Thank you Germany for this good food

thank you Germany for this good food

i haven't seen that god-tier pizza in years here.
gotta buy these instead

the alfredo makes me hesistant. otherwise, it looks good.

looks like cheap ALDI pizza for Hartzers*

*german for NEETs

What the fuck is that

Alfredo is LIDL
Their 3x Margherita for 1,99€ are a good deal.
Just put some good sausage or ham on it and maybe a few bits of mozzarella and they make breddy good 'zas.


Only Italians and their descendants should be allowed to make pizza desu

i have one in my freezer

>Just put some good sausage or ham on it and maybe a few bits of mozzarella and they make breddy good 'zas.

wow, what a fucking good deal if I have to buy and add other ingredients which cost more than the pizza itself

Jesus Christ, literally a 2 dollar pizza. It tastes like cardboard with cheap tomato sauce and melted plastic on top.

>Ananas on pizza

kys, dumb mongol

so what?
you pay 66cents for the base and add like 1,50 of ingredients
still cheaper than a regular frozen pizza and miles better

Since when did Denmark use dollars?

it's actually pretty good

ananas is the most important part of pizza mate

Of all the things Germany has done for the world, e.g. the holocaust, people thank us for this?
There is better use for ovens than shoving that imitation of pizza into it.

this is an American website, dog bless

thank you Germany for the holocaust

>stone baked


It's absolutely shit, and it costs like 35 kr. ($5) here


where do you live? It costs 20 kr in the Faroe Islands and they have high import costs.



Thank you Denmark for this garbage, bought it on sale once, honestly might nuke your country now.

I was hoping someone would post that so i could save it

>eating ready meals

Absolute plebeian behaviour

True cooks heat up beans and put them on a slice of toast right? Gordon Ramsey would be proud

what did you expect from a frozen pizza on sale


Enjoy stomach cancer though

wtf all these faggits ITT that can't handle god tier NEET pizzas
i bet you only eat in 5-star restaurants you wine drinking homos

Really cracked my synapses.

those are the best pizzas

>says the kraft dinners pro

>Americans being disgusted at Europeans
This is a first

posting the superior german pizza for only 3.49€

>superior german pizza
>finest italian pizza
who to believe?

>eating frozen pizza

>all these disgusting europizzas ITT
Thank God I live in a civilized country.


Germany's the official successor of the Holy Roman Empire, which is the official successor of Rome, so it's okay.

this thread is even cringier than ja/ck/ threads



>pizza from teddy


that's just marketing

it's pineapples you savages

This whole thread is a mistake

LITERALLY eating one of these right now desu

I'll remember this thread the next time you talk shit about American junk food. Fuck Euros are disgusting.

>that overreacting american

>isn't an apple
>doesn't grow on a pine

Same degree of retardation as saying jellyfish instead of medusa.

dont lie you german subhuman
its eaten by the middle class too
your filthy women cant cook

shitmany in one picture

i hate to act like an elitist and shit but
>frozen pizza

they dont sell it everywhere like in shitaly
only döner and shitty german sausages are widespread here

they buy shitty mass produced sausages
put curry on it
retarded germans think its something special

Je suis Grec

well, there are countries where people work all day instead of drinking ten cups of coffee and going to a pizzeria


Inspired by this thread, I'm now baking a pizza :)
That's right, an actual DIY pizza.

It'll have literal shit for toppings because I'm at a loss for options this time around but hey, sometimes ya gotta roll with the punches.

Master race checking in

Finland is relatively wealthy so why do you guys seem to value high quality and fresh food so little?

Did you get this impression by observing imageboard NEET dweebs' grocery shopping preferences?

My pizza project flopped. Fuck you guys for inspiring me to embark on it.

>'''people''' that don't make their own pizza from the ground up

My boy!

> civilized country
> "Look, our cheese contains no growth hormone"
Yeah, mate, whatever.

what is this, are you saying you get ready pizza in the box which you just need to bake?

Too much olive oil.

I prefer Buitonis

Pic of the disaster

In Italy Dr. Oetker operates under the name Cameo, crafty Germans

> The homeland of pizza is being sold mass produced garbage of a pizza by fucking Germany.
How does that feel?

>Not eating delicious hormones for breakfast
How do Euros even live

the eternal teuton strikes again

>not using superior pita bread

Okay, here it is straight outta the oven. The problem was the crust being too thick and partly half-baked still at this point. I had known to expect it and had some aluminum foil on top during the cooking but my efforts were insufficient. I don't know why I thought using a pie pan would work.

However, I decided to put it back in after discovering this fatal design flaw with more careful wrapping and lower heat. Thankfully it came out alright. Too much crust still, but at least it's all baked.

Oh, and it's just a tuna pizza. That concludes my pizza blog for today. Don't forget to rate and subscribe.

well, not everyone lives near a restaurant, pizza take-away or they want to cook their own pizza at home. If they continue to sell it means there is someone who buy it, I don't know

>tuna pizza

>Why do Americans put corn on their pizza?

I know. I had no choice.

what the fuck is this

Don't you have influential corn lobbyists in Congress? Gotta keep those corn farmers in jobs.

I thought that's why HFCS is in literally every food.

I was going to Amerisplain that we don't put corn on pizza, but fuck it, you're basically right.

I gotta say, fuck this pizza. My earlier remark persists.

Because I think in Italy they call "American" pizza the one with an endless, very huge, list of ingredients, corn included if you like it

Come on you fucking fags. Making fresh pizza is not that hard and time consuming.

Just mix half a kilo of flour, with 10g of salt, 1 packet of dry yeast, about 2 tablespoons of oil and 300-400mL tepid water. Knead the dough and roll it with an old glass beer bottle, if you don't have this thing to normally roll dough. Then mix a fine cut or pressed garlic clove with oil and cover the dough with it. For the tomato sauce don't use only the concentrated paste, but use it to make sieved tomatoes thicker. You can also add fresh or canned tomatoes. Add basil, oregano and thyme to the sauce, can be dry. Then put whatever you want on the pizza and bake it in pre-heated oven at 250°C for about 20 minutes.

>this thing to normally roll dough
"Rolling pin".

Forgot to mention to add flour if you have problems rolling it because it's to sticky. If it's to dry add water.
You can get multiple pizzas out of it. You can put the dough in the freezer if it's too much. Unfreeze it the day before in the fridge.

Good night, lads.

Thank you.


Explain this

Next time buy pre-made dough

>lower heat
Never do this. With a normal oven that can be set up to 250°C you'll have problems to get even a thin pizza properly baked, because the temperature is still to low.

>crust being too thick
Use less dough. You need a thin dough because normal kitchen ovens can't reach the temperatures you normally would need for pizza.

Wow lewd. It would still take some expertise to figure out the right thickness. It wasn't even very thick yet still borderline inedible because of the excess crust. And the whole process took me a pretty long time. Not so "not hard and time consuming", I say.

Yeah but that's the trick, especially if you're using a pan like I was (might've been a mistake though). How to get the amount of dough right. I guess I know how to do it now but it might be hard for a beginner. Also I used 250°C at first but as you can see it was getting crispy on top so I had to lower the heat to avoid burning it.

select the bottom or the center heat option

Just took one of these out of the oven 3 mins ago, just waiting for it to cool enough to cut cleanly. Dis gon be gud.

on the other hand kinder is italian

Thank you USA for Texas Pete Hotter Hot.

Yes, it is very advanced technology. This is the bleeding edge.

>Texas Pete is a Louisiana-style hot sauce in the United States developed and manufactured by the TW Garner Food Company in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
>North Carolina
No wonder everybody hates us.