Thanks Germany, thanks

Thanks Germany, thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:

no problem :3

no problem :3

go away we bombed warsaw ivan

What the fuck Germany, do you just dropped a nuke at the poor poles?


That some people would actually believe that statement if you just add a "no really. Google it" almost makes me wan't to vote for Hillary in ten days so we can nuke ourselves and Russia to end our suffering.

like a fenix

stop shoving your election everywhere
fucking burgers

only when you stop influencing them.

suck my benis

: ^ |

the pride of the west

you're welcome
post more lolis


I hope karma kicks you in the ass if it already didn't.


Yeah. Germany is cucked pretty bad. One day we'll be able to say that it's so bad that the current unified Germany is less safe and prosperous than the former GDR. The USSR losing as badly as she did was a thing of tragedy.

>waaaa Germany is saving us from the Soviets waaaa
>waaaa Soviets are killing officers and sending people to death camps waaaaaa

Never listen to a Pole's whining


So much bait you can't even swallow the hook, step your game up kohai.



>Warsaw ghetto

This is what was the former interwar district in which a lot of Jews lived in.




This is the former city center south of it.

I used to feel sorry for Poland but their constant whining and bitching made me change my mind


Yeah it's pretty lame how butthurt and annoying people here can be.



I used to feel sorry for Poles until they elected a euro skeptic government. Now I just feel bad for you people. So much unrealized potential.


That's what you get for taking Danzig and Königsberg from us.

Every single bomb, every single shell, every single bullet put into a polish man was deserved.

>I used to feel sorry for Poles until they elected a euro skeptic government.
You have no idea what the EU really is, but it doesn't even matter, PiS is not even eurosceptic for fucks sake...


Killing and expulsion of Germans was deserved then too.

Thanks Russia, thanks that it was only 50% of my city.

>That's what you get for taking Danzig
Oh fuck off kraut. Gdansk has been founded by Poles, and been within Poland for 700 years, while Teutonic/Prussian/German for only 300 years.
P.S. Poland should have never created Prussia, great mistake.












is that fucking Bubbles?

>It's all commieblocks now
Not even Polish yet it hurts my feelings



and germanshits cry about Drezno...

It's depressing... Pic rel

No Problem senpai ,i know u guys like being dominated.


>implying christian horn africans aren't bro tier