I hate fucking dadrock, this is to prove a point that one of these bands is preferred by Sup Forums

Who are the
>better songwriters
>better musicians
>better live act

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well you see the thing about.....

zeppelin for all points

fleetwood mac are the first two

>better songwriters

choose one

Nice rockism.

they have some bland filler but most of what they wrote, including things they didn't borrow stuff for, was excellent

>there are people who think led zeppelin ever wrote something better than bohemian rhapsody

>better songwriters
>better musicians
>better live act

both are gargabe

You should get to sleep. Summer school starts early.

Led Zeppelin better songwriters and musicians
But Queen HAD better shows, since Mercury died they had lost that last thing...


Led Zeppelin are literally the most overrated band of all time.

I don't think it's even close. Queen is far superior.

Led Zeppelin all across the board

Sup Forums is retarded


>depends on the band member, Freddie Mercury is the most talented of all of them

And I say this as a guy who listens to way more Zeppelin than Queen.

>bomemeian rhapsody

Kill yourself you contrarian teenager. Bohemian Rhapsody is a good piece of music.

this. It's overplayed as fuck, but there is no denying that it is a wonderful song.

Bohemian has that massive taint of an opera section in the middle tho

Bohemian rhapsody is brilliant, but it's the only song in Queen's catalog that fits that description. Everything else they did was just ok. Zeppelin wins this argument across the board.

>somebody to love is just ok

Led Zeppelin
Fucking obviously

The only good thing about Zeppelin was Page. Zeppelin is nothing more than proof of what Atlantic Records marketing department was capable of.


I've never given much of a shit about Led Zepp but anything's better than fucking Queen

Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen, Don't Stop Me Now, The Game, it goes on. And Brian May is a muthafucken genius.

oh boy, i remember when i was 13...

What do you mean?

Who gives a shit
The only good hard rock band is the Stooges

>Better songwriters
LZ didn't write half their best songs.....and despite having good melodies they have shockingly bad ability to know when they should change pace (or not)
>better musicians
neither band is particularly great musicians IMO, very similar actually
>better live act

>killer queen is just Okay