How do I into black metal?

How do I into black metal?

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Follow it in rows

>mercyful fate
>black metal

This is a good album to start with, it's pretty accessible

De mysteriis and Filosofem

I agree it's more heavy metal, but the idea of satanism stuff really contributed towards the early black metal themes.

this is pretty well made, i don't personally enjoy some of those albums but it will do the job for anyone willing to get into black metal

>Dissection - Storm Of The Lights Bane
that album is basically top 40 pop desu

I still to this day have not enjoyed a single black metal album.

I like some Burzum songs and a bit of blackgaze but most of it bores me to death.

Yeah I don't like the 2nd to last row at all, but it's great for the styles.

It's more accessible, but it's still great.

The four albums that can be considered black metal to some extent or another that are almost universally loved at /metal/ are:

Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Sabbat - The Dwelling
Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice Of Steel

yeah it's great i just couldn't believe how much less abrasive it was when i first got into bm compared to stuff like burzum and darkthrone

>"melody and dicks" from emperor to dissection
every time

useless post. if you don't like it, stick to commenting on the trap rap and indie pop threads

Yeah I was getting into black metal and started with them thanks to some people in /metal/ so I didn't wear any raw stuff at that point.

Why is Burzum viewed as really good?

It's great album Dumb atmoshitter

I never said it was bad did I

He advanced the genre in a good or bad way depending on who you're talking to

These songs got me into Black Metal:

Later Enslaved albums got even more proggy than this one, so you might like them as well.

Also check out Borknagar and Arcturus.

listen to peste noir senpai

Is it a fair criticism to call his work sloppy? I was talking to someone who though the music had a lot of "mistakes" I thought that was a strange remark?

why blood fire death instead of batlord?
why obsessed by cruelty instead of under the sign of evil?

it is pretty well made although i would probably get rid of a couple unimportant rows

No, I don't think so. He definitely has a vision for creating a certain atmosphere with his music

People who don't listen to actual minimalist or microtonal based music think his boring repetition with non existent change is actually good.

Burn down a church.

I thought it was a bit arrogant. Like what is defined as a "mistake"

Start with Bathory - The Return

Literally everyone ripped off of it


Are there any Christians here who listen to Black Metal? How does this affect your relationship with God?

Because "muh Varg so kvlt burned churches"

>no bathory



Black Metal has a few entry points:

Rotting Christ is a great "first metal" band, because it's not overly abrasive, but they are "legit", and you're getting the real deal with them. The songs are well written and melodic. Then from there you can go on to other stuff. Dark Funeral's another easy entry point.

If you're already a metal fan, any of the first 4 Bathory albums can be good starting points, but especially the s/t debut and Blood Fire Death. The s/t is really indulgent fun, and not overly complicated - it sounds like a DIY punk/metal band goofing around kind of (which is impressive, because it was actually all just one guy playing everything). From there I recommend jumping to Blood Fire Death, which has the ambition of their later stuff mixed with the rawness and fun of their early stuff.

For a lot of people, Mayhem is the definitive black metal band, and their most famous album, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is a great album. It's essentially a thick, brooding guitar album... sort of like a raw, evil distant cousin of Loveless. On the other hand, if you're already into abrasive music like noise rock, industrial, no wave, etc., you might have fun with their Deathcrush EP, which sounds halfway between black metal and the most insane noise rock.

I'm going to urge you to at least at first avoid "hipster black metal", the reason being I think it's important for you to acclimate to the real, rough black metal sound before you go to the easier, more digestible stuff, lest you get stuck on the "nicer" hipster BM and never transition. With this I'm talking about the "blackgaze" bands like Agalloch and An Autumn for Crippled Children, as well as the "Pitchforkcore" indie darling bands like Liturgy and Kvelertak... and maybe even some of the "artsy" bands like Ulver. Don't get me wrong, all the bands I just mentioned are fantastic, but do yourself a favor and throw yourself to the abrasive deep end of the pool first.

Blood Fire Death is on there

NSBM is essential to black metal and it isn't included

>Blackgaze is

Tbh I kind of dipped my toes into the genre w/ Sunbather.
I had no idea about black metal beforehand, just starting into Bathory now and it's bretty good.