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Why do """people""" who don't play any instruments or know any music theory act like they can tell you what music is good or bad?

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this meme needs to die

That chart is 100% accurate but the difference is, that discusses facts, anyone can talk about music, because taste is a matter of opinion, and no ones opinion is more valid than anyone else's. Music theory can make a song good, but it cant prove a song to be bad. And I'm sure there are people that know music theory on this board.

music can be appreciated technically by theoretically analysis. But it can also be appreciated in an emotional way which involves the interaction between the brain (memories, preferences etc.) and the musical input. And given they are both completely valid ways of appreciating music it doesn't really matter if a listener has a background in music theory or not.


>no ones opinion is more valid than anyone else's
I don't like the "muh music theory" stuff but I disagree with this. The more experimental or unorthodox music you listen to, the better grasp you'll have on what music can do as an art form, and how music can be improved. Basic knowledge of musical terms can help in discussion of what someone likes/dislikes about music. There are many people here who listen to nothing but pop music and Pitchfork essentials, and never contribute anything to discussion other than "it's good/it's shit/muh feels". If someone like that or a tripfag quote me in some autistic list of numbers and say "0/10" or something, I'm not going to think twice about it, whereas a well thought out reply about details of the music or my argument will warrant further discussion.

that's like saying i need to work for the government to have an opinion on politics

Wait but isn't tomato biologically a fruit because of the seeds?

This is an honest question.

Yes but everyone can provide some reasoning, detailed or not, as to why they like a song, album, etc. experience can change your opinion, but anyone can write out why they like something. And no technical skill/knowledge can prove them wrong

The image doesn't correlate to your question.
Music theory is only a single aspect of music. Music theory isn't the whole of music. Just cause someone has little knowledge of music theory, doesn't mean they know little about music. Someone who doesn't know music theory can still have enough knowledge of music to talk about music and not be "on mount stupid"

What does anything beyond the basics of music theory have anything to do with music that isn't classical or jazz?

It is, but for all practical purposes it's a vegetable. Just because it's "technically" a fruit doesn't mean it works well in a fruit salad. It's literally useless information.

Western music theory can in no way provide an understanding of trad Hindi music. Anything with >12 tones of western scale would be impossible to be appreciated but it always is by people who know nothing about it. Music is experienced not understood.
OP is a faggot.
Case closed

Biologically a fruit doesn't mean anything. It is a fruit by our classification. (I.e. Seeds inside) but that is just a classification we use.

Pretty sure OP is just saying people who suck at music (can't play an instrument, ignorant or technicalities) opinions on what is good music and what is bad music carries less weight than someone that isn't on mount stupid. Which I agree with.
Just like those nerds who say Neil Peart is the best drummer ever and say it with conviction. Nigga go down the rabbit hole, fuck off at scratching the surface then running around acting like you know a thing or two about drums.

I was at a museum yesterday and they had a section dedicated to music and there was a jam room set up. I get in line behind two """""""musicians""""""" a drummer and a bass player shooting the shit about music, I casually join in because the drummer is talking about some sick albums Dave Weckl was on, then mentioned Vinnie and basically started name dropping all of these very good drummers. So I shoot the shit with this guy expecting this dude to be better than me if not on my level. It's his turn to get into the jam room and the dude couldn't keep steady time, and you could see him get self-conscious about it and continued to drop spaghetti as we watched from the window. Like don't talk all that shit and not deliver lmao .

Some people have a good intuition. They can feel what the artist is trying to express and judge how well they accomplished it.

Myself, I suck at making music, but I've always been told by musicians that I have a good ear. I guess if I dedicated myself I could mix albums pretty decent.

Just because you aren't good at sex doesn't mean you don't know what good porn looks like.

because people know what they enjoy and what they dont

Are you assuming the tomato's identity? Check your priviledge, maybe the tomato wants to identify by what it wants to cislord.

He's right, let tomatoes follow their dreams guys.

Humans are machines, and when they generate an output that you receive and decode to mean that a given piece of music is "good", it's not an absolute statement, it is a relative one. They are saying that relative the machinery of their mind, and thus their experience, the music is good. They are not saying good is an objective trait of the music that exists whether or not a given observer is there to view it that way.

Now begone. Your subsystems aren't working correctly and you have been given the means for correction. This is what the animal requires.

I play piano and sing and I unironically agree

Playing an instrument lets you have deeper understanding of music. I've taken 12 years of choir

also, the American Civil war was much more about just slavery. If you think it was simply about slavery you need to read a history book and understand that the south was taxed heavily on farm imports from GB when Lincoln took office, and also states rights was important

This desu family

States rights to keep slaves.

Yeah it wasn't purely slavery but slavery was a big factor in the secession>

Read the declarations, all of them directly mention the right to keep slaves.

OP Here

This guy gets it

If you're not a chef you can say the food is good or bad, but you cannot offer any insight as to why it is good or bad other than "I like/no not like it"

How's your freshman year as an EE undergrad going? Hang in there kiddo, I know DeMorgan's law can be tricky XD

>analysis of an entirely subjective topic
> good or bad

"it's good" means "i like it"

>How's your freshman year as an EE undergrad going?
Nah. I wish I knew anything about electricity in general beyond the basics. Skin depth, different ways of making a transformer and controlling its function with its windings, avoiding materials permanently altered by high amplitudes in AC design, etc.

Too much overhead to learn much right now.

Yes you can, just not as detailed

>but you cannot offer any insight as to why it is good or bad
this is completely wrong and incredibly stupid.

Of course if you play music you would grow to appreciate the nuances of the craft and the technical sides of it. Just like how guitarist#325 would say Jimi Hendrix is the greatest of all time.

checked, but no you cannot. It's like giving an architect suggestions on a design when you know nothing about architecture besides looking at buildings.

People who do not play guitar consider hendrix an amazing guitarist. The guitarists I know do not namedrop hendrix .

Well you play with some pretty lame guitarists then. It's fine to admit that in the end Hendrix was not exactly a scientist of the guitar; he was just pulling shit out of a hat. But his ability to do just that, and never falter from a lack of confidence, is what has made him and important name. Don't delude yourself into thinking he isn't.

because all these technicalities and all this theory is just a formalism to describe what sounds nice.
You don't really need to know anything technical about music to criticize it.

> This guy gets it

but that guy had the same opinions on what was good than the bad drummer, but slammed the guy anyway for not being a good drummer

how is that the same at all apart from all this being just stupid elitism from insecure jerks with some formal education?

thats like saying i have to have absolute knowledge of all foods before eating

I think the more you know about something, the more it loses magic. I regret being a musician

You don't even know what you're tasting, you're just shoving food down your throat mindlessly

this guy gets it
if you havent spent 50 gorillions dollars on food classes and have AT LEAST 5 generations of foodologists in your family dont even bother eating

What I mean is that there's plenty of guitarists out there who worship him, but there's also the better ones who don't even put Hendrix in their favorite list.

0/10 bad bait mate

This meme needs to stop.

But that's dealing with doing a job, you're talking about explaining why you like something, which anyone can do

I own a Roland SP-404SX I can tell you the good music from the bad

good try tho samefag

You cant objectively say if a song is good or bad because art is completely subjective, just because you listen to certain types of music doesn't make your opinion more valid since art is an emotional experience and you dont have to train to be affected emotionally by art. If you like a piece of music just because of music theory and technical skill, I think you're listening to music wrong, because you don't learn music theory to show it off, you learn it to better your skill at crafting a resonating piece of art

I don't genuinely listen to anyone who doesn't it least have a minimal working knowledge of theory and play it least a couple instruments at a reasonably skilled level, I just nod my head in agreement and vocalize the things I like about thier music show-and-tell. Even your average fretpleb guitar/bass mook isn't worth talking to about music either.

At the same time I don't really see the point in parroting my tastes like an insufferable blowhard.

daily reminder that taste is more important than creativity in any musical-making endeavour

>Consumption of media > Creation.
Spotted the guy with retard fingers.

>misconstruing creation with creativity
my comment specifically addresses the process of creation, but i'll bite:

step 1) do you feel like you something valuable to communicate? do you feel like your creation is necessary to the musical dialogue at large?

step 2) if you answer yes, then do you have sufficient taste to determine if you yourself are qualified enough to communicate that?

step 3) if you answer no, uninstall music from your computer immediately