Name a better indie folk album

Name a better indie folk album.
I'll wait

Both albums from the Foxes.


Took me years to realize that's a frosty window. I thought it was rain falling on a puddle

I'll take The Crane Wife for 200 Alex.

I love For Emma though

anything by Sufjan

Fleet Foxes S/T

nothing posted ITT even compares


>Bon Boring

End yourself faggot

I agree this is really fucking good

Self titled is WAY better.

calling this indie is major discredit and insult to how good Songs Ohia is

I posted it because it is Molina's magnum opus and people should listen to it.

The word "indie" is just short for "independent" retard

Don't project your baseless associations on anyone else's use of a totally valid descriptor

+ getting upset over genre labels is a waste of time. Also Almost Was Good Enough is my favorite song on the album.

PS Listen to the demos of Electric Magnolia Co. too

It's a fantastic album, but i think Sojourner is his magnum opus.

itaots or
im a 14 y/o at heart

Looks pretty comprehensive, I'll have to check it out. I've mostly listened to his 90's/early 00's stuff. I discovered him back in highschool and arbitrarily chose a couple albums out of his catalogue and have stuck with them. Not sure why I haven't branched out at all since then haha.

Pic also very related to the thread


>1 post by this ID

You'll def enjoy it than. it's almost like a reflection of his career up to Magnolia Electric Co.

Also if you haven't checked out his work with Electric Magnolia Co. the band. I highly rec them. More alt-country feel but they do it well

opps meant Magnolia Electric Co the band.

there is literally nothing special about bon iver. he makes generic music in an oversatured generic era. the only reason people like him is because for some reason pitchfork shilled him into the posterboy status of indie folk


I really don't think you can make that argument with his first album. They did give his S/T #1 back in '11, but who cares. You also aren't contributing to this thread so at least if you're going to be negative, give us something that you think is better...

holy shit

a better one came out the same year matter of fact

>not one mention of Elliott Smith


that would be too easy

he said name a better indie folk album, I did

Was gonna say this, OP is good too though

If you consider Joanna Newsom to be indie folk, then definitely Ys


Where do you think you are motherfucker?

i love this album, but no

This is the only correct answer. /thread

Can't even listen to it anymore.

My xgf and I listened to this all the time during romantic times. It was kind of our album.

Feels like no other.