Post your favorite album and others guess your personality

Post your favorite album and others guess your personality

you are a faggot

how is this going to be a good thread based off one album? people are a little bit more complicated than that i think you know that

ok computer -- lets see, do you feel alienated, maybe even paranoid, anxious confused in this fast paced 21 century world?? no shit everyone feels like that! fuck off!

You're not very insecure, and you don't care what people think about you



you're blind

>Needs a cigarette rn
>Currently drinking coffee
>All his friends are overweight females.


you're a paranoid android



you're christian

You're startled by something out of frame


you are angry



you prefer ass to boobs

you prefer boobs to ass



you're very right

a bunch of sissy niggers and you make mum cry all the time


Not Good Morning Spider? Interesting, but not a bad choice by any means.

Well adjusted for the most part, you probably cry more than most people.

it's between this and spiderland tbqh

You're a wise man

Everyone in this thread is lonely

do me

you're a dumbass and your dick is small


Grow the fuck people.

You put up a facade of toughness, but, in reality, you're actually a very sensitive soul.


You love to dance, but you wish there was more melody in contemporary music.

You'd rather buy a very nice little thing than a cheap big thing.



Mines already been posted so i'll just post a new fave
you smoked weed for the first time exactly one year ago today
you're just fucking sad bro, hope you feel better
you get a little too excited when a package arrives
you have a gf but you worry about her leaving you
you prefer tea to coffee


>you prefer ass to boobs
i'm gay user so you're technically correct

you have max 2 friends
you don't really hang out that much
into vidya
very emotive person


You make decisions based off of other people's opinions




You have at least one incurable STD

This was your dad's favourite album and all you want is for him to love you.

Your favourite album is actually Kid A, but you want to look different.

I would like you.


Loving #3

you're sorta greasy but i'd hang with u

Fuckibgg gaffggot



Keke maly ayyyyy


Dude weeeed lamaiaoookik

Foexxxx the musscles le mauxces


Depr asses omfggfg

Hipsster like nottttt!




Fedora lmoa autist

Vria. Wilson le afggot ayyy


Eeed stoner lmao nostalgia

Uum im so depressed lol

Fluorescet adlolsescent

No feace holr in head

Ukq pleb

Fesora hostle

complete masterpiece

user i think you're drunk. or pretending to be drunk? more likely that

youre a chill dude who buries his issues deep down. probably decent looking and capable of pulling girls, but you get socially awkward.

>Twin Fantasy
>a guy that likes girls

Yeah definitely the latter


>Twin Fantasy
>a guy that likes anything but anthropomorphic foxes

hints: not schizophrenic

you have a good relationship w/ your parents, and are well-liked in your small social circle
loves concerts
enjoys psychedelic drugs

Kek i am drunk desu what am i doing on mu lmao

you're a dad



nope, cant even drive yet. pls no ban

please judge me thanks.

close second is glass houses

lol mods

(Notice that i don't listen to lots of Space Rock)

you're 18 and you're a bit introverted

You smoke weed and wear jeans

you wear glasses

you're old

You only drink London Pride

Your house is dust-free.

You're surprisingly nice.

You're surprisingly boring.

also accurate

Can't say I've seen this before. The title though, it's either Low Life or Power, Corruption and Lies for me when it comes to New Order. I'm pretty boring I guess.


good post


I love that album. Plenty of space rock is worth checking out though. Don't expect earlier examples of the genre (with the exception of Spacemen 3 obviously) to bear much resemblance to Ladies and Gentlemen. At that point in their discog, Spiritualized was sounding much more like all the late sixties psych bands Jason loves than Gong or Hawkwind or anything like that. Still worth checking out if you're not totally averse to maybe some slightly proggy tendencies.

>Your house is dust-free.

Yeah I was about to put Low life as my favorite, I've always thought of it as their best but, I had the sudden realization that, out of the two, I listen to Movement more often, So I suppose that it makes it my favorite.
And I dont really think anyone who listens to NO can be "Boring".

I have a friend into psych rock and Space Rock who tells me that Gong is the greatest band on the planet, i sware i'm gonna check it out one day...

you only have one true friend
you don't believe in love anymore

hopes girls notice what he's listening to and ask about it even though it never happens

>albums as a whole are fucking memes

just fuck me quickly

not ironic


you secretly love buzzfeed

you're lazy
you prefer booze to other drugs




What is it with people in these threads posting their favourite albums but not guessing other people's personalities? It's always just a string of album covers and no fucking content!

You're at a point in life where you can't seem to catch a break

You're a really fun and social person


you drink yellow semen

You wear fedoras

you wish you were a DJ at a club in Blade Runner. Great album
you wear sunglasses at night
you like to escape into fantasies

correct good sir

Your a normie, but not a complete pleb
You are probably bi and over 30
You are lying to make people think you are more unique then you actually are to get anonymous people to like you, even though they don't know who you are.
You work a job you hate with people you refuse to socialize with because it's easier and pays better then anything else you could get.
You haven't gotten out of bed out of your own volition once in the last 6 months


you hate crust


inb4 pleb

beta as fuck and has paid to see Ghostbusters (2016)

My top 3:
>Radiohead - Kid a
>David Bowie - Station to Station
>Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Tender Prey