/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Obscure Gibsons Thread

>Post gear
>Post desired gear
>How long have you been playing?
>Fav guitars?
>Fav guitarists?
>Talk about and play music
>General guitar and bass discussion

Beginner information and FAQ:

Music Theory:

Guitar chords and inversions

String Tension Calculator (D'Addario based):

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav


>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

old thread

Other urls found in this thread:



I'm sure that thing would fuck up the amp.

Those Gibson Byrdlands have really short scale lengths

I really like the Scotty Moore guitar

Yeah 23.5 scale is too short for me. I probably would own one already if they made one in 25.5 scale.

Danelectro CF1 Fuzz
Donner Morpher (?)
Russian Big Muff
Yamaha Magicstomp

You stupid bitch, you stupid FUCKING BITCH, do you know how much JC-120 costs these days? Plug that quarter inch up your ass if you want, but cut that shit out. Dumb bimbo


When did the prices on those skyrocket? They were for sale at $200-$300 all day two years ago and now it's hard to find one under $600. Did some indie guitarist start playing one or something?

I wanted to buy one as a backup/alternative for my polytone but they're not worth it at the current prices imo..

what would you do with a Gibson Corvus?


That's an odd guitar, maybe you can shove it in your butt? See how far the rabbit hole goes?

hnnngghh that bridge tail
fuck some of gibson's guitars get me hard

throw it in the trash

Sell it and get a parker fly.

did you kill lavren yet?

just upload ur whole folder naga

not much

whats a good acoustic guitar for ~$300?

I wanna get an acoustic-electric so I can mess around with my looper n shit. but I have no knowledge of acoustic guitars and the one I have is like a $50 fender

>ruining your beautiful olympic white finish plus white pickguard strat with a rosewood fingerboard

atleast put on a tortoise shell scratchplate

i'd see if i could find a way to kill myself with it. maybe strangle myself with those strings?

The answer is always to go to a guitar store

maple is shit tier fretboard material

save up a little more and buy a used Martin DX1 , you can buy them for around $350.



Posting Pokemon guitar

might as well learn to play the harpsichord

yeah I'm heading to the local shop tomorrow to play around, just figured I'd see what the internet could tell me.

Another question: Should I look for an acoustic-electric or just a regular acoustic? I know you can buy pickups for acoustics so would it be better to buy an acoustic that I like and then just get a pickup later on or if I really want an acoustic-electric should I limit my search to that?


Yeah sure I'll buy myself a 20 grand freedom bucks harpsichord and put it into my 3x4m bedroom.

>Obscure Gibsons Thread

>Implying pearl pick guard with gold hardware isn't better

Billy Gibbon pls go.

ES LPs give me a hard on...

Enjoy lads



I like gold hardware on a black Les Paul and I think that is about it.

It looks nice, but I feel like only a pussy would play that guitar.

>Missing washer

anybody know what kind of bass that is or perhaps the name of the bassist?

How about on rare teles?


>Maple neck with abalone (or silver) dots
>1 ply black pickguard
>bridge with 3 brass saddles

Lads, what tele is this?

>3 saddles

A shitty one.


Is that the singer from DIIV?

Can someone rec me a decently priced warm sounding jazz guitar? Thinking about a fender tele

Open a giant beer bottle with it

les paul or hollow body

What's "decently priced"? Anyway, tele is ok. ES-330 as well

I'm generally not a huge telecaster fan, but that one looks pretty cool. She's a qt too.


Are you joking? A Tele is about as far as you can get from warm jazz guitar. Look into the Ibanez Art core hollowbodies if you want something relatively cheap for jazz.



>go see boris tonight
>earth is opening for them
>earth guy is playing pic related with a fucking Hot Rails in the bridge and some random Crate amp

It sounded great but I'm still baffled.

This was the amp I think.

Thoughts on Aristides? Thinking about ordering one

thanks user

>Who is Danny Gatton?

>matching headstock on maple neck

like wearing socks + sandals and shorts

Yeah, i own the MIJ one that has a rosewood neck instead

now that's classy af

good job user you truly are your brother's keeper

After a week long break I've got band practice jam session tomorrow. THE HYPE IS REAL BOYS, MY BODY IS SO READY.

Most likely some sort or reissue that has been modded or a custom shop build.

i wanna give her a hug desu

bless your heart user

Lite Ash Tele make in Korea

birdseye maple doe

Trust me. I have one.

thank u

I pulled this off google. You cant always tell its birdseye in the light.

>Lads, what tele is this?
A stage prop for a vocalist.

It's missing a couple of files since I needed to stay below 100 mb to be able to upload to mixtape.moe though.

The missing images are takekumo's art, just search "takekumo" on Google and he posts a lot of his drawings on pixiv and Tumblr. Pic related.

rate part 1

part 2

very 80s/10
I like it

>Original Sunburst
You have a fetish for old people.

Pretty and vintage, but it's a Teisco under the label. They're not great.


I just wanted a tele at the time I got this, I would have preferred a blonde finish, but I'm happy regardless. As for the Kent, it plays pretty nicely. The pickups sound great. It's in good condition.


Epic memeing bro, you sure showed him.

>big muff into a JC


That looks like it's so dinky it would fall apart in your hands...

It's a pretty solid meme machine

Good but, but:
>Dee addario
Come on man...

>getting a jazz sound from any guitar
- step 1: roll the tone knob all the way back, if your guitar doesn't have a tone knob, mod one.
- done

Wolf Alice

Yeah neck single coil just doesn't cut it. I would go for a mini humbucker if possible.

Rose wood fret boards are fuck ing stup id

What brand is generally considered as a good choice for middle-low range ($400-$600) semihollows? I've heard good things about Epis

Try a Hagstrom Viking.

Any tips on how to get Slipknot tone in guitar rig?

Maximum gain, scoop out all mids. Instant metal. Don't forget to tune down.

Drop D + Max gain, bass and treble + scooped mids + a noose to hang yourself with

>drop d
You tried

More like drop A

3/4 is still better than 0/4

Squier mustang, jazzmaster or jaquar?

I'm not sure which one to go for

Help me /gg/

Also who else /rick/?

There's a 330 on reverb for $1050. I might get it if it's still there later on

>Frets glued onto the board

Hahah, no.

Hey guys, I've been playing bass for 2 years and would like to learn guitar next. Is pic related a sensible choice?