About to see Swans tonight anyone here at the Cradle?

About to see Swans tonight anyone here at the Cradle?

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I sure hope you're perspicacious enough for Okkyung Lee

I've never heard of them, what are they like?

I imagined your stupid white face uttering the words "I hope you're perspicacious enough..."

It bugged me a lot...

Go back to your copy of Infinite Jest, you big-talking faggot.

another Sup Forumsman here

anyone know if the pizza place nearby is any good?

What shirt m8?

The Italian one? Yes it's good

I'm the one in the Hawaiian shirt and jorts

I am, never seen them before. What can I expect?

good ole music


which one of you faggots is wearing a death grips shirt

t. James Joyce fan

Plain white T and grey shorts offering free ear plugs ;)

Filth shirt next to pillar that cello (?) loud as duck

god why does Sup Forums have to like Swans? i dont want see you fucking weirdos at the show.

>he says as he posts on Sup Forums

What songs are they playing? Gonna see them on saturday and I havent listened to glowing man.

oh my god screen shot was amazing

The Knot
Screen Shot
The Cloud of Forgetting
The Cloud of Unknowing
Some Things We Do / The World Looks Black
The Glowing Man

>Okkyung Lee

kind of like someone playing low-rent Schoenberg

The fillings in my teeth were rattling at one point in the show. If you've seen Fantano's review of Sunn, where he talks about how the music is shaking his whole body, that's what it is like.

People will just kind of stand around, there won't be any moshing

Don't take pictures unless you want to piss Gira off


Are those the only tracks they're playing?

>paying a literal rapist to listen to some of the most boring music on Earth

please die
hopefully someone bombs your venue

If I don't really give a shit about Swans but I think they're OK should I see them live?

yeah, this show is pretty great

does gira sign things?

Anyone else see that guy that looks like that noose stock photo going apeshit?

Yes but the show is two hours long

Yeah he's come out behind the merch stand and singed shit every single show

No but I'm seeing them Thursday in DC, can't wait

For real. I saw them in Atlanta, definitely one of the highlights for me. It was WAY more intense than on record; it was basically like one repeated groove that just escalated and escalated till it was deafeningly loud and earth-shaking

Okkyung was 2deep4me. I felt bad that people weren't showing her respect during the set, but it wasn't enjoyable to listen to at all. It was interesting for 5 minutes then I just wanted it to end.

[spoiler]I was actually quoting Gira[/spoiler]

yeah, i asked him to sign my SFTB vinyl once and he immediately threw me down onto the floor, ripped pants off and savagely started to rape me, after he was finished he smeared the blood and excrement that was on his cock onto my copy of Soundtracks until it was clean, then he vanished off into the backstage.

I got a white light signed, spilled some spaghetti but he was super nice

Yeah I was like right next to him. Best part of the show desu

Is it worth getting the autograph

Lol I can understand. I was at their toronto show and folks were a bit quieter there. Personally I loved every minute of it but Ive been listening to a lot of freh jazz lately. In fact I was surprised to discover Ms Lee on the Emanem label a few weeks before the show. It certainly is screechy aint it..
Did Gira say the word perspicacious at the end of the show? That was actually the cause of my first post. He said something like, "for those of you who were... perspicacious enough to endure the lovely Ms. Okkyung Lee's set, how bout a round of applause!"

yo did anybody else get a little intimidated when okkyung stood up at the very end of her performance? it felt like she was starting into my soul

Haha woh. At the toronto show she just bowed.
Probly a p intense lady.

i was sitting in the back but it still felt like she was piercing my soul

Who was the faggot dancing like an idiot the entire time in the front left?

the blonde kid or was someone else dancing?

I think he was blonde yeah

The tall guy with the pony tail or the tiny guy who was breakdancing?

Hey me too. I was the dude in the black and reimold shirt with flowers

I was front and center and got super spooked

Holy shit when he broke his bass e string. Just damn. Super impressed he kept it hot through the rest of the set

I wonder what will become of the new song they've been playing at the beginning, it reminded me a little of No Words No Thoughts rearranged to accommodate the piano guy, but the part towards the end where they suddenly started hammering super fast was amazing.

I was at the Asheville show, he just said "let's get another round of applause for the wonderful Okkyung Lee", followed by something about "real love, not the Neil Young type of love".
He seemed more chill than on previous tours, he would give people death stares if they put their hands near the monitors last time I saw them, this time he was all smiles aside from when he was telling everyone to "GO UP! UP!"

I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often (if you're talking about Chris), he abuses the hell out of that bass.

