychedelic elements of their music so they can have 3 to 5 minute pop songs around them all the time.
They abandon traditional song structures and take the plunge into their psychedelic sonically empowered jams, unlike Ghost which dances around the edge where other bands like The Move, Flower Travellin Band and The Kinks inhabit.

I can see the importance of those older bands though since they were important in challenging pop music norms, I can't however see the need for that band in 21st century when we have bands like AMT.

Cause they bad and I don't mind just please stop asking me awkward questions and leave.

Why are they bad? And why should I leave?

Because then I don't have to see them posted

And they are bad because I do not like them

Why don't you like them? What's wrong with seeing them posted?

I listen to this album at least twice a week. It's that fucking good

Reply to this post or there will be a spider in your headphones next time you put them on.

>Roy Montgomery - The Allegory of Hearing
this is a good list to be quite perfectly honest with you famalamadingdong

That's high for scuffles

why are you doing this to him, stop asking questions it's really awkward.

Why is it awkward?

Scaruffi has a surprising amount of metal on here.


>doesnt have sound of silver
>has LCDs worst album
Uhhhhh no.





Holy shit

If we're talking just 2000-2010, it actually is. And I thank Scaruffi for that. Disappeared is an amazing album.

God that's funny. Thanks for the laugh.

>crawling to critics to justify your taste
fuck you

>Gnaw Theirs Tongues
I saw them live earlier this year and they fucking sucked. One of the worse 'bands' I've ever suffered live

If you think they're good you should seriously consider suicide

Where'd you see them?

Brudenell Social Club in Leeds, UK - Jan 15th

What didn't you like?

dis shit gay, honestly


Everything - it was barely audible behind the wall of noise, the stage presence was static and boring, thank god Dragged into Sunlight were good otherwise I would've left earlier


And why should someone kill themselves if they thing GTT is good?

because it's bad and they should feel bad

Why is it bad? Why should they feel bad?

>tfw earbuds