He doesn't like Maxwell's Silver Hammer

>he doesn't like Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Other urls found in this thread:


>he likes THE beatles

>he thinks "Her Majesty" is redundant

Who doesn't?



a lot of people like to cite it as the worst track on the album

It's generally a toss-up between that or Octopus's Garden from what I've seen.

>even though it's obviously Come Together

Those people are what we refer to as faggots

this would be completely fine with better animation. I fucking hate this.

what is worse than it

her majesty is a great ending, much more humble than if the album just ended with the end

it's actually their best song


Sun King is worse, or at least more boring

It's funny that, because Octopus's Garden is probably one of the best songs on the album.

Sun king is so boring, dear god. My only other complaint abour the album is that her majesty being at the end breaks the medley of the second half.

must be that same fag that doesn't like Hot Dog from In Through the Out Door

get the fuck out sun king is the most beautiful track on the album, the vocals are god-tier

Come Together and Maxwell's Silver Hammer are the worst tracks on Abbey Road

call me contrarian but ive always enjoyed revolver more than abbey road

abbey road is really polished and wonderful sounding but the actual songwriting isnt there, whereas on revolver you have greatsongwriting, great musicianship (especially ringos drumming) and use of the studio -- its a better album

HOLY FUCK that song is so fucking annoying and trash tier kys OP

both revolver and rubber soul are better

just revolver, rubber soul sucks

it's a contender for weakest track on the album when I think about it, but I still like it

Maxwell's Silver Hammer is actually one of the best songs on that album

its obladiblada tier awful, one of paul's worst

How do you guys feel with the original intro that was later cut off? do you like it better when it just starts with the verse?


sorry for the stereo mix, there isnt a youtube version to link to

how could anyone think that, while everytime i listened to this track, it stuck in my mind for two hours.

Why isn't bigman wearing any shoes?

Funny thing though, every other Beatle didn't like Maxwell's Silver Hammer either.

that's a fucking great song

you will grow out of this hating pauls old timey music meme soon enough

what is up with I Want To Pick You Up from Love You? That song is creepy.

Sup Forums are such faggots

Lol maxwell is awsome XD

Uggh come together stinks sooo overrated

I dont get the hate on them. Honey pie also gets a lot of undue hate.

Idk if youre trying to be ironic, but Maxwell is waaaay better than Come Together you reddit shilling faggot.