>tfw I live 45 minutes away but didn't go to the show because i'm a miserable NEET

you fucked up dude, it was full of NEETs

LMFAO Gira looked at that man and lauged it was hilarious.
Fucking pony tail dude was a legend.

I have a ticket to see them in richmond tomorrow but no money for a bus down. Im fucking heartbroken rn.

I was the blonde curly haired guy with the white and dark blue striped shirt/khaki shorts. I look young but I go to UNC soo

I thought she was talking to someone bc she looked kinda annoyed at the end and then she told the staff to cut it haha. Glad to know it was allright

On the subject of Cat's Cradle, is Boris worth seeing next week?

After how well the swans set went I think I'm going to spring for Boris as well.

Guy in green-ish pants and CoD Zombies shirt in front right.

First concert ever and holy fuck, that was intense. I feel emotionally and physically drained (in a good way)

Hah I remember seeing you packed in a corner there. Funny because some of the noises okkyung made reminded me of COD Zombies.

Haha, they did! I actually really liked her though, her hands were all over that cello!

Did you see the guy in overalls with the chick dancing near the end? That was really fucking weird

I hope you guys have earplugs. I saw Swans when they were touring for To Be Kind and it was one of the loudest shows I've ever been to. my ears were ringing through my earplugs

Alright which one of you was the one blasting Death Grips and dancing

I'm seeing them thursday. I've been to 4 concerts in my life and this will be my 5th. Should I wear ear plugs for the Swans show? I've never wore them before. (I'm always in the front row and expect this time to be no different).

Besides cds/vinyl/shirts what other merch did they have for sale?

How was the general mood? Where people just rocking their heads or do people not move much to Swans. Is there a pit?

Holy fuck he was playing death grips? Are you talking about the drunk black dude holding his phone up?

Definitely, she was like an analog version of Merzbow.

earplugs are for pussies

Bonus question: should I wear a death grips shirt to the show or will there be tooo many Sup Forumstants?

>Should I wear ear plugs for the Swans show?
Yes. See my reply here Always wear earplugs to concerts if you value your hearing.

There were no pits when I saw them, but the mood was rowdy in general, pretty eclectic crowd, there were some metalheads/punks as well as artsy hipsters.

you sound like you have an anxiety disorder

Most people were just nodding their heads to the music, but some people were going fucking apeshit especially near the end

WEAR EARPLUGS. They had one poster for sale, kind of interesting looking. No mosh pit, people were moving and bobbing their heads though, especially when the music got heavy. Enjoy yourself however you want-- one man was basically having a fucking siezure on the floor and he was enjoying himself im sure.

Go for the death grips shirt, if someone actually talks to you about them they're probably not socially stunted at least

Yeah that guy. He was almost as good as ponytail dude

i was standing right behind the blonde kid in all black who just went berserk towards the end of the show

I can see why she opened for Swans, kind of a similar feel to it

What'd he do? Just spaz out?

>he just said "let's get another round of applause for the wonderful Okkyung Lee", followed by something about "real love, not the Neil Young type of love".
Ah ok, also lol at that Neil Young comment.

So did you or anyone else have Thor at their show? Toronto he wasnt there and was replaced by some old guy on keyboard of all things who seemed to be adding effects and little bits of instrumentation here and there but we didnt get an ebin Thorian violin solo

vid related:

If I'm talking about the same guy, he was doing some rave shit and dropping to the floor at every beat

were there lots of high school Sup Forums nerds there?

yeah it was pretty funny

of course

were there any girls there?

I dunno about the Sup Forums part but there were more high school kids than I would have guessed would show up

That's hilarious, must have been having a good time

I dont think this tour theyre playing nearly as loud. I brought earplugs thinking I would get raped without them but I actually ended up taking them out halfway thru and my friend didnt wear any and said she was fine. We were in the balcony however.

A decent amount, surprisingly.

Also notice how the song's abridged they skip the pummeling Bring the Sun-esque part and go right into the funky Joseph part. Was this the case elsewhere?

aww i like the bring the sun part


... were there any black people there?

i saw 2

fuck outta here

yeah, and he was dancing like a madman and blasting Death Grips on his phone


I knoo same :(

sounds like a typical groid desu

gira wud fucking end u cunt

gira can gargle on my lukewarm cum

i'll show him the growing man (by that i mean my girthy erection)

>noided groid

Okkyung Lee was pretty fucking amazing, she does all of it with just her cello and some reverb, pretty impressive desu

she doesn't love you

i don't need your mom to love me

i just need her to work that dick like a slide whistle
