Go to foreign country

>Go to foreign country
>They all speak English

Other urls found in this thread:


>Go to any country around me
>People know Albanian

>go to england
>they all speak paki

Feels good
>Go to the Netherlands
>They suck my dick

>go to mom n pop "Italian Restorante" in America
>it's actually owned and operated by Albanians
>half the income goes to the Albanian Mafia

>take a walk outside my home
>the all speak albanian, gypsy, middle east, russian, bulgarian, romanian etc

It sure does

Would rather deal with Albanians than greaseballs.

Gypsy?Which one Romani or Gorani?

fuck do I know, it's all the same shit to me


>go to London
>never go there again

>Go to foreign country
>They all speak English
>go to a different part of own country
>they have such a different accent I can't understand them

Goranis are just tanned slavs that's why I asked

But not with British accent

>Go to Québec
>No one admits to speaking English

This is outside a hospital I might add, the hospitals are FULL of non Greeks. I even saw a bunch of Turks they had brought their women to give birth.
Ever since Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU we've been flooded by this shit.

Thanks Obama.

I always pretend I don't speak english when foreigners talk to me.

Here we can do all accents BC of our 36 letters alphabet.People will say what accent do you want for a tip

Well, maybe go to a different country than Ireland.

But the intonation could be different, no?

wtf is their deal? why are they searching my garbage every damn day? these two spoke bulgarian.
At least Albanians have the decency to get a gun and rob someone when they need money. They don't go dumpster diving.

goddamn greece looks like fucking iraq m8

wtf did you expect in the concrete jungle?


It's actually really easy for us
Not to defend or smth,but Albanians ARE the only ones from those groups that actually learn Greek and are the ones that look closer to you.Also yes,those that speak Bulgarian are goranis

we try and document reality in our blog


it's time we unfuck ourselves and kick all those human trash back to their shitholes

yes but badly. hello gud bye, senk you

>go to country around me
>they all know arabic

>go to US of america
>everyone speaks spanish

Only on the west coast.


>walk outside house
>nothing but illegal Colombians, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Dominicans

How can you even tell?

They're probably trying to steal your identity (e.g. get personal information from bills you chucked out). That way they can apply for a credit card or some shit in your name. This is why I have a lock on my letterbox.

Why would anyone move to fucking Panama, let alone illegally?


>walk outside house
>everyone speaks English

My village is 99.9% white British apart from the black family that moved in two doors down recently.

Haven't spoken to them but I'm sure they're fine if they moved here.

its a bloody good feel. i should be allowed to go on holiday and speak my own language. why should i bother learning a few phrases ill never need again?

not because of you but because of america though

Ay youre right mate.Isnt it just a bother though when those clumsy foreign chumps use American slangs?!So annoying indeed

minus for Venezuelans, I don't get it either

most of the time they are searching for copper/metal devices, but it's fucking disgusting, mainly because we pack our used toilet paper in bags and throw them, they end up searching and handling our shit, literally.

i dont recall hearing any american slangs but yeah
maybe where you live

That's true!I must say American television has influenced quite much on our English.But not to worry mate,because most here can speak any English dialect.

Your plumbing doesn't work?

dont worry bruv american media has corrupted most countries. you say mate so youre halfway there

Thanks a bunch

its alright me old china plate

old plumbing system some of our islands have this same problem too

So much for "prosperous" countries.At least my country doesn't pack his shit up

we're not prosperous idk about greece

American actually. No one learns british 'english' anymore.

>Go to neighboring country
>Everyone speaks like they have a potato in their mouth or are thaught swedish in school

Yes!All English ex colonies

>go to Hong Kong
>go to Scotland
>Bidibi babbippy speak

>having to deal with shitty foreigners butchering your language everywhere you go

It's the worst, you irrelevant cunts have no idea how bad this feel is

Go to Finland, they don't speak