

Other urls found in this thread:


>Carly Rae Jepsen


There's a reason Jason Aldean isn't on the actual Sup Forums core chart, it's because he's a meme
this statement applies for twenty one pilots.
they're a meme

no fuck off

You need to cut twenty one pilots, jepsen and grimes


>21 pilots


I never understood what was so hard to get into about First Utterance. Maybe I'm just getting better at this.


>painting with
-the king of limbs
Delete this

>come here knowing perfectly that OP's pic is bait
>not mad at all
>see thread
>people nitpicking artists saying only those are bad
>full mad
For fucks sake, every single of those artists is shit and is redditier, that's the whole fucking point of the thread.
You faggots believing that some artists in there are not bad are full plebs and should go back to fucking reddit.
If for a single moment you believe any of those artists is actually good you should leave this fucking place

I don't really understand that either, it's no more inaccessible than a lot of other prog rock albums


It's Prog folk, but yeah, I got into it easier than Close to the Edge and Red.

AnCo, Radiohead, and DG are fine dude.

Btw, we patricians say "trish" now. Get with it

Gr8 b8 m8



Look at his face. His post is now his face. Look at it. Look and say is it a face of a sane person? Answer me, is it?

most emotional album of all time

>neutral milk hotel requiring a high musical IQ

holy shit