Name me a better 90's album than Nevermind

>Protip: You can't

In Utero

fek off bleach is the best

maybe pic related?


Pretty simple really




Was gonna post Nevermind, but nevermind that album fucking sucks, no the answer is Through Silver in Blood by Neurosis.

A lot of these don't even reach Nevermind level.



>the entirety of stoner rock

Are you a millenial, OP?

You're right. They're better

It's obviously gotta be this. Far more influential and masterful than anything Nirvana ever did. If you care only about image, Nirvana's the band for you, but if you actually care about music, Limp Bizkit is the way to go.

bleach isn't a 90s album


stay plen OP

This. Nothing comes near LB's lyrical complexity and depth. Truly earth-shattering and revolutionary.

>RIP Red Cap

how old are you?

>Influential =//= Good



look deep in your heart, you know it to be true

cool im 3 want to b frinds???


Second on this and the tour that supported it was GOAT.

Sweater song is gay.

This. Wasn't Achtung Sup Forumscore long ago?

One luve

negro, that isn't even the best 'ment album of the 90s

>s&e reissue disc 2 >>> crcr

One wife

assde from knowing a line from "One" have you actually listened to Achtune Baby and took into consideration that it was made 1 year before Radiohead made their first album? It was a complete reinvent of the groups sound and was actually a pretty big risk they took.

Sup Forums doesn't like it but it's really good


Top pleb desu

Bleach is from the 80s.


Go back home to reddit asswipe

So you haven't listened to it. OK opinion disregarded.

I n U t e r o



>42 replies
>no one posts the correct album

kurt appeared on this album too, not that he added much other than being a fan.

Good Luck finding it though

> Rid of Me
> Stoner Witch
> Wu-Tang Forever
> Superunknown

> hello there reddit

Autistic oldfags go away

Friendly reminder Nirvana's best album was ghost written by Courtney


You're fucking disgraceful

>no one could name a better album

Best 90's, for sure.

Even this album is better than shit for 12 year old's

These, definitely. There are others too.

where did all the U2 fags come from?





Surprise . U2 has huge fan base. Who'd have thunk it

blood sugar sex magik


Justin Bieber has a huge fanbase, but you don't see people praising him on here

just wait two or three years and this will be posted here

Have you listened to ænima?
AOTY 1996

When Justin Bieber puts out an album as good as Achtune Baby let me know., I'll be his fan base too.



Today is my favorite alternative song of all time so I would agree with that


Okay user. what's so good about Achtung Baby.

you're a funny guy

Not a joke pal

It was very different then any music of its time? The songs played absolutely great live. It was a complete departure from the established sound the band had become known for. U2 were atr the top of the Alternative rock at the time and had Sup Forums existed at the time it dropped the vast majority of the board would be all over it. Now. have you listened to it?


Look, just because everyone on Sup Forums has discussed this album to death and driven it into the ground doesn't mean it still isn't the one of the best things to come out of the 90s.

I will listen to it tomorrow. tell when does it gets good so I don't waste my time


I hold OK computer and In Utero as a tie for 2 bestest album's of the year time auchwitz 1990-1999...

In my opinion the entire album is good. but if anyone has a dissenting opinion maybe they'll let you know. Standouts are "Until the End of the World" and "Ultraviolet"

Selected Ambient Works 85–92


Easily. Not one of my favorites but leagues beyond Nevermind

Protip: I can

OK Computer

good fucking lord

nailed it


Correct answer.





Montie u da best

its a tie for best 90s album between superunkown and aenima for me.

I used to love weird al when I was around 8. Now I can't stand him

This 2bh

but user nothing it influenced ever was as good as it. it's aged incredibly well

Best Album from 1990