Do women like the big Irish cock in your country?

Do women like the big Irish cock in your country?
Irishmen were so renowned for their strength and virility that men across western europe would hire Irish mercenaries to fight for them and impregnate their wives with powerful Irish seed.
The first Norse inscription we find in Ireland describes the locals as unstoppable warriors who are not to be trifled with.

Fuck off pastanigger

Yes, my dad is Irish

i am a russian woman and i love irish boys. my first boyfriend was irish and took all my virginities. he died in a car accident. i nearly killed myself because i love him so much. i wanted to be his cute catholic wife and have many kids with him ;_;.

Irishman took your wife and gave her a full belly, hombre?

You can be my cute catholic wife love


Pic of bic please.

no, sorry. i am still in mourning. it happened a year ago, yet i cannot even look at another man. especially not russian man. he was so sweet and nice in comparison, actually listened to me. russian men are dumb, violent, drunk byldo in comparison.

but maybe someday, i will find nice irish man again.

sorry lad ive no idea what a bic is bai

This is promoting an unhealthy and quite frankly misogynistic stereotype of the power dynamics in male-female relationships that does not belong in 2016.

Name a single fucking thing in existence that has successfully been run by only women.

Celtic resistance against roman tyranny for one


Fine, Egyptian resistance against Roman tyranny.

That worked out well didn't it. Boudicca literally marched thousands of raging celts against several hundred romans, and get royally BTFO, most of her soldiers died against fucking meds, and England was fully conquered by Rome.

Next. Is this the best you can find?

see shitlord

Is this what potato niggers believe?

Are you literally a fucking "WE WUZ KANGZ" fuckhead?

I'm not saying you're wrong, but a quick google search shows no evidence of any actual resistance to Roman rule at all. If you can find some sources that prove your point, I would be more than happy to read them and see if I'm wrong, if my opinion needs reevaluation, or whatever.

>tfw my mum got MICKED

kek sexists btfo once again.

2 Irish grandfathers here
makes me want to commit

In America we say that those of Irish ancestory suffer from the Irish curse. The curse states that the individual regardless of body size will have a small penis.

By fucking caeser,then fucking Marc Antony before finally getting killed by Octavian. Top tier resistance.

>The first Norse inscription we find in Ireland describes the locals as unstoppable warriors who are not to be trifled with.

>This coming from a country which was occupied for 800 years abd genocided several times

the norse still took irish wenches with them as slaves when they left

Because the English bought half the Irish to keep the other half in line. England itself had the shit kicked out of it in the Nine Years War by the superior Gael. The Battle of Moyry Pass absolutely FUCKED the Anglos.

The Norse settled Mann and got MICK'd into becoming Gaelic without us ever having to take it by force.

>England itself had the shit kicked out of it in the Nine Years War by the superior Gael.
>English victory
>100,000 Irish casulaties
>30,000 English casualties mostly through disease

>pre-martial sex
you were just a cheap ride

yet lost to spear chuckers in africa in the beginning.

>powerful Irish seed
I think someone might disagree

Not English m8, but if you want to make fun of them you could probably find a war they actually lost.

sorry for insulting you by calling you english. I have one or more I can think of.

Only Conrad's desu, red panties night everywhere he goes, yeh ?


>posts an englishman
England btfo

>fun thread
>brits arrive
>thread ruined
What the fuck is it about having a brit flag on your post that makes you have to act like a massive faggot? Are you seriously so sensitive that you have to storm into a thread that has nothing to do with you just to shit it up?
Fucking banterless twats