ITT post YOUR photos of YOUR city/town, whatever

ITT post YOUR photos of YOUR city/town, whatever










Let me guess, GDR?















Here's my village

I really DO LOVE French villages.
Post more

I didn't really took pictures of the streets but I have some other views from a nearby hill



Kontula, Helsinki

Is that another village just over those hills?

glorious comfyness
cherish what you have

my neighbourhood

made when I was walking to buy sushi


that looks civilized desu
could as well be a german small town

near the new(18xx) town hall

Whoever said Poland wasn't cozy?

It is yeah, and there are other ones nearby.
I live on a strip of coast between the sea and mountains (pic related) so it's quite densily populated as often in that case, not by a single huge city but with several towns around 2000-5000 people each
But it's ok, it doesn't feel smothering and there are good outdoors things in the mountains with far less people around

Yeah I love it, of course it has downsides but overall I'm glad I was born there

a example of "city buildings" aka kamienice

ty, it's not that small though, medium I'd say

took this one from my car since I like thos2 two buildings

that doesnt look like.
that IS germany, or is it?

Old barracks, there's like 6-7 km2 of them near me

What kind of jobs do people work there typically? Or do they? Is Catholicism more prevalent in south France?

It's very cosy here, we do our best so it feels like it

It's Poland though.

I Was waiting for a tram, you can still see a empty spot due to ww2 damage.

A small bridge on a river in a park near the castle.

Train bridges from the same park.

You walk underneath them and get to the barracks neighbourhood from

walkway near the second castle walls there are kayak stops along the river so it's kinda comfy when you do kayaking

Middle of no where. We just got a Starbucks though so yeah


It's only like 5-6 years old so it's kinda ok, the underground garage saves lives.

Picture: walkway at the marina in the very early spring(before anything blooms but after snow).

>What kind of jobs do people work there typically?

Well there are every regular jobs that can be found anywhere else in the world, but since it's close to the Med I'd say the "specialities" are working in the tourism industry (the coast gets flooded with tourists from all over Europe during summer). Also people working in wine industry, since there are vineyards everywhere and the region is the biggest producer of the whole country, even though the wines are less known worldwide than Bordeaux and others.

>Or do they

Sadly there is also a lot of unemployment here, although it doesn't feel as "forsaken" as some places in northern France where unemployment is also huge (mostly thanks to the atmosphere of the place which gets a lot of sun and beautiful nature)

>Is Catholicism more prevalent in south France

Well it really depends. South France isn't an homogeneous place in many aspects, and while the coast where I live is very little religious there are also places like Auvergne which is very rural or the Basque Country that kept a more religious tradition.

Now that's comfy, where is it ?

I won't spam more since I've already posted some photos.

City's name is Olsztyn.




replying to myself to mire my sick digits but also this aint my photo, misread OP

Dubs confirm it's alright

we all alright, brother


Redpill me about Cornwall lad

I can see my house from there.


Do most Americans actually live in rural settings?


poor, no industry, very white, traditional lifestyle, very expensive property values (which is funny cos were one of the poorest places in western europe), beautiful landscape, the art and music culture is quite good here though

if youre lucky you'll get a seasonal job here in the summer for all the english and german tourists but other than that there isnt really anything unless youre a carpenter or have a trade, plenty of construction work here.

despite all this, i could stay here for life. its a god tier place to live if you get past the fact you wont be wearing a suit and driving an aston martin to work


It's about 50/50 a depends on your definition of rural vs urban.


reeee f-fuck you



Dully noted, thanks

> its a god tier place to live if you get past the fact you wont be wearing a suit and driving an aston martin to work

I know that feel, I'd rather live in a comfy beautiful place with not much rather than moving somewhere I dislike because money is easier to make

No, only ~20% now. About 10% live in towns/cities with populations between 2,500-50,000, and the rest in areas 50K and up.


Beautiful Americana.

definitely mate. i could spend over a grand a month to live in a cupboard in london trapped by sky scrapers or i could live in the beautiful countryside, and id still probably have more disposable income than someone on a good salary in london

trades are the only way to go down here though which is fine by me

Same situation in America. City life a shit

I don't like air conditioners on the buildings but greenry is top tier, Warsaw is far behind. I laso like yellow taxi cars. It would be cool if one color for all cabs would be mandatory here too.


Posting some photos I made this year in July



Sure, why not.

Sudbury, (Northern) Ontario.

Copernicus' house


Russia looks depressing as fuck


My backyard








That's it. The city's more interesting than that, but I don't get out of downtown much.


Nice facade; Gothic architecture is so cool.

Snow makes everything 10x more cozy